Sequel: I'd Run Away
Status: complete

There's Only One Way Down This Road

It's love that I need.

Hello Jasmine,

At first, I was worried. I had completely forgotten that I had signed up for this and when I got your email, I freaked out alittle.Only because I didn't recognize the email, though. and I almost deleted it. (: Glad I didn't though.

I'm sure I can match your awkwardness. I get alittle shy talking to beautiful girls.

I should try introducing myself, too. You don't even know my full name yet and I'm already flirting with you. (: Apologies.

My name is Alexander William Gaskarth. My parents named me that because they fuckin' wanted to. No, I don't really know why. They were probably trying to make me sound all proper.

I was born and raised in Essex, England. I lived there until I was about eight before I moved over to the US. I am twenty two years old and I was born on December 14th. I went to Dulaney High School back in the day, and I never went to college. I absolutely hated school, but I made good enough grades to get into some hard ass classes. I also happen to be an amazing singer, as well as a great guitarist. That's what I've heard. atleast.

I'm shitty at explaining how I look. Some people don't settle with hot or sexy, so I never know how to (; I'll attach a picture so you can see? Can't go wrong with that.

You sound really cute, by the way. Not trashy at all. (: I love a girl with tattoos. Do yours have any significance or no?

I have a few tattoos, myself. A skeleton on my left forearm and skull and crossbones behind my right ear. About has hardcore as it gets. (:

I happen to have three best friends as well. I'm kind of in a band with them. We're pretty good, too. You should try listening to us sometime. Shameless self promotion. Gotta love it. I have a house in Maryland, but I'm not there often. The tour bus is like my home. (: I love every minute of it.

I'm kind of big on romance, too. I've had my fair share of girlfriends, though. I'm big on bromances, too. But anyone who knows of All Time Low can tell you that. (:

What kind of guy are you looking for? If you don't find that creepy.

Obviously music is a huge part of my life, too. I wouldn't be in a band if it wasn't. I respect those choices. I'm more into the Blink-182 scene, though. (: Again, you should go listen to All Time Low. Just saying.

Some questions to keep this interesting for months;

1. What family stuff happened? If you don't mind me asking. 2. What are some of your hobbies? 3. Are you big on the high school party scene? 4. Let's play 20 questions. To learn the basics and such.

I'm glad you were given me for this project. (:

Alex Gaskank

p.s. Jack has now been listening to that song for hours. You've created a monster.