Sequel: I'd Run Away
Status: complete

There's Only One Way Down This Road

he's bringing me home a suprise

Today’s the day. I will finally be hearing about my mother. I’ll know if she ever left France, if she has a new family, a new life. I’ll know if she’s successful in life or completely wasted it away.

I don’t really like showing how much this is bugging me, so I’m just letting everything go and acting happy.

Honestly, though? I’m kind of freaking out.

Alex has been constantly telling me how everything will be okay and how everything will work out, but I don’t know.

It’s now been eighteen years since she left me and my dad. So much could happen in those eighteen years and my life is the perfect example of that.

Here I am, eighteen years later, sitting in the passenger’s seat of my boyfriend’s car on the way to meet the investigator. We’re meeting for ‘brunch,’ thank goodness. If our meeting was any later in the day, I’d be a wreck for the longest time.

Alex has his hand on mine, softly stroking my skin with his thumb. Our entire ride has been silent for the most part, aside from the occasional inspirational words from Alex. The silence is comforting enough, though, on top of his words. He always knew exactly what to do to make me feel better.

I’m so in love with this man, it’s crazy.

An intense vibrating in the pocket of my jeans snapped me away from my thoughts before I could think anymore about Alex. I pulled the device from my jeans and unlocked it, automatically opening up the messages screen.

I was met with six new messages, all from a different contact. Going through them, I couldn’t help but smile and giggle.

From My Aladdin <3 (Jack-Jack!):

From girlfriend <3:
Baby girl, I love you a ton and I wish you the best of luck with the investigator today. Be strong like I know you are and push through whatever he tells you, good or bad. You’re literally the most amazing girl I’ve ever met and I’m honored to call you my girlfriend. <3 Love you, sweetie. (jack already texted you about it I think but we need a girls night tonight. ;))

From Cameron:
I need your help, Jasmine. I’ve messed up so majorly and you’re the only one who I trust enough to talk to. Call me as soon as possible, please. I need you so bad. Oh, and I heard about what was happening today. Good luck!

From brian the teddy bear:
Good luck today, Jazzy. I love you. <3 Stay stong!

From muscle man merrick:
I wish you the most luck today, jazz. I love you and I know you’ll do great.

From Spencey <3:
Awe yeah, Girls night tonight yeah. Your place. Me you jack and bex. Get pumped, bro. Oh, AND GOOD LUCK TODAY BABY GIRL. I LOVE YOU SO FUCKIN’ MUCH. you’re my bestest friend and you’re the best person I know. Me and the fam and ben are here for you if you need it and even if you don’t, we are. Love you, sweetie. <3

I quickly sent a “thanks love, I love you too” to Spencer, Zack, Rian, Becca, and Jack and sent an “I’m always here for you, Cam. I’ll call you once I’m done with brunch.” to Cameron and locked my phone again.

“We’re here baby.” Alex said, already standing at my open door. I smiled sheepishly at him and graciously took the hand he offered. “Don’t be too nervous, love. It’s not like she’s here with the man, anyways. You’ll be fine, I know it.” Alex lightly kissed my temple and led me into the IHOP.

Twenty minutes have passed and the investigator still isn’t here. This extra stress really isn’t helping my nerves at all.

“Baby girl, you will be fine. I’m sure Mr. Wertz promised he would be here and he hasn’t let you down yet. Just try to calm down.” Alex said, squeezing my hand and kissing my cheek. I just turned to him and buried my head in his neck. Alex chuckled lightly and turned his head to rest on mine. “I love you, baby.”

“I love you too, Lexy. I just want to get this over with.” I responded. As soon as the words left my mouth, Mr. Wertz came into my line of sight with possibly the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen behind him.

The investigator just waved and shook Alex’s hand before helping the woman into the booth. This unfamiliar woman had dark brown hair down to about mid-back, bright blue eyes, and perfect skin. It almost seemed as if it was completely clear. She was on the short side, but very well endowed where most men look. She was flawless.

“Oh shit.” Alex muttered to himself, not meaning for me to hear it. I gave him a confused glance which he just brushed off and continued glaring at Mr. Wertz. When I turned my head straight again, I noticed that the beautiful woman was staring straight at me with tears in her eyes and her hand over her mouth.
“I know we never discussed bringing your mother today or not but when she heard I was meeting you, she begged me for hours on end to meet you and I didn’t have it in me to say no.” Mr. Wertz said, explaining who the woman next to him was.

Hearing that she was my mother made everything a little more obvious. I had her eyes, her nose, her mouth, her ears, her everything. It was frightening how much I look like this woman, honestly.

“We did discuss it and I said no to it. I didn’t know we were paying for you to go against our wishes.” Alex said venomously. Out of the entire five months I’ve known him, I’ve never heard Alex speak like that to anyone. It actually scared me a little bit. I couldn’t help but flinch back when I heard it, which made Alex frown at me.

He brought our hands out from where they were placed under the table and kissed the back of my hand, a silent apology. Alex dropped our hands to their previous position and began stroking the back of my hand with his thumb.

“With all due respect Mr. Gaskarth, I believe it is Jasmine’s decision and I never heard that so I made a judgment call.”

“I know what my girlfriend wants, sir. And judging by how nervous she was to even hear the news about her mother, I think you made the wrong call.”

“I do not really care to hear what you think, Mr. Gaskarth. This was-“

“Will you two kindly shut the fuck up. Alex is right, I wasn’t ready for it and regardless, you shouldn’t have brought her. But, it’s already happened and it’s in the past now. Just tell me what I hired you to tell me so I can go home and spend time with my boyfriend before he leaves. I don’t have all day, damnit.” I demanded, interrupting Mr. Wertz and surprising everyone at the table.

The investigator awkwardly cleared his throat before opening his mouth. “Well, since your mother left eighteen years ago, she’s actually been quite successful. Anastasia stayed in France for a few years before relocating to Italy, where she took up acting. You were about fourteen when she relocated to New York City and has spent the last four years owning her own modeling agency. She has yet to be remarried but she is in a very committed relationship with a man named Daniel and they are engaged.”

“You cannot be serious right now.” I said, struggling to wrap my mind around what I had just heard. “You are telling me that while I was sitting here, suffering through depression, my father’s death, and medical shit coming out the ass, my mother was making a new life for herself in New York. Honestly right now?”

“Baby girl, I didn’t want to lose you in the first place. Your father and I were young, my parents didn’t want us to be together. As soon as I was okay to leave the hospital, they made me move out of Brittany and into Paris. I tried my hardest to stay in contact with your father, but he just stopped when you were about three. I had no idea where you guys were, but if I did I would have been there. Then, your father died and the news got back to me through my parents, but they said it was a murder and you had been killed too. I only moved to New York to start over and try to get over the depression I was suffering because of the whole situation. Trust me. Now that I have the chance to be in your life, I’m not letting you go.” My mother spoke for the first time with a very thick French accent. Just like her looks, her voice was beautiful.

“I think that concludes my business here. It was great working with you all.” Mr. Wertz said, shaking my hand and Alex’s before exiting the building.

“Well, it seems we have a lot of catching up to do now.” I stated, as we all stood to leave.

If I can’t have my father in my life, I may as well try to have my mother in it. I’m determined to make this work.


“Wait, so how old are you?” Anastasia asked Alex with a playful tone in her voice.
The three of us decided it would be best if my mother and I got to know eachother, so we went back to Jack’s house. Jack’s house meant Jack was there, along with Ben, Spencer, and Becca. The seven of us were all spread out in Jack’s living room, covering the couches and some of the floor.

“Freshly 23, ma’am. My birthday was only four days ago.” Alex explained, looking straight at my mother. To say things were going well would be a huge understatement. Things were going amazingly.

“So tell me Alexander, are you a virgin?” My mother asked bluntly, making Becca spit out the Coke she was in the process of drinking. Alex’s eyes went wide and his mouth opened and closed like a fish until he finally shook his head. “And why not? Are you going to force my daughter to have sex with you? Are you clear of STD’s or have you impregnated a girl? Are you going to pressure her? Do your parents know?”

I couldn’t help but laugh as Alex tried to answer the questions from my mother. He was a stuttering mess, but it was so adorable. I didn’t have it in me to tell him that my mother was joking.


“Baby girl, I have to get going. Call me or text me, okay? I can’t let you go again.” My mom said, hugging me tightly as we stood at the door. She kissed my forehead before walking out the front.

I had tears in my eyes as she walked away, upset that our day was ending. Alex just walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

“Come on, sweetheart. We should get you to bed, it’s late.” He lead me up the stairs to my room, undressing me and helping me into the bed. Alex undressed himself and laid down beside me, arms wrapped around me.

“I missed you Lexy. I don’t want you to leave again.”

“Baby girl, I promised it will get easier on us. I missed you too, love. Let’s just enjoy the time we have together and look forward to an amazing few weeks, okay?” Alex said, kissing my cheek.

I turned my head towards him so our lips were locked in a passionate kiss. After a few seconds, I pulled away and buried my head in Alex’s chest.

“I love you Alexander.”

“I love you more, Jasmine.”

And for the second time in months, I fell asleep completely content with my life.