I Never Imagined My Life Could Turn Out This Way


I stood at the kitchen counter looking at the picture of Jinx and I on the wall from the wedding when we were dancing. It's been almost three years since them. Life's been wonderful with a few bumps along the way. Things haven't really changed much. Besides that fact that Jinx is older. I smiled thinking about that night. It was the most amazing night of my life. I smiled to myself. "Mommy?" I turned to see my little girl. I had her six months after the wedding. I was pregnant during the wedding and didn't know. I smiled at her, " What can I get you Rose?" "I hungy." "Well what do you want?" I asked kneeling down to be at her height. She looked at me for a minute. "Chicken." "From the freezer or fridge?" "Fridge." She grinned. I chuckled, "Ok sweety." I stood up and started making her sandwich. I handed it to her and she walked out happy as could be. I laughed softly to myself. I turned to the sink to finish the dishes. "What are you doing?" I smiled as I finished washing the plate. "Washing dishes." I said turning to look at Brian. "Well your not suppose to be doing that." He said walking over, leaning over to kiss my seven month pregnant belly. I smiled and put my hand on his head. He stood back up wrapping his arms around me and giving me a soft kiss. "Go relax with the kids. I'll finish."I softly pushed me out of the way. I groaned. "Are you ok?" He spun around. I rolled my eyes and walked out of the kitchen. It's sweet for him to not want me to do anything but it's getting annoying. I've gone though this twice now. I can't even bend over to pick up my mess. "Angel?" "What Brian?" "Your mad." "No, I'm not mad. I'm annoyed." "Why?" "Cause you won't let me do anything. I'm not dying. I'm pregnant." I said looking at him. "I'm sorry. I just don't want anything to happen." "Nothing's going to happen Bri. You gotta remember, this isn't my first pregnancy." He sighed, " I know. I just don't want you to over do it." I smiled, "I won't, baby. I know where my limits are." I've actually be catering to everything Brian wanted. If I want something and haven't done anything all day I ask him to get me things. Just because. He loves doing things for me. I feel bad most of the time because I know I can do it myself but I know it's what he wants. "Ok, Angel." "So how did recording go?" "It went really well. We're all most done and we still have three months left to record." "Very nice." Brian turned to go finish the dishes. I grabbed his arm and dragged him into the living room with me. "Angel, the dishes need to be done." "No they don't. You've been working all day. Spend time with us before tomorrow." "Yea Daddy." Jinx and Rose said together. I smiled, "See." He laughed going over to Rose and picking her up, giving her kisses all over her face. Her and I giggled. "Daddy!" Brian chuckled, "Yes baby girl?" She giggled, "I love you." "I love you too. How was your day?" I leaned against the wall and watch Brian with the kids. Jinx ended up getting into the mix of everything and Brian started chasing the kids around the house. I went and sat on the couch. I closed my eyes enjoying the noise of Brian and the kids. It was nice. Brian hasn't been home much cause of the new record they were trying to get out. Rose started giggling really loud. I opened my eyes to see them all looking at me. "What?" "You cute mommy." I smiled, "Thank you sweetheart." She walked up and climbed on the ouch and cuddled with me. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her head. She sighed and pressed in to my more. It warmed my heart. Jinx never did these kinds of things with me. Which was ok. I didn't mind. I love it now. Brian and Jinx walked over to the couch. Brian sat down pulled Jinx on his lap. Brian put his head on my should, Jinx's head was on my arm. I smiled to myself and closed my eyes. We stayed like that in silence till Jimmy busted through the door. "You guys seriously are the perfect family." He said. Leana laughed softly. Rose got up off the couch and ran up the stairs. I looked at Brian and furrowed my eyebrows. He shrugged. I got up off the couch with Jimmy's help and went up after Rose. I got to the top of the stairs and turned to go in her room. "Rose?" No answer so I walked into her room. "Rose?" I called again. Nothing. I walked out. "Rosalie, where are you?" I called again. I heard her little feet on the hardwood floor, which was Brian's and my room. So I walked to our room and she got to the door. "What's the matter baby girl?" I knelt down to her level. "Leana scares me." "Why babe?" She shrugged, "I just don't like her." I smiled, "And that's ok baby. We can't like everyone we meet. Do you wanna stay up here and play while their here?" She nodded. "Your more than welcome to. If you need something just yell for me or Daddy ok?" "Ok, thank you Mommy." "Your welcome, sweetheart." I pulled her in for a hug and kissed her cheek. "I love you, Mommy." "I love you too, Rosalie." She smiled and walked down to her room. I walked downstairs and sat on the couch. "Is she ok, Angel?" "Yea, she just wanted to go upstairs and play." Brian just nodded knowing there was more to it. "She didn't even say hi to me." Jimmy frowned. I laughed, "So go bug her." Jimmy grinned and went upstairs. Brian chuckled, "So how's it going Leana?" "Things are going good. How about you two?" She smiled. "Things are good." I smiled at Brian. "How's the baby, Jade?" "Baby's good. Healthy. Alive and kicking." Jimmy laughed and he came down the stairs. "That's funny." "Why is that funny?" Brian asked. "Cause the baby kicks her, literally." I shook my head.

It's been two months just about. I'm just about ready to pop. I'm want to meet this child.

I was sitting on the couch watching tv. Brian was downstairs in the basement working with Zack on guitar parts for the new record. Jinx was at school and Rosalie was at Grandpa Gates and Grandma Suzy's. Today was my lazy day. I cleaned the whole house while Brian was working with the help of Rosalie. My water decided to break when they started playing the guitars again. And a really sharp pain when through my abdomen, I didn't think that was normal. That didn't happen the last two time. I got up with the pain to shoot across again. I groaned. I walked to the basement stairs. I knew it was a smart thing to walk down them so I looked around for something to throw down. I was hoping they weren't too in what they were doing, so I grabbed Jinx's football and threw it down. "That worked real fucking well." I muttered at another sharp pain went through me. I screamed out in pain. Alright, I didn't want to break anything but I guess I have to. I grabbed the vase of flowers Brian bought me yesterday and threw them down the stair. That got their attention.As Brian came into view I fell my knees in pain, screaming as I went down. "JADE!" Brian ran up the stairs with Zack not to far behind. "What's the matter? Why are you....Oh my god. Zack go get the keys and start the car." He rushed out. "No! Call an ambulance. I'm not going to..." I screamed in pain as tears started flowing down my cheeks. Zack did as I said and called 911. They showed up fifteen minutes later. Brian called my doctor and she was on her way over. My doctor showed up at the same time. Brian had me on the couch with him behind me. Between the contractions and the sharp pain, I felt like I was dying. Brian was kissing my cheek and shoulders, "It's ok, Angel. Everything's going to be ok." "Oh my god. What time is?" "Angel, it." "What fucking time is it Brian?" "It's twenty to three." "Zack can you go pick up Jinx and take." I screamed. I panted for a few moments. "And take him to Papa Gates and let him know what's going on please?" Zack didn't say anything he just rushed to go get Jinx. We were late as it was. "Jade, your just about dilated." Dr. Swanson told me. "Is our baby dying?" I asked as the sharp pain ripped though. "Jade, "I'm afraid your going to need to start pushing." And I did. I wanted to make sure the baby was ok.

Four hours later the baby was finally out. It was baby girl and she was having a hard time breathing because some how the cord wrapped around her neck. The EMTs were working with the baby while Dr. Swanson worked on getting me cleaned up. After that I sat up and went to get off the couch but Brian kept me on the couch. "I know your probably going to yell at me but you need to rest. And with us out of the way, it might make their job easier." I just looked at him with pissed off look. He chuckled and kissed my cheek. "She's going to be ok." I sighed and looked back at our baby girl. After about an hour they finally let me hold her. "She's going to be just fine. But I would take in her and be admited. You'll be fine." Dr. Swanson smile. "What are you going to name her?" I looked at Brian. He looked at me. "Riley McKenna Haner." I smiled at him. "Very pretty." She smiled. And wrote something on a piece of paper, telling that she'd see us tomorrow. Brian and I got up and took Riley to the hospital.
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THE END! I hope you liked it.