The Fountain.

The Fountain.

She looked around.

She felt so trapped.


Who could possibly breath in such a stifling environment?

She rushed out

The air colliding with her face as she pushed the door open was vital for her survival

The death of one's soul is the worst of all.

Her chest rose and fell as she inhaled the damp air

Walking across concrete, bricks, asphalt

She only had to dodge a single car

Then the choices....Oh so many choices

She manuevered away from the table that had two uneaten suckers comforting each other in the center

She needed to start anew.

She left the sheild of the tent

What fun is an umbrella in the rain?

Three tables dripped with water

And she sat across from them.

On the ridge next to the fountain to watch.

Next to her shoulder, moss hid under the cracks from the rest of the wet world

The green lush was a harsh cloud under the cement

Hiding Still Stagnant

And still alive.

A single hair danced in the wind, still attached to the adhesive deteriorating from the sides of the cement

Who's hair?

Who was there before her

What were they seeing?

A young girl sitting with a young boy

As he inched closer to her, and she moved away to the powerful fountain.

Maybe a young child

Striving to reach one of the flowers surrounding the bath

To give to his mother before she scolds him for defiling the city's property.

An old woman

Sitting to catch her breath, resting her coat on the side of the fountain because as the sun rose higher it was much too hot to keep it on even her shoulders.

One flower reached away from the dirt

As if trying to get out

Nothing could stop the flower. Nothing worthwile.

Movement caught her eye

A family consolidated underneath the tent.

Two young ones kept the three old ones on their toes

Not wanting to intrude as they shared a bag of popcorn she looked back to the fountain.

She concentrated on the water.

The way it was thrown upward before gravity forced it to fall back

And splash into the pool.

The splashes were the most difficult to concentrate on

Impossible to focus

So much chaos

Constant chaos.

But the top of the mainspring was spectacular.

As she watched the water come, and come and come

A never ending supply

Always growing, yet never going any where

She could see faces.

She saw little bodies struggling to get atop the others

All for one, but one was all.

Beautifully depressing, and she felt inspired.

A scream of a young girl startled her from her trance

Her neck reflexively snapped to the call

Two tiny feet happily jumped and trotted through puddles

Away from her brother

Spilling popcorn along the bricks.

As the three old ones avoided her stare she wondered

When did people get so touchy about meeting each other's eyes?

She looked across to the three leaky tables.

A single drop to the floor

Followed by another

And another

And another

But no drop is the same.

Different water gathers

Together at one spot, mixing

Before falling.

The three tables all the same,

Gather and fall.

Over and over,

Sometimes faster

Some slower.


But she still looked away to the fountain.

The mother and girl walked past

Around the fountain.

She watched her laugh with her child.

What does it mean to love your own?

The mother screamed and ran from the girl with two arms outstretched

One to the girl, one to the boy running in the street.

She scolded him.

He looked to the ground.

She looked to the two older ones under the tent

Eating their popcorn.

As the family joined hands to cross the street and leave the fountain she stood up.

Her own mother waved her over, towards the small chocolate shop.

She walked on, without turning to say goodbye.