Sequel: I'd Run Away
Status: complete

There's Only One Way Down This Road

Where'd all the good people go?

To say I was shocked would be the biggest understatement ever.

Not only was Mrs. Gaskarth one of the sweetest people ever, she also had a heart of gold.

Once she explained her reasoning behind her awful treatment towards me the first time we met, Mrs. Gaskarth was the best.

It turns out, Mrs. Gaskarth had worked with my father’s girlfriend, and was actually quite comfortable with her. They ended up talking a lot and of course, my dad’s girlfriend shit talked me the entire time and told Mrs. Gaskarth of every problem I had in my life. Mrs. Gaskarth jumped to conclusions when Alex brought me home and thought I was going to ruin her son, so she treated me like crap. Alex walking away from her must have made her realize how awful she truly was and she wanted to make things right.

I don’t know, it sounds so dumb but I just really want Alex to be happy, so I go with it.

Mrs. Gaskarth ended our lunch date reminding me once again to call her Isobel and for Alex to keep calling so we can do this again. It was actually a quite successful outing.


Unfortunately, Alex is once again working. Flyzik called a band meeting and being the lead singer, he kind of had to go. Matty promised it would only be about an hour and then Alex would be right back in my arms.

So now, I’m laying in Lexy’s back yard with Becca and Spencer, waiting for the boys to get back so we can have the girls night that was supposed to happen last night.

“Hey Jazz…” Spencer said from his position under my head. We were laying in a ‘4’ position with my head on his stomach and his head on Becca’s stomach, who had her head resting on my stomach.

“What do you want?” I whined back, emitting a chuckle from both of my friends.

“How far have you and Alex gone?”

I was silent for a second, caught off guard by the blunt question.
“We haven’t gone far at all, actually. I mean, I’m waiting until marriage for sex, and we don’t need to do anything else. It’s never even been brought up in a conversation before. How far have you and Ben gone?”

It was Spencer’s turn to be silent, now.
“Uhh, we’ve gone all the way.”

I could practically feel Spencer turning red as Becca and I laughed at him. He’s so adorable.

“Stoooooop. Don’t make fun of me.” Spencer said, still blushing.

“Oh Spencey, you know we love you boo-boo.” Becca said, still laughing.

“Can you believe that in less than six months, we’ll be graduating?”
A silence followed Spencer’s statement, making his statement more intense than it already was.

“I honestly can’t believe it. I can’t even believe that I wasn’t friends with you two five months ago. It seems like everything’s changing and happening so suddenly, I can’t tell if I like it or not.” Becca was the first to reply, and I soon followed.

“I agree, babe. This time five months ago, I would have been with Kylie, Spencer, and Cameron, bitching about how I have to get into the best college possible or I’ll die. Now, though, I’m not even friends with Kylie and I’m barely friends with Cameron and I’ve got an entirely new group of friends. I wouldn’t have even pictured us being friends, Bex, ever. I would never have pictured myself with an amazing boyfriend or Spencer having a boyfriend as great as Ben. I even met my mother, for goodness sakes. I never thought that would ever happen.” I replied, waiting for Spencer to add in his part.

“I just can’t believe that I won’t with you guys next year.”
I couldn’t stop the tears welling up in my eyes as Spencer sat up, forcing me and Becca to sit up with him. Both of my best friends had years rolling down their cheeks as well.

It’s true, though. Becca and I are both going to school in New York, (I got accepted into NYU with a leadership and orphan scholarship and Becca got accepted into the New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts [NYCDA]). Spencer, however, got accepted into a small private college in Maine majoring in English.

Thankfully, his college is only about seven hours away from us so we will both be paying many visits. Also, planning on when we all visit home will give us more time together. Not to mention the same time zone so skyping is always allowed.

To say I’ll miss him is the biggest understatement ever.

“Ugh, and you two are living together while I’m gonna have to deal with some freak. What if he’s mean?” Spencer said, pouting at Becca and I. We just laughed and hugged the boy, laying back on the grass and cuddling into his sides.

The three of us continued laying on the grass until the rest of the boys came home and Ben came over.

Alex laid down beside me and pulled my body away from Spencer. I just smiled and pecked his lips, resting my head on his shoulder.

“Hey guys, can we have a cookout and sleep under the stars tonight?” Zack asked from his position next his beautiful girlfriend Lindsey. Rian was sitting in a lawn chair with Cass on his lap and Jack was laying with Bex. Of course, Ben and Spencer were cuddling too.

Many noises of agreement came from the group, but no one moved to stand up.

Alex and I both looked at each other before shouting “Nose goes on getting everything!” and pressing our index fingers to each other’s noses, giggling.

A groan came from somewhere to my right as Rian stood up, pulling Cass up with him.
“Are we just gonna do burgers, hot dogs, smores’, beers, and cokes? Or do we want wine tonight?” Rian asked, grabbing his keys out of his back pocket. Becca coughed, making Rian add “Oh sorry, veggie burgers also.” Becca just nodded and smiled.

“Let’s just do beer. I’m not feeling to fancy tonight.” Alex said, making Jack agree with him.

“Yeah I think that’s it. Thanks Rian.” Zack answered before Rian and Cass walked out of the backyard.

Alex, Jack, Zack, and Ben all stood up and ventured into the house to get all the blankets and sleeping bags possible for our chilly night cook out. Lindsey, Spencer, Becca, and I followed, but we went up to the attic instead.


By the time Rian and Cass came back, the entire back yard was decorated with white and pink Christmas lights and the ground was covered with sleeping bags, pillows, and blankets.

Cass squealed and ran over to where Lindsey, Becca, Spencer, and I were located, leaving Rian to get the bags himself.

“Please tell me someone has a camera. I have a feeling tonight will be very picture worthy.” She exclaimed, sitting next to Spencer. The four of us nodded, making her smile.

I have a feeling it’s gonna be a great night.


Music was blasting from the speaker system as we all sat on the ground, happily eating our food.

“Jasmine Parkes Davis, if you do not slow down with the burgers, you’re gonna get sick.” Alex exclaimed, giving me a ridiculous look. “I mean, you’re on your fourth baby girl. Aren’t you full?”

“You calling me fat, Gaskarth?”

Everyone laughed as Alex turned red, stuttering a defense out.

“Of course not, you know you’re not. I don’t think you are cause you’re not. I love you.” He said, still blushing.

I giggled and leaned towards my boyfriend, pecking him lightly on the lips.
“I love you too, Lexy.”

All of our friends awwed and smiled at us, making both of us blush harder. Once everyone went back to their separate conversations, Alex kissed my lips with a little more force than I used before.

A bright flash made Alex and I pull away from each other, and towards the source of light.
Lindsey and Becca stood in front of us, smiling at the camera and awwing.

“What the hell, guys?” I asked, looking at them like they were crazy.

“Don’t get mad, baby. That’s like the fiftieth picture we’ve taken of you two tonight.” Becca replied, smiling at me.

I stood out of Alex’s embrace and wrapped my arms around the taller girl’s waist. “Baby girl, you know I could never be mad at you.” I said before kissing Becca’s lips lightly.

All the boys’ jaws dropped as Becca and I stood laughing.

“That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. Please do that again. Please.” Jack asked, practically drooling.
“I agree. One more time?” Zack asked, his face mirroring Jack’s.
“I third that statement.” Rian said, earning a slap from Cass.
“Uhh, I didn’t quite catch that dear. Again?” Alex said with the cutest expression ever on his face.

“Guys, we’re not here to help you live out your lesbionic fantasies of watching two girls get it on. You have porn for that.” Becca said, shooting down all the boys. Alex sighed and pulled be back down into his lap.

“I love you baby.” He said, smiling into my neck. I moved so I was straddling his waist and leaned down to kiss him again. This time, our kiss was uninterrupted.

Alex snaked his arms around my waist and let his hands rest lightly on my butt while I moved my hands to around his neck. My fingers immediately began playing with the tips of his hair, making him smile into our kiss. Alex ran his tongue over my bottom lip and bit down lightly when I wouldn’t part my lips. His tongue slid past my lips and gently rubbed up against mine.

“Ow owww, get it Gaskarth!” Jack exclaimed, which led to Alex giving him the bird. I smiled into our kiss once again as Lex put his hand back. “You know this is going on our Buzznet, right?” Jack asked, earning a small wave from Alex. Not once did he ever remove his lips from mine. “At least formerly introduce your girl!”

Alex groaned into our kiss, and pulled his lips away from mine. I just began placing light kisses along his neck, building up to his soft spot before nipping on the skin. Only when he moaned lightly did I pull away, smiling.

Lex waved at the camera again and lifted my arm so I waved also.

“Hey guys, this is my amazing girlfriend Jasmine. Isn’t she super pretty?” He kissed my cheek, making me smile.

“Hii.” I said, blushing slightly at Alex’s comment.

Jack walked away again to go annoy Bex, leaving Alex and I alone once more.

Once the night calmed down, we all moved to get situated in the blankets. Of course, Rian was curled up with Cass, Zack with Lindsey, Ben with Spencer, Jack with Becca, and Alex with me.

Becca and Jack have the potential to be the cutest couple ever, but neither are willing to tell the other how they feel. Jack has had the biggest crush on Becca since they met in the hair place months ago, and Becca’s liked him since the night of the art showcase.

Alex and I decided that if they didn’t get together within the next week, we’d intervene.

“I love you baby girl.” Alex whispered, pressing his lips against mine.

I pulled away slightly and whispered back, “I love you too, Lexy.” before pressing our lips together once again.

He pulled me even closer into him and pulled away, kissing my forehead lightly.

“Good night, gorgeous. I love you so much.” Was the last thing I heard before completely slipping under.