Sequel: I'd Run Away
Status: complete

There's Only One Way Down This Road

My friends are a different breed.

Have you ever just felt completely drawn to someone? Regardless of how long you’ve actually known them, you just feel like you need to have them in your life? That’s exactly how I feel with Jasmine.
I’ve known her for two weeks and I’m already starting to fall for her. I don’t exactly know how and I don’t know why, but I have. She’s just so calm about everything, and she’s intelligent. She’s not like any of the girls I’ve dated in the past. She actually has a personality.

To say that I’m nervous for Jazz to meet the guys would be an understatement. They’re opinion means everything to me, and I’m not sure they’ll like her. Like I said, she’s not like other girls. I’m also pretty nervous for our date. The last thing I need is for something to go horribly wrong.

She looks so perfect right now. We’re in the car on the way back to my place, listening to Jack’s CD. Of course I knew it was Jack’s when she mentioned it. Zac rhymes with Jack and Jack loves things that rhyme with his name. It’s a dead giveaway.

“Keep your eyes on the road, Mr. Gaskarth. You don’t want me dying before our first date, do you?” Jasmine giggled then flashed a smile at me. She casually went back to nodding her head to the beat of the music.

We pulled into my driveway not even five minutes later and both started making our way to the door. She was shaking a great amount, so I reached over and held her hand. “Are you sure you’re okay with meeting the guys now? I mean, I can just go to Rian’s house or something to get clothes.” Jasmine just nodded her head and told me she was ready before opening the door to my house. “Okay then, let’s go.” I said, leading her into the entrance.

“Oh Lexy! Are you home from your date already? Did Jasmine see how ugly you are and totally ditch your ass!?”
Jasmine gave me an amused smile and let out the most adorable laugh ever. “Just ignore them. They act like they were raised by bears. I apologize in advance for them. Especially Jack, he’s the craziest.” I said, leading her to the family room.

When we walked into the room, Jack hopped of the couch and brought Jasmine in for a hug. She let go of my hand and returned his hug before pulling away. Zack and Rian were the next ones to greet her, and finally Cassadee.
“Hello. I’m Cassadee, but you can just call me Cass. The first dumbass who attacked you is Jack, then Zack, and Rian. It’s good to finally see another girl around here. It got lonely being the only one.” Jasmine just smiled before waving awkwardly. Everything she does is so cute.

“I’m gonna go up and get changed. Cass, please don’t let the guys torture her.” I smiled at Jasmine then walked up to my room. After throwing on a pair of basketball shorts, an older white v-neck, and a pair of old shoes, I was on my way back down stairs. I was greeted with the sight of Jack sitting on Jasmine’s lap and talking her ear off.

“There was this one time when Alex didn’t realize we were shooting Straight To DVD and decided to get intimate with his right hand. We had a good fifteen minutes of him stroking himself before he realized we were there. The scene was almost in the movie, but we would’ve had to give it a different rating that not many people could watch, so we didn’t. I think that was the last time he ever masturbated on the bus, honestly.” Jasmine giggled before looking towards the doorway where I was standing. I could feel my face heating up as they all laughed.

“Do you wanna get going?” I asked, trying to avoid the embarrassing stories that are sure to follow that one. They get much worse, trust me. She pushed Jack off of her lap before getting up and walking to me.
“Bye guys, it was really great meeting all of you. I’ll maybe text you for more stories later, Jack” Jasmine said waving and giggling. They exchanged numbers? Fantastic. I want her to be friends with my friends and all, but not when they’ll tell her embarrassing things.

It was six when I parked the car at our destination. The twenty minute ride from my house was filled with Jasmine singing along to the radio and dancing in her seat. I don’t care if it gets old or not, but I will always say that she is adorable. I opened her door and led her to the building.

“What are we doing here, Alex? It looks like it was abandoned years ago.” Jasmine said with a worried expression.
“That’s just how it looks on the outside, just wait until we get inside.” I opened the door and let her go in front of me. The main room was a big colorful area with paint splattered couches and other furniture. The floor and ceiling were both covered with paint splatters as well. We were led into a room that had two walls that were covered with white canvas. There were containers filled with every bright color of paint imaginable, and there were two paint brushes by each container.

“Go crazy, get dirty, it doesn’t matter how much of a mess you make. Have fun guys.” The worker walked out of the room, leaving Jazz and I alone.
“Alrighty,” Jasmine said, “you heard the man. Let’s go crazy.”

Alex walked over to a bucket of bright blue paint and dipped a paintbrush in. I repeated the process with a container of bright green paint before looking at Alex. At the same time, we splattered the paint on both pieces of canvas. For the next hour, we decorated with canvas with paint splatters, hand prints, and body prints. Alex even picked me up and we put some foot prints on the walls.
We were both covered from head to toe in splatters, and we looked ridiculous. It was fun though, but there was a lot of paint left.

I was getting some pink paint to add to the canvas when something hit me in the back. Alex started laughing loudly and started turning red. I picked up what was left of the pink and splashed it all over him. He quickly stopped laughing and stared straight at me.
“Come here, Jazzy. Gimme a hug.” He had his arms wide open and started moving toward me. I giggled and shook my head before backing away from him. He ran towards me and engulfed me in a hug. I squealed and tried to wiggle away from him.
“Lexxyy! That’s not fair, you’re so much bigger than me!” It was true. Alex was about a foot taller than I was and it sucked.

He gasped and held me away from him. “Did you just imply that I’m fat?”
I giggled and broke out of his arms. He picked up the can of yellow and splashed it all over me. It was the container that had the most paint left in it, so I was dripping with it.

“Oh, it is so on Alexander William Gaskarth.” I picked up the can of purple and doused him with it. By the time all the paint was gone, we were both soaked from head to toe in every color of the rainbow.
Alex looked at me and started laughing until he fell to the floor. He was just so cute, I couldn’t help but laugh with him. He pulled me down so I was lying next to him, still laughing.
He glanced over at me as our laughter faded away. Slowly, Alex reached over and wiped some paint from my face with his thumb. He looked like he was debating with himself inside his head.

“Can I kiss you?” He said, moving a piece of hair from my face. He looked so unsure of himself, it’s so cute. I just nodded, unable to form a yes or no. He gently placed his hand on my cheek and slowly leaned in. I leaned forward the rest of the way until our lips were pressed together with an explosion of sparks. My eyes slowly slipped shut as he deepened the kiss. Somehow, my hands found their way around Alex’s neck and were playing with the back of his hair. A few seconds later, we pulled away from one another and he rested his forehead against mine. Could this night be anymore perfect?

Neither of us spoke for a few minutes. We both just laid on the ground next to each other while the paint was drying around us. Alex reached down and held both of my hands in his and muttered something to himself.
“Would you like to go on a second date with me?” He finally said, looking into my eyes. All I could do was nod, and kiss him again. Alex had lips that were like magnets. I couldn’t stay away.
“Guys, sorry to interrupt your moment and all, but it’s nine and I gotta close up. You can come back some time tomorrow to pick your canvas and pictures up.” The worker said awkwardly, making Alex and me separate. He walked out of the room and left Alex to help me up.

“Oh my gosh, we’re filthy Lex. And we still have to ride in your car. I don’t want to mess your seats up.” Alex just smiled and handed me a towel. He then wrapped one around himself and opened the door leading out of the building. We walked out hand in hand with big smiles on our faces.

“Do you wanna go get dinner really quickly? Then I could drop you off at home?” Alex asked while opening my door for me. I said yes before he closed my door and got in the car himself.
We ended up going to Waffle House. How romantic, right? Our dinner was filled with mindless chatter and when we were done, Alex drove me back home.

“So, when do you want that second date to be?” Alex inquired while walking me to my door. “Friday night work?” I giggled and replied with a yes. “I’ll pick you up at six?” Again, I nodded my head.
“Thank you for tonight, Alex. I really had a lot of fun with you. And your friends are amazing. I’m not sure why I was so nervous, but thank you.” I leaned up and pecked his lips before going to enter the house.
“Email is great and all and I know we have to continue, but do you wanna exchange numbers? Just to make things easier?” I nodded and handed him my phone. After we entered our name and number in the others phone, we traded back. “Goodnight, Jasmine.” Alex said before leaning down and kissing me again. He pulled away and I walked into the house, leaving him alone on the porch.

Talk about an amazing first date. It was perfect. I was with the guy I like, I got my first kiss, and we have another one on Friday. Today has been the best day of my life. Now, I just have to tell Kylie and the boys.