Sequel: I'd Run Away
Status: complete

There's Only One Way Down This Road

I want a love like Johnny and June


Such a peaceful deep sleep was interrupted by a very excited Jack Barakat and Becca Alexander.

They barged into mine and Alex’s room, immediately jumping on the end of our bed and screaming at the top of their lungs.

Keeping my eyes closed, I rolled over and snuggled deeper into Alex’s chest. Knowing Jack and Bex, it’s only like five am.

All of a sudden, the screeching and bouncing stopped and was followed by whining. Curious, I opened my right eye and looked to where I thought my best friends were.

They weren’t there. Instead, they were both laying on the floor surrounded by pillows, glaring at my boyfriend.

“Jazzzz, do something. Your boyfriend made us fall!” Becca whined, pouting at me. I just smiled and leaned towards Alex to kiss him quickly before going back to bed.

Groans of protest from the two children on the floor made me smile even wider, knowing that they know they lost.

Hours later, I awoke to Alex kissing my lips lightly and then my forehead.

“Wake up baby, everyone wants to open presents and we’re the only ones still in bed.”

I slowly opened my eyes, trying to get used to the light before giving up and closing them again. Alex laughed and moved his arms from around my body, practically forcing me to get up.

“If you get up now, I’ll make you French toast.” Alex bribed.

Of course he would offer me food. And of course I would fall for it.
I quickly got out of bed and threw on a sweatshirt before grabbing Alex’s hand and pulling him down the stairs.

“Look who finally came out of their cave!?” Spencer exclaimed as Alex and I walked into the living room. I flicked the boy off, which led to him sticking his tongue out at me.

“Can we pleaaase open presents now?” Jack whined, forcing all attention onto him. Everyone just laughed and started passing around presents.

Hours later, dinner was being made by the men and all the girls were in the family room watching RENT. And by girls, I mean everyone with a vagina and Spencer.

“I don’t understand how we always watch that movie. One of these days, we’re gonna get sick of crying.” Becca said, wiping the tears from her eyes as the final song played.

“Ugh, who am I gonna watch that with when you three go off to college next year and Cass goes back on tour?” Lindsey said, mirroring Becca’s movements.

We all laughed and continued cuddling on the couch.
Many would say that you can fit at least three people on a love seat but not us. We got five.

I honestly can’t even believe how much my life has changed in the past few months. I know I say it a lot, but it’s true. It’s just so hard to grasp how different my life is now.

I don’t even know what I’m gonna do when I go to college. I have to leave Alex, Spencer, the boys and their girls. I’m gonna have to leave where I grew up to enter a city I’ve been to twice.

What if college is too much for my relationship with Alex? I know he’s on tour and all but he always finds time to talk to me. What if between touring and my school work, plus the distance, we don’t work out? I would die if we ever broke up. I’m so in love with him it’s not even funny.

I must have fallen asleep while I was thinking because I woke up to an empty couch and my boyfriend on the floor in front of me.

“Good morning sunshine.” Alex said with the biggest smile on his face. He’s so cute.

“Lexxxxx, I missed you.”

“I missed you too, baby girl. Come on, though, dinner’s ready.”
Alex picked me up off of the couch and set me on the ground, laughing as I wiped at my eyes. He took my hand and led me into the dining room where everyone was already seated.

“How nice of you to join us, Jasmine.” Jack smirked, earning a punch in the shoulder from Becca. I just giggled and stuck my tongue out at the arab before sitting in the seat my amazing boyfriend pulled out for me. How sweet is he?

“Can we eat now? I’m hungry.” Spencer whined while rubbing his stomach, making the whole room laugh.

I couldn’t help but look around the table and enjoy the fact that the people I love the most are sitting with me during a spectacular chirstmas dinner. I wouldn’t have it any other way, to be honest.