Sequel: I'd Run Away
Status: complete

There's Only One Way Down This Road

This midwest town is gonna miss you.


Breathe, Lex. It’s easy. In and out. Don’t start getting nervous now. You don’t even get this nervous on stage, why are you getting nervous now? All you’re doing is picking up Jasmine for a date, no big deal. Man up. You’re Alex fucking Gaskarth, you’re boss. Jasmine will love whatever you do for her.

Never before have I been so nervous for a date in my life. My palms are totally soaked and my right foot hasn’t been still since I finished getting ready, which was three hours ago. Sweaty palms and restless feet are a bad combination while driving, trust me.

Everything for the date has been set up already, thanks to a lot of help from Jack and Zack. Our date will consist of dinner at Waffle House, dessert, and then a lovely walk in the park with some surprises. Cliché, I know, but I want our date to be simple and easy.

At exactly five o’clock, I was greeted by the most beautiful girl in the world on her doorstep. Jasmine is definitely one of God’s finer creations. Her freshly redone brown hair was in loose curls that flowed down around her face and topped by a headband that went perfectly with her outfit. I couldn’t even look beyond her eyes, which were surrounded by a very small amount of makeup. Jasmine looks absolutely flawless.

She smiled at me and took the typical rose I offered to her. Her eyes scanned over my body before moving back to mine. “Don’t you look gorgeous, Mr. Gaskarth.”

“I’m positive you’re more gorgeous, though.” I said, offering the younger girl my arm. She rested her manicured hand on the inside of my elbow and walked beside me towards the car.

“You’re such a gentleman, how did I get so lucky?” Jasmine asked, standing on her tip toes to kiss my cheek. Before she could pull too far away, I swooped in and kissed the tip of her nose. Her tiny nose scrunched up and a giggle passed through her lips. Our lips soon connected in a short kiss before Jasmine pulled away. “Get in the car, Lexy. We have a date to go on.”

“Awh Lex, Waffle House?” Jasmine said, smiling at me. I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks as she pecked my lips and pulled me inside. When we were situated in a booth, her hands were trapped within mine over the table. The same booth we were in on our first date when I asked her to be my girlfriend.

“Of course. I wanted to keep it simple. And I know for a fact you like their food, and I wanted to take you somewhere that makes you happy.”

A bright smile spread across Jasmine’s face, which was an amazing sight to see. “You’re such a dork, Alex. I love it.” She giggled, still smiling.

“I’m only a dork for you, baby girl.” I said, nudging her with my knee under the table. She giggled again and nudged me back.

“That’s a lie, Alexander.” Jasmine said, giggling again. “You’re a dork all the time. You just put it into overdrive around me.”

I don’t know how I got a girl like her, but I’m truly thankful. Jasmine is probably the best thing that has ever happened to my life. I don’t care how much younger she is than me or how long I’ve known her. I know for a fact that I really really like her and nothing can change that.

“Keep being mean to me and I won’t take you for dessert.” I said, stroking the back of her hand with my thumb. She stuck out her tongue at me and slid her hands out of mine. My jaw dropped a little and a pout formed on my face. “I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t mean that.”

Jasmine just nodded and held onto my hands again. “That’s what I thought.”

Our dinner was amazing. Any time I spend with this amazing girl is amazing. As our waitress so kindly put it, we were acting like we were in the ‘honeymoon’ stage of our relationship. She didn’t even retract her statement when we informed her that we were not married but only just stated dating. All she did was nod and smile before giving us our check.

Neither Jasmine nor I could stop smiling through the entire meal, and our cheeks were adorned with permanent blushes. Just being in her presence drives me crazy, and I’m guessing I do the same for her. Jasmine is the only girl who drives me this wild, honestly.

“Are you going to tell me where this sacred dessert is, Mr. Gaskarth?” Jasmine said as we walked towards my car. When we got to the vehicle, she leaned against the side and pulled my body against hers. She slid her hands up my chest and around my neck, bringing my face closer. Jasmine brushed her lips over mine and slowly moved towards my ear. “Or am I going to have to force it out of you” Jasmine whispered followed by a slight nip to my ear.

I couldn’t help but let out a slight moan as she giggled. Her lips moved back towards mine and pressed themselves against me with a great amount of force. Our lips moved in sync, and our tongues followed shortly after. I reluctantly pulled away and rested my forehead against hers.

“I want it to be a surprise, baby girl. And if we don’t go now, we’ll be late.” I helped her into her seat and shut the door before walking to the driver’s side. Only when the car was started up and we were driving did I reach over the middle compartment to hold onto Jasmine’s hand. She blushed slightly and smiled at me, cuddling more comfortably into her seat.

“Is it just going to be us two for this dessert?” Jasmine’s voice seemed like a scream compared to the comfortable silence we’d been sitting in. It took me completely off guard.

“Not exactly, a few other people will be joining us.”

“Are we almost there?” She said as I turned onto the all too familiar street. Falcon Crest Road was the very beginning of the neighborhood I’d grown up in. It has been far too long since I’ve entered this neighborhood.

I just nodded as I took the third left onto Surrey Lane and pulled into the fifth driveway on the right. “We’re here, baby.”

“Is this your parent’s house, Alexander?” Jasmine exclaimed, her head almost snapping off her body as it turned towards me. Her eyes were wide and the breath had been sucked out of her as I shook my head yes.

“We can always leave if you’re not ready to meet them, Jasmine. My mom will understand.”

Jasmine’s eyes slipped shut for a brief moment before she opened them, looking as calm and collected as she did before. A smile crossed her lips and spread to her eyes as she squeezed my hand. “I’m excited, it just caught me off guard. Let’s go.”

She slipped out of the car and we met right at the front of the car. I think I’m more nervous than she is, to be honest. Jasmine just seems completely unphased by the fact that she will be meeting my parents in less than five minutes. I, on the other hand, am freaking out. I think Jasmine could tell, though, because she slid her hand into mine and kissed me lightly on the lips.

Walking to the door of the house I spent my teenage years in was difficult and honestly, I didn’t want to do it. As excited as I was for Jasmine to be meeting my parents, I didn’t want them to dislike her or make her feel awkward. All too soon, Jasmine was knocking on the front door and giving my hand light squeezes.

There was a great deal of ruckus from behind the door before it opened. Only when it seemed like no one was there was when a head of hair peeked out from behind it, followed by a forehead, creepy eyebrows and a pair of big brown eyes.

“Jack, what the hell are you doing here.” I questioned my best friend. He opened the door the rest of the way and ushered us inside, closing it behind him.

“You said Mama G was making dessert tonight and I couldn’t resist myself. You know how much I love her cooking. Besides, all the families are here.”

“All the families? What do you mean, Jack?”

“My parents, Rian’s parents, Zack’s parents, me, Zack, Rian, and Cass. Mama G didn’t want to make Jasmine feel awkward, so she made it as homey as possible.” Jack latched onto Jasmine’s free hand and began to pull her into the kitchen. She shot a smile back towards me and followed him. All I could do was stand and shake my head disbelievingly for a few seconds before my mother called out to me.

I walked into the kitchen and was greeted with a big hug and a kiss on the forehead. “Alexander, I’ve missed you so much.” My mom said, her British accent still clear in her voice.

“Hey Ma. I missed you too.” I pulled away from her grasp only to be pulled into another hug by my father. “Hi Dad.”

“You better start visiting us more often, Alex. Your mother worries about you, you know.” He said, pulling away and patting me on the back. “Now where is this amazing girlfriend we get to meet?” My father questioned.

“Jack didn’t bring her in here? That’s weird.”

“Everyone else is in the living room, son. I was just helping your mother finish up dessert. Go join them.” He said, nudging me towards the living room. “I’m only doing this because if you knew what we were having for dessert, you’d eat it all before anyone else got to it.” My fathers loud laugh greeted my ears and put a smile onto my face. I couldn’t help but laugh with the merry man.

“Is that a fat joke, Dad?”

“Well of course it is, Alexander William! Now go to your girlfriend.” I walked out of the kitchen and into the living room, still smiling. From the kitchen, you could hear my mother scolding my father and threatening him with no dessert himself. My father began apologizing a great deal before they both laughed.

My parents were the best. They’ve been married for over thirty years and they still act like they’re dating. I would die to have a relationship like them.

Jack grabbed onto my hand and pulled me into his lap, kissing my cheek. He nuzzled his face into my neck and lightly kissed it as well. “I missed you, baby boy.”

“Jack, you dick. Back off my boyfriend!” Jasmine exclaimed, pushing Jack slightly. The room erupted in laughter as the two playfully fought on the couch over me before pulling me between them. They both cuddled into my sides and wrapped their arms around me, much like they had done this morning. I couldn’t help but lean down and kiss both of their mouths, which earned us more laughter.

“You would think since he’s got a girl that him and Jack would calm down with the Jalex stuff, but I think it’s gotten worse.” Rian exclaimed, which resulted in a slap from Cass.

“At least someone loves me, Dawson!’ Jack shouted, throwing a pillow at the aforementioned boy.

“No one loves you, Barakat. Alex only does it for the sex!” Jasmine said, lightly pushing Jack from across my waist. Jack began to fake cry and whimper into my neck, which sounded so believable. “Oh shit, I’m sorry Jack! I love you!” My girlfriend exclaimed, jumping over my lap to hug Jack.

The lanky boy started laughing, which made Jasmine laugh. Soon, the whole room was laughing at the two, even the parents.

“Oh goodness. This girl is like Jack without a penis. Where did you find her, Alex?” Mr. Barakat questioned, which led to Joyce slapping him upside the head.

Oh, how I’ve missed my family.