The Rev's Brompton Cocktail

His Brompton Cocktail Blend

We didn't know he'd been to the doctor. We most certainly didn't know what the doctor had said. We didn't know he was losing his composure, his humanity, his grip on life. Before the disease could take him, before it could hurt him more, he took his own life. He filled the needle to the brim, one last time and pushed it into that all too familiar vein. His Brompton Cocktail blend.

"Cause I can't feel my face, I won't struggle long, In a world so cold, In a world so wrong."

We didn't know what he was going through. We didn't know he was struggling just to cope with life. We didn't know he wanted to run away...

"I'm not running away, been fighting this so long. Such a price that we pay, we gotta be so strong..."

I guess the smiles he gave us, they were lies. Deep inside, he was falling apart but none of us knew. He played the charade so well. He went on with life, we never saw this coming. Crestfallen man, he finally fell. We knew he wanted to party, we knew he liked to numb out the world. All rock-stars do, don't they? We had no idea he had a secret intention; the real reason behind why he drank all the time.

It helped him with the pain, the pain that was becoming all too strong. Did he meet his maker in peace, or is he fighting an eternal struggle in a place a little lower, a place a little warmer? He mixed it strong, his Brompton Cocktail blend. I hope it helped him feel alive again.

"And I take my life tonight, cause I have the right to die how I wanna. And leave how I arrived, so alive..."

"I believe my sins have been forgiven, and I believe my choice will save me from this life. Please don't question why, my sins have been forgotten, I believe I'll find peace in afterlife. Please don't question why, I left this way..."

His only note, to those he loved, told us he would live on foREVer.

And though it's hard to know that he's gone, we know we must move on. It's better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all. The same is true to say, it's better to have known the Rev and lost him, than to have never known the Rev at all. His spirit is carried on inside all of us, band-mates, family members, friends and fans. Every time a fan listens to an Avenged song, I'm sure a smile lights up Jimmy's face somewhere in his beautiful, perfect, serene, and probably occasionally chaotic afterlife.

Full of stallion ducks, steak tacos, and let's not forget a front row seat on the comfiest couch to watch the lives of all of his friends, family members, and fans. He's made a place for us, and he's waiting. Waiting patiently to see those he loves again, waiting patiently, to meet each and every single one of us, at those pearly gates.
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Word Count: 507