Sequel: I'd Run Away
Status: complete

There's Only One Way Down This Road

I can't give you a reason.

Since our camp out, a thick layer of snow has blanketed most of Maryland.

As much as I love the snow, we’ve been forced to stay inside due to the crazy amount and the fact that it just keeps coming. If I were to go outside right now, the snow would be up to my waist.

This is both good and bad. Good because the entire band and their girlfriends plus Ben and Spencer are in the house, leaving us all stranded together. Also, it’s the perfect excuse to be really cuddly and cute with Alex.

It’s bad because we lose power every once in a while, making it colder than it already is. I’m pretty sure we’re all getting a bit stir crazy too. Tensions are so high that a fight breaks out every once in a while, making things worse than they already are.

Oh, and none of us have gotten presents for anyone. But we don’t have the opportunity to go out and get them.

Somehow, Matt managed to fight his tiny body through the door and into the house to keep the band in order. He has them practicing for at least five hours a day to ‘build up Alex’s endurance singing wise and the boys playing.’

I think he’s crazy.
He’s taking my boyfriend away and I want him back.

Like right now? They trapped in the basement with Matty playing their little hearts out. Oh, and they’ve only been down there an hour!

“Hey Jazz, you’ve got an email, baby.” Spencer said from my desk.

Bex, Spencer, and I decided to spend as much time together as we could for the last semester to make up for not being together next year. We haven’t really done anything away from each other unless it involves our boys.

I groaned and stood up from my extremely comfortable position of cuddling with Becca on my bed. I walked over to Spencer and say on his lap, making him wrap his arms around my waist and rest his chin on my shoulder.

Spencer already had the email open and as soon as I saw who it was from, I couldn’t stop the smile from crossing my face.

“Aww. He’s so cute.” I said, giggling slightly.

Alex sent me an email.

Hey baby girl (:
I know you’re upset with Matt for making us practice so much, but he’s promising to give me back for Christmas and the rest of the time we’re on break.

I love you.

I think you’re the most beautiful girl on this entire planet.
Even prettier than Miley Cyrus and you know I love her.
But I love you more.

I know you’re probably blushing like crazy by this point, but I’ll still try to make it a bit deeper.

Do you want to know exactly why I love you?

Cause if you do, sucks. There’s no way I’m gonna be able to explain my love for you. I’m pretty sure I would be going on for days (;

I’m gonna try, though.

1. You’re the most beautiful girl I know.

2. You have an amazing personality.

3. You know how to make me smile when I don’t think I can.

4. You make me the best person I can possibly be.

5. You look past all the bad things I’ve ever done.

6. You still date me even though I was gone for over half of our relationship so far.

7. You eat like a man. No matter who you’re around.

8. That just proves that you’re not afraid to be yourself around me, which I love.

9. You’re the funniest person I’ve ever met.

10. You are a great friend to not only me but everyone else you’re friends with.

11. God dealt you the shittiest card he had in his pile, but you still wake up every day
smiling and making sure others are happy.

12. Even when it’s your time of month, you’re the nicest person I know.

13. You laugh at all of my cheesy jokes.

14. You incredibly creative and amazing at what you do.

15. Hearing your voice gives me the biggest butterflies.

16. You accepted my friends no problem, even back on our first date.

17. We can go to local concerts and you only say positive things about who was
playing, even if they sucked.

18. “Oh hey, at least the guitarist is cute.” Is the most common one.

19. Even if the guitarist is ugly.

20. You like my music, even though it’s not your favorite style.


22. Meeting other artists that I’m friends with still makes you smile.

23. We can get drunk together.

24. You’re the freest spirit I know.

25. You’re pretty bad ass (;

26. You have an amazing body.

27. You’re still a virgin.

28. I was your first kiss and boyfriend.

29. You have guys who would kill to date you, but you chose me.

30. You still watch Pokémon with me on Saturday mornings.

31. You love God.

32. You’re extremely intelligent.

33. That’s super sexy.

34. I sometimes get boners because you’re really hot and arousing and I have to
either leave you and go to the bathroom or take care of it elsewhere.

35. You didn’t even notice that once when we were Skyping while I was on tour, I
jerked off under the table my laptop was on.

36. It was the day that you decided to call when you just got out of the shower and
then changed, not even caring I was still there. You put on a really sexy black lacy thong and
a matching bra, and laid in that until your hair dried. Then, you threw on one of the shirts I left and home and nothing else.

37. You chew on the cap of your pen while you’re thinking.

38. You won’t even care that I masturbated to the sight of you alone.

39. Ten bucks say you just smiled and blushed.

40. You’re really modest.


42. You blush and giggle whenever I tell you that I write a song about you and you
don’t stop smiling when I actually play it for you.

43. I remember when you called me the night you found out that you got accepted
into NYU. It was in the middle of a concert, but I didn’t care and answered the call anyway. When you told me what happened, I started practically crying and laughing and cheering. I knew you were crying too. Then I told the entire sold out arena that you got accepted into NYU which was the college of your dreams and everyone cheered. Later, a girl came up to me and told me that she just got accepted too and that it turns out you were majoring in the same thing. I hugged her and told her congrats and all that and said it means I’ll be seeing her again eventually.

44. You look cute with purple hair.

45. I love playing with your dread <3

46. I think it’s really cute how you’re waiting until at least seven months into a
relationship to have sex because ‘seven eight nine’

47. I can’t wait until I can ravish you and make you scream my name.

48. I just got a boner.

49. I think your logic is so cute.

50. You aren’t afraid to tell people about what happened that one time we got high

51. You have everyone thinking you’re this innocent little girl, but we both know
you’re not (;

52. You have the most perfect ass I’ve ever seen.

53. Obviously, I’m horny and I know it won’t bug you.

54. I can’t wait until your graduation so I can make a sign and cheer obnoxiously for
you as you walk across stage and when you make your speech.

55. Remember when you broke your wrist a few days before I left because we were
werestling and you fell of the bed?

56. You’re pretty.

57. I love playing with your lip rings while we make out.

58. You’re oblivious to how much people love you sometimes (:

59. You treat everyone equally.

60. When we get really into our make out sessions, I love going down that perfect
body of yours and making you moan.

61. If that’s what I can do with just my mouth on your skin, I’m excited to see how
other things go. (;

62. You’re not embarrassed to tell me that you touched yourself while I was gone
cause you missed me. (;

63. God, you’re just perfect.

64. You’re friends with the weirdest people but still accept them.

65. Like that one stoner kid who always sings to himself.

66. You always go above and beyond.

67. You love Nirvana more than air.

68. You don’t even have a facebook.

69. This is gonna get super sexual. I had to. It’s 69. Don’t hate baby. <3

I don’t want to ever pressure you into anything, ever. But lately, it’s been getting harder and
harder to control myself around you. One of the only things I want is to be able to know what
it feels like to make love to you. I want to know how you taste, I want you know what it’s like to be inside of you, I just want to hear you scream. I want to watch you go down on me and ride me like it’s your freaking job. I want to be the one to take your virginity, even if it would cause you pain because I know you’ll enjoy the pleasure that comes after. I want to be the one to thrust inside of you and hit that special spot that makes you weak. I want to make you wet just by uttering a few dirty phrases to you. I want to make your knees weak just by shooting you a glance. God, I just want to have sex with you. I don’t even care if it makes me sound like a dick, I really want to fuck you. And honestly, I want to eat you out. I’ve always hated the thought of doing it to any girl but I really want to do it to you. I wanna taste your juices on my tongue as I play with your little clit and slide my fingers in and out of you. I’m actually getting really turned on just by writing this and I really hope you know that.

70. Sorry if that was awkward for you to read. I just really had to get that out there.

71. I like the ‘lez braid’ you wear your hair in when you’re feeling lazy.

72. I love how close you and Becca are.

73. I love how close you and Spencer are.

74. I love how you begged Jack for a pet mouse because you didn’t want to get
lonely, and you ended up buying eight.

75. I think the names you chose for them are really cute.

76. I like how you didn’t leave any mice in the cage because you didn’t want them to
be jealous.

77. You’re the most selfless person I know.

78. I like how much medication you have to take because it reminds me that you’re
human and not an angel. (:

79. I love how short you are.

80. I love how easy it is to cuddle the shit out of you.

81. I love how I’m in the eighties.

82. I love how you wish you were alive during the 60s and 70s.

83. I love precious you are.

84. I love how all adults love you.

85. Except for your bitchy math teacher.

86. I love how you have huge dreams, but you never really plan ahead.

87. You’re spontaneous.

88. You have a vocabulary that’s larger than a dictionary.

89. You’re witty and sarcastic.

90. You have a voice that makes even the deaf happy.

91. Wow, that one was lame. And you loved it!


93. I love how happy I get when you’re around.

94. I love you in general.

95. I love the clothes you wear.

96. I love how you look gorgeous without makeup.

97. I love how you look better without clothes off.

98. I love how you have no shame and you’re never embarrassed.

99. I love your smile.

100. I love the sound of your voice.

101. I love everything about you.

There’s my list baby girl. I love you so much and I never want you to forget that, okay?

I’ll be up soon. <3

I love you, beautiful.

Love, Your boyfriend. <3

“Well, as cute as that was, it was awkward as fuck to read.” Spencer said, making me jump a little. I completely forgot he was there, which made him bust out laughing.

“Shut up, I hate you. I thought it was cute.” I argued back, still smiling from Alex’s email.

If it was possible, my love for him grew even more today.