Sequel: I'd Run Away
Status: complete

There's Only One Way Down This Road

I think I might have found me my own kind of paradise.


Nothing could bring me down right now. I was on top of the world. Concerts in our hometown were always amazing, this one was no different. We only had one song left before we had a break. I am upset, of course, but it's good to have some time with the family.

"Thank you for coming out tonight, you sexy bitches. I fucking love all of you. We are All Time Low, and this may or may not be Dear Maria."

Once the song was over, we all took our bows before walking off-stage. I need to get to my phone to see if Jasmine had replied yet. We've only been talking for about four or five days, but I actually like this girl. She’s real.

”Hey Lex, give me a ride home?” Jack said hopping into the passenger’s seat. Of course Jacky, anything for you. “Which home, mine or yours?” I questioned, nudging him playfully.

”Home means your place. You know I get lonely at mine.” Jack said before flashing me his pout. He knows how to get what he wants, I’ll give him that. “Are you speeding to get home to your lovely Jasmine?” Douche.

”Of course not, I’m rushing home to my baby. Baz must miss me after this long. And I don’t really trust my neighbor with him.” Nice cover, bro. He has to buy that.

”Oh, okay. I miss him.” Jack said with a sigh. He loves my dog more than he loves me. “How is your lady Jazz, anyways?”

”She’s not my lady, Jack. I’m just her project assignment. And she’s fine, judging by the one email she has sent me. I’ll let you read her most recent one after I do, okay?” That must have satisfied him enough, because Jack didn’t say another word until we were pulling into the driveway of my two story house. It’s simple, three bedrooms, four bathrooms, family room, dining room, all that. Nothing extravagant.

As soon as I walked through the door, Baz was all over my legs. Poor guy looks like he’s starved. “Alright Baz, let’s get you some food” Jack said happily, picking up Baz. “Go talk to your lady, Lex, and call me when you’re done reading.” It’s times like these when I hate loving him so much, If he wasn’t my best friend, I’d hit him.

Jasmine attached a picture too. God, she is gorgeous. She has the cutest smile, the prettiest blue eyes, and her hair suits her so well. She has a banging body, too. Damn, why did she have to be underage?


Hey Princess,

As long as I get to talk to you, I don’t care what I’m called. (:

Um …how did you know that? You really are some creepy fan! Kidding, I know it’s not that hard to figure it out.

I’m glad you guys all like us. We just got done with a concert, you should have come! I wish we had started talking earlier because I could have gotten the four of you tickets! It was a good show, regardless. Jack’s currently on my couch playing with all the bras he collected. I worry about him sometimes. I think he was dropped as a child.

Hook me up with this Spencer (; I’m in need of some man lovin’. <3 haha

You are flawless. Seriously, you’re smile is precious. And you have an amazing personality, any boy would be lucky you have you.

Since you can judge my friends, I should be able to see yours. It is only fair. (: Zack is a looker, I know. All the ladies love him. Don’t be hating on our bromances. We all love each other very much! hahah. Personally, I think Jack’s the cutest, but don’t tell anyone. (;

It sounds like you’ve got your head in the right place when it comes to love, but you’re still young. Anything could happen. For example, you could fall in love with a guy who’s five years older than you and just happens to be the frontman of an amazing band. Who knows? (:

Girly? Okaaay. I wanna girl who won’t only see me as Alex Gaskarth from All Time Low, but as Alex Gaskarth the person. Every celebrity’s dream. I want a girl who is cute, funny, sweet, but can also stand by what she believes in. Someone who isn’t afraid of being improper or who doesn’t constantly care about how they look. I want a girl who actually has a personality and doesn’t conform to what other people want.

I’m so sorry, babe. I know what it’s like to lose someone close to you. Atleast you found someone who loves you and cares enough about you to help. A lot of people would overlook something like that. I’m honestly shocked that you took it as a way to grow and change. It’s a really strong thing to do, and not many teenagers can do it. Most people just wallow in pity and wait for things to happen instead of moving on. You’re a strong girl, Jasmine Davis. If it helps any, I cry sometimes when I play it. That and Lullabies, although I’m not sure you’ve heard that one. They were both written for my brother, Daniel and they make me bawl like a baby. He committed suicide as well, and I was the one to find him. So I understand.

Ukulele? Cute. (: I could totally teach you how to play an actual guitar one day, though. So you can roll with the big boys. Other than the band, I do nothing. I hang out with the guys every chance I get, and my parents. That’s about all I do. And writing, of course.

I understand that mindset, I wish I had it. I was a huge partier in high school. Along with your teacher. He threw some of the best ones with the best alcohol. I’ve had a lot of one night stands, too. As much as I regret it. I stopped all that shortly after I turned 22. I still do party alittle, but nothing too bad.

I don’t really have a favorite color. If I did, it would have to be like grey or something. Least favorite movie? Mine’s home alone, because Jack watches it all the fucking time. There’s no getting away from it.

Definitely talking on the phone. It’s more intimate and meaningful than texting. But texting is useful too. To answer the last question, my parents just wanted a change. They thought my brother and I would have more luck in the US than we would in England. They thought we would achieve more.

The band is amazing. You would probably love the guys. We’re like a big family. Jack is the crazy, funny, lovable one. Rian is the one who defuses situations before they get out of control. He’s always watching out for us. Zack is the quiet one, but he stands up for all of us when needed. I don’t really know how to explain myself when it comes to us all. I just kind of get along with everyone and keep the music going.

Your questions, dear; 1. I’m in Maryland for a few weeks before we go on tour again, we should meet up? 2. How was your day? 3. After we meet up, we should get all our friends together too, yeah?

Jack reads all of my messages before I send them and he would like you to know that he’s single,


p.s. Jack has a vagina. And he thinks you guys should be friends.

p.s.s. Jack has a big penis. And you guys should be friends.

p.s.s.s. Jack has a mangina.