Sequel: I'd Run Away
Status: complete

There's Only One Way Down This Road

It's you and me and we're running this town.

School has been going by unbelievably slow today. I mean, it’s slow every day, but today has been unbearable. It feels like I have been sitting in sixth period for four hours now. I love Chorus and all, but not for this long. In less than twenty minutes, I will be meeting Alex. Around fourth period it actually hit me, and now I’m visibly shaking. I look like a scared Chihuahua. I am almost one hundred percent sure that I have never shaken so bad in my life.

I must have completely zoned out, because next thing I knew, Spencer was hitting my arm. “Come on, girly. Snap out of it. You got to date to meet.“

Oh shit. I’m ten times more nervous now. Oh my God. What if he absolutely hates me? What if I’m too overdressed? What if he doesn’t show up? What if I go to the wrong place?! So many things could go wrong right now.

“Stop running through bad scenarios and get out of my car. We’re here. Do you want me to pick you up, or are you gonna get a ride home?” Wow. I must be on autopilot today.

“Um, I don’t know. I’ll call you later.” I said before shutting the car door and heading towards the shop. The little bell above the door sounded, signaling my entrance. The barista greeted me before asking my order. My large green tea with a red velvet cupcake only cost about four dollars, but before I could pay someone joined me. “Double that order, please. And keep the tip” The man said, handing the barista a ten.

I turned around slowly and was greeted with a very happy Alex Gaskarth. He is so handsome. “Hey beautiful.” He said before wrapping his arms around me. I immediately responded and mumbled a hello into his chest. After about a minute he pulled away, leaving me slightly cold. His hugs were the best. “It’s great to finally be meeting you. You look amazing, by the way.” He said after picking up our orders. We made our way to the back of the empty little shop before choosing a table to sit at.

“It’s great to finally be meeting you too, Alex. You look quite handsome yourself.” It was true. He was wearing a grey beanie over his perfect hair. He had on a pair of black skinny jeans, a white v-neck, and a pair of grey tennis shoes. Over his v-neck, Alex was wearing a grey sweater. He is so cute. “How has your day been so far? Did the guys give you a hard time?”

Alex had been staring at me intently while I spoke, what a gentleman. “Yeah, but they do every day. To be honest, I was really nervous the whole day and I didn’t do much. I woke up, then ate. Took a shower, then ate again. Got dressed, went for lunch with the guys, and then drove here. I’ve eaten my weight in food because I was so nervous. “ He nervously chuckled before asking how my day had been.

“I’m pretty sure I did the same. I woke up, took a shower, let Ky attack me with makeup and hair products, ate, went to school, ate in every class, and now I’m here. Eating and shaking are my two nervous habits. “ I said, raising my hand out of my lap to show him how bad my shaking was. Alex let out a giggle before reaching to grab my hand.

He looked up at me with those gorgeous brown eyes before asking, “I know we just formally met and all, but I wanted to ask you out properly. The only reason I didn’t do it over email is because that’s not cute or heartfelt at all. So Jasmine, would you like to go on a date with me today?” He just got ten times cuter. “This coffee shop wouldn’t be the date. This would be the pre-date. I have something in store if you say yes.” Alex said, shooting me his award winning smile.

“Of course I’ll go on a date with you, Lex. I was kind of hoping a date would come out of today, anyways.” I said before standing up and pulling him with me. We threw the remains of our cupcakes and tea away before he grabbed my hand and led me out of the shop.

He led me over to his car, opening my door for me and closed it once he knew I was safely inside the vehicle. Once we both got buckled up, he started the car and pulled out of the lot.

“Which way do you live?” He asked after reaching over and holding my left hand.
“Just straight to the right. I’ll tell you when to turn.” He responded with an alright and took off towards my house. “Do you really have a Zac Brown Band CD in your car?” I must say I was amused. He doesn’t seem like the type to like country.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about. It must be Jack’s, or something.” He didn’t seem like he was lying, so I slipped the CD in the player. “Why are we gonna listen to it?

“Hey, it’s in your car Lexy. Why not put it to good use?” I fired back playfully. “It’s the yellow house with the white fence on your left.” He turned off the car, and opened my door for me. “You’re being quite the gentleman, Gaskarth. Not that I don’t like it. It’s cute.”

I opened the front door with my key and called out to see who was home. A distant voice called out, “We’re in my room.” Alex looked slightly nervous about meeting my friends already. Awh, how precious. “Come on” I said, leading him upstairs. “Don’t be nervous. They have to love you”

“I’d rather be listening to that country CD right now. I hate meeting people for the first time, especially when they’re the friends of the girl I like. I can’t not be nervous right now.” Alex said while grasping onto my hand like it was his lifeline. Could he be any more cute? He stopped grasping so hard and smiled a bit when I kissed the back of his hand. “You’ll be fine, Lexy.”

“Open the door, Jazzy, before I come out there!” Oh Spencer, what would I do without you? I opened the door and entered the room, pulling the nervous singer behind me. Kylie was the first one hugging him and introducing herself. That was totally out of her element, but I thank her. Alex lightened up alittle. “This is my boyfriend Cameron and the resident bisexual, Spencer. Ignore anything that may come out of their mouths in the next five minutes. They’re trying to be tough.” She said, giggling and going back to sit on her bed.

The next ten minutes was filled with ‘hurt her, and I’ll kill you’ lectures from both boys. After they saw that Alex was about to die, the loosened up. “Seriously, bro, we’re just messing. We like you as long as Jazz does. We’re just happy she found a guy who suits her picky self. “ Cameron said, giving Alex the ‘bro hug.’ I love guys. Spencer just nodded in agreement before sitting on the ground in front of Kylie’s bed.

“We should get going. Talk to you guys later!” I said before leading Alex into my room. “What should I dress for?”

“Old clothes? We’ll be getting dirty.” He said, looking around my room.

“You can explore, I’ll be changing. Don’t go through my drawers, though.” I shot him a playful smile and walked into my closet. I grabbed a pair of black running shorts, a white v-neck, and a pair of black flip flops. I took off all of my make up, put my contacts in, and reapplied a tiny bit of eyeliner and mascara. When all of my earrings were replaced with studs, I walked out of the closet.

Alex was standing and waiting when I walked out. “Ready to go?” He said, reaching for my hand.
He lead me out of the house and into his car. Once we were both safely inside, he held my hand again. “Where to now, Lexy-boo?”

He didn’t answer for a few seconds while he pulled out of my drive way. Finally he spoke up. “Now? Now, you get to meet my friends.”