‹ Prequel: York and Mori

Zee and Todd

Chapter 15- Mori


Two days later Mori was walking around the down town city of 1903. The streets were disgusting, there were children working, and the sky was covered in soot. Normally Mori would have thought of this as horrible, but strangely she found it quite interesting. It was so different than the future and had that old class that Mori always loved. That was the one thing that she loved about that old town she lived in when she was a teen.
After they had broke the curse over the town those many years ago, the town almost automatically livened up. Cars and loud music filled the air and Mori never realized how much different the town was compared to the rest of the world till then. Sure she knew it was different, but she never realized how quiet the town was. It was a quiet that really was peaceful, like this town was.
Mori had a nice Victorian dress on and was walking around the down town main street with a basket and a list. There were many venders out selling produce and other things and Mori took it upon herself to do Olivia’s chores for her. The kids were cleaning up the house, Quinn and York were doing some hard work around the outside of the house, and Gretta was with Olivia. They were doing some research on how to get the families home to their time and so far they’ve only found one thing.
“From the research that I’ve been finding so far, it seems that a fairy, wizard, sorceress, gene, or any other kind of magic user that can use the time travel power, needs to be very powerful. Unfortunately, I’m not that powerful…” Olivia told the families the other night.
“There must be another way!” Gretta exclaimed, “There are always loop holes in other spells that could allow us to go into the future!”
Mori sighed knowing that these past few days they’ve been working so hard and so far there’s nothing. It seems like the only other way for Olivia to teleport the families back into the future would be if she was more powerful or had some more help from another magic user. Gretta couldn’t do it since she needed to travel with them back to the future. So there must be someone else that could help.
As Mori walked, the houses on one side of the street suddenly stopped for a block. The entire block was a thick batch of trees that were fenced off. No one went by them and several people crossed to the other side of the street so that they wouldn’t go by the fence and patch of trees.
“Those are the Fairy Woods,” a voice called from behind her.
Mori turned around to see Louis. He wore some more casual clothes with a newsboy hat and waved to Mori. Mori smiled and greeted the boy.
“So what’s so bad about the woods?” Mori couldn’t help but ask.
She was a reporter, and loved the mystery and suspense of any story. Louis looked over to the trees and shrugged.
“It’s been a superstition here for years. Fairies are supposed to live in those woods and they are apparently known to be quite mischievous and evil to people who enter those trees. Every kid is told that story when they were young.”
“You don’t sound convinced,” Mori smiled as he shook his head.
“Our grandparents used to tell us stories about the evils of “magical” people. But I’ve never met one. No one has really.”
“Then why be scared? Why don’t you just go on in there and see for yourself if those stories are true?”
He shook his head saying that he’s tried in the past but his father had forbidden it. Apparently his father had met one of those fairies and never wanted his family close to those woods again. Mori looked back over to the woods thinking that she saw a light though the thick trunks and branches of the trees. She shook her head and took out her list and asked if Louis knew where she could find some of the items on her list.
Louis gladly showed her around the down town area to help her. They eventually stopped to eat a little something and Mori continued to ask him questions about himself. His father was a high shareholder in the oil companies and factories in the area, so they lived quite lavishly. Louis actually wasn’t related to Mary who they met the other night. His mother died quite a few years ago and his father remarried. That made sense, since his brothers and sisters didn’t look anything like him. He looked to be from Irish decent.
Mori smiled when he asked again about Zee. He turned away embarrassed as he saw her look.
“I’ve… just never met a girl like her before…” he said as his face turned red.
“It’s perfectly fine!”
He looked back at Mori and asked about something that Zee had said. Computers, cars, phones, he was confused on what she was talking about. Their clothes that they were wearing were even strange. He mentioned about the night he found them. He was coming home from school for the summer and it was as if they weren’t there one second and then the next they were.
“If you don’t mind me asking… are you… fairies…?”
Mori couldn’t help but laugh. It was quite ridiculous and she loved the look he gave. It reminded her of Jack whenever she would embarrass him. He stood up with a frown on his face and was about to walk off apologizing for the stupid question. Mori quickly grabbed his hand and pulled him back down to where she was sitting.
“No, but,” she looked around and whispered into his ear, “but we are from the future!”
He gave her a strange look and she nodded. She then pulled out Zee’s phone that she stole. The strange phone was different compared to the phones Mori grew up with, but this handy little device was about fifteen things in one. She turned the phone on camera mode and told Louis to smile. He gave a confused smile and she took the picture. She showed him the image she took and he looked amazed.
“I’ve seen photography before, but nothing like this!” he said asking if he could look at it.
Mori explained briefly that he was living in the turn of the century. There are thousands of more things to be invented and he’s only seen the beginning. Louis looked at Mori with wide curious eyes and wanted her to continue to talk about the wonderful future that would be. Mori smiled again when he asked about Zee and her liking the things of the future.
“So… you are going to have to go back to the future, I’m guessing…” he said later that afternoon.
Mori had found all the items she needed from the shopping list and was on a short walk home. Louis was graciously holding some of the times so that he could continue to talk to Mori about this future that he couldn’t wait to see. He always wanted to be an inventor, but his father always pushed for him to take over all the work his father started.
“Well, Louis, whatever you do in the future, I’ll bet your grand children in my time will be proud.”
His eyes suddenly lowered. Out of all the excitement of what the future that Mori and her family came from, he had forgotten that he wouldn’t be able to see it. He would be lucky to even live up to the 1970s. Mori also knew what he was thinking. As they walked up the stairs to Olivia’s home, Mori stopped and started digging into one of the bags she was carrying. She then took the back side of the shopping list and wrote down an address and gave it to him.
“If you want, this is where we will live in the future. You could send Zee a letter if you like.”
He looked at the address and looked up to Mori’s eyes and gave a half smile. He was about to say “thank you” anyways, but then a loud crash rang from inside Olivia’s house. The shutters and shingles on the outside of the house began to shake and there was a strange light coming from inside the house. Mori and Louis then dropped the items that they were carrying and tried to open the door.
The door was forcing the outside world out and the more Mori pushed on the door to open it, the harder it didn’t want to move. Louis then came up and they both tried to push the heavy door open. They were able to get it open a large enough crack to know what was going inside. Wind was blowing all around inside and seemed to be sucking the air and items inside the house towards the library.
Louis and Mori gave another push and finally got inside. Suddenly the entire front door was thrown off it’s hinges and hurled towards the library. Mori heard a scream and looked up to see the kids. They were holding on for dear life on the railing but didn’t notice Mori and Louis come inside. Mori then carefully walked over to the library and saw something that looked like a portal in the room. Olivia was on the floor and Gretta was yelling at her to wake up.
“Gretta!” Mori yelled as she held onto the door frame, “What happened?!”
Gretta looked up and Mori could see Olivia unconscious on the floor.
“She was trying to do it herself! Even though she wasn’t powerful enough!”
“Then what is that thing?!” Mori yelled in the wind.
The dark portal in the room had a menacing feel to it. It seemed like it was more like a black hole than a portal to the future.
“Her power wasn’t strong enough so she messed up the transportation portal! I told her we needed someone else to help!”
York and Quinn came crawling around the corner and looked into the room to see the black hole. York asked Gretta if she was alright and what could they do. Quinn also hollered over to see if Mori was alright. Gretta had a look of fear on her face and she didn’t know what to do. She told them that if they didn’t do something fast, the portal could wipe out the entire town, and possibly the world if they weren’t careful. Mori gave York a look wondering if he had any ideas. He shook his head knowing that he could do nothing.
Mori then looked around the entry way to see the kids on the stairs and Louis. He had a serious look on his face and was making his way back to the front door, even with the pressure of the wind. Mori tried to tell him to be careful and stay close to them, but he was already at the door. After one more pull he was gone.
“Where is he going?!” York hollered to Mori.
Mori didn’t know. She wondered if he was just going to run, but she had the gut feeling that he was going to go find help. Anyone’s help. All they could do was wait and hoped that someone would come to help them.

Mori didn’t know how long this waiting lasted. It was as if the black hole in the other room was just waiting rather than eating the entire town. But then she thought too soon. The pressure of the wind suddenly started to increase and the entire walls themselves began to crumble and be pushed towards the black hole. The support Mori and York had behind them were quickly crumbling.
Gretta continued to try to get her mom to wake, but nothing was helping. The only thing that did help was that they were able to use a magic spell to keep them in one place. Though the floor itself was starting to crumble. There was still brick behind the walls, so Mori and York were fine for a moment longer, but the stairs were crumbling faster. Zee then screamed and Mori saw her holding on for dear life to a part of the railing that was aiming towards the library.
Todd and Ben were trying to grab her hands, but she continued to slip till the entire side of the railing fell apart. Zee screamed and Mori couldn’t do anything as she quickly was being pulled towards the library. She almost seemed to fly in slow motion for a moment, but then Mori realized something out of the corner of her eye.
Strange colored lights suddenly filled the room and Zee was caught by someone. The wind almost instantly died down and the floor became stable again. Mori rested her weight onto the wall in relief and saw that the portal in the room disappeared. A beautiful woman who stood about six feet tall was in the room and she looked as if she was dressed in a beautiful light of blue.
York ran into the room to Gretta and they quickly kissed. Quinn quickly came over and hugged Mori tightly and Mori then saw the other women in the room. A green colored woman who was playfully flirting with Ben, helped the boys back onto the floor and a pink colored woman went to Olivia’s side to wake her up. Then Mori saw Zee in the arms of Louis.
“Louis!” Zee said holding him for dear life.
His face became all red as she gave him a peck on the cheek for saving her.
“Who are those women?” Quinn asked as another one in yellow appeared out of no where.
“Fairies,” Olivia coughed from the other room.
The blue woman nodded and frowned at Olivia telling her to do such a dangerous stunt could have easily cost her life and many others. Olivia apologized and the pink fairy helped her up. Zee was set down on her feet and Gretta asked why they were able to get here in such a quick time.
“Usually, fairies aren’t so gracious…” Gretta said looking away.
The fairies agreed and the green one threw her arms around Louis and pinched his cheek.
“You should be happy to have such a wonderful man here to risk his own life to save yours!”
She giggled and they looked at Louis. His brown eyes were replaced by a strange gray glow and looked distant. Olivia shook her head in shock and demanded to know why Louis did such a thing.
“You went into the Fairy Woods? How could you do such a thing?”
“What do you mean? What happened to him?” Zee asked as he looked away.
“Fairies hate humans!”
Olivia said that if fairies could, they would enslave any human that has never been involved with magic before and turn them immortal only to be their slave forever. The fairies smiled coldly and went over by Louis saying that he was perfect too. They adored the hero type humans. Louis looked to the ground and they all made their way to the door.
“Oh, and Olivia,” The blue fairy said turning around, “we can’t have anyone from the future ruining our time line… please send them home this instant.”
Suddenly a new portal formed in the library. This one though didn’t suck in its surroundings. Olivia knew right away that it was the portal home and turned to the families telling them to please leave quickly.
“But Mom… what about the boy?”
“There’s nothing I can do. I thank you for your time here and I’ll make sure that you and your sister will continue to grow into two beautiful women like you are now.”
They both hugged and Olivia stepped out of the way of the portal. Mori looked at Quinn and they kissed making up from the other day. Mori turned to Zee who was at the front door wishing that she could have done something. Mori smiled and reached out her hand for Zee to take.
The families said their last good byes and thank you’s to Olivia and stepped through the portal…
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i'm sorry for it being so long! and hopefully it didn't lag too much a the beginning!

We just wanted this to end quickly to get them back to the future! :D