Status: I'm slowly getting there, please bare with me!

We're Young and in Love

Chapter 10

I felt way better by the next day, me and Matt were friends again, and that's all that matters. Also, the fact that I didn't die is also something to be celebrated.
It was now Saturday, my favourite day.
Skye had invited me round to help her paint her room, she had finally gotten her Mom to agree to let us paint it, even with florescent paint (my idea by the way).
When I got there, I was disappointed to find that the guard was already there, so I couldn't play the doorbell tune.
I glared at him as I approached, he smirked triumphantly, “Its on” I whispered to him.
“Bring it kid” he replied, crossing his arms and smiling.
I walked up to the house, still glaring at the guard.
Once I was in Skye's room, I forgot about the war I was planning with the guard, Skye's room was completely painted black and she had cans of paint in every colour imaginable. I was in heaven.
“There are so many pretty colours” I said quietly.
“Ready to go Jimmy?” she smiled, throwing me a paintbrush.
Then it was that I realised that I was wearing a half decent shirt, so I just stripped it off.
I put the paintbrush down and decided that I wanted to use my hands. MESSY!
We painted pretty shapes and patterns all over the wall, I covered it with a generous selection of hand prints and I even wrote my name in huge yellow letters, she didn't seem to be too amused by this.
“Jimmy, why did you put your name on my wall?” she asked crossly.
“So you can't forget me” I smiled, “I've put my name on all my best friends walls”
She smiled then, how could she not? I was too cute.
Then she looked up at at patch near the ceiling, “Jimmy, I want to paint that bit” she said.
“What? The bit that neither of us can reach?” I replied, rolling my eyes, this woman was clueless.
“If I get on your shoulders, I bet I can reach then” she argued.
It seemed like a very good idea, so I let her climb on my shoulders, luckily, she wasn't that heavy.
I felt something wet plop on my head, “I hope that's paint and not piss” I said seriously. I was serious, if that was piss, I would not be very impressed.
I heard her giggle loudly, “Its paint” she replied with a snigger.
“Better be” I growled.
After a while, I managed to put her down without killing either of us.
I put my hand to the top of my head, I felt something wet and kinda sticky. I pulled my hand down and it was now pink, like bright pink.
I wasn't amused, so I wiped it on her shirt with a smirk.
She gave me a sinister smirk then threw the rest of the bucket on my head.
I stood still for a second, gob smacked. Over the top or what?
So, being the childish person that I am, I picked up the bucket of green and threw it at her. Now she looked like she had been sneezed on by a giant.
I laughed at her horrified expression, “That's it” she growled.
We ended up having a massive paint fight. It only ended because her bedroom door opened. It must have looked well strange, I was standing there topless and we were both covered in paint, I was in the process of throwing another bucket of it at her too.
I didn't recognise the person at the door, it was probably because I suspected there was paint in my eyes.
“What's going on?” the person asked disgustedly.
I heard Skye giggle a little, “Um nothing, we're just...” she sniggered.
“Well be quite” the voice snapped.
I heard the door close, Skye burst into giggles, “You should have seen her face”
“Who was it?” I asked, attempting to get her attention at something else so I could throw the paint at her when she least expected it.
“It was my Mom, I don't think she was amused” she laughed. Then I threw the paint over her, she screamed.
“I WIN!” I shouted, laughing.
“Nasty person” she grumbled, wiping paint off her face.
“I'm not nasty, I'm lovely” I said cutely.
“Oh ha ha” she laughed sarcastically.
Suddenly, I realised how mad my Mom will be when I get home covered in paint. “My Mom is going to go mad with me” I moaned, sitting on the floor.
“Why?” Skye asked, sitting next to me.
“I'm covered in paint” I replied, holding my arms out.
“You can use the shower here if you want, I need to get all this off me anyway” she offered.
“Thanks” I smiled.
She took me to a bathroom and handed me a towel, “Good luck” she said dramatically.
I giggled. She walked out the room and closed the door behind her, I locked it, I didn't want anyone to walk in on me naked.
I managed to peel off my paint soaked shorts, somehow, my boxers were paint free.
I stripped them off too and hopped into the shower, I turned the water up so it was quite hot, hoping that it would sort of melt the paint of me. It was even more annoying that I sort of had to stick one of my arms out to keep my cast dry, that was also covered in paint.
I managed to get the majority of the paint off, so I was pleased.
I dried myself off with the big fluffy towel and pulled on my boxers. My shorts had dried off, but were still covered in paint. I put them on anyway and then went out of the bathroom to find where I had left my t-shirt.
I was glad I was paying attention when Skye showed me the way to the bathroom, or I would have gotten lost, this whole place was like a maze.
I knocked on the door, just to make sure I didn't walk in on her naked or anything. There was no response, so I opened it, slowly.
The room was empty, I found my t-shirt on the floor where I left it. I pulled it on the sat on the floor, avoiding all the paint that was scattered around. I lay down, slowly, not wanting to aggregative my still sore body.
I started at the cling and thought, mainly about Skye. The more I thought about it, the more I realised how much I had enjoyed that day at the beach. I had never had a girlfriend and pretending that Skye was mine made me want one, and that girl I wanted was Skye.
The door opened, I jumped slightly, being snapped out of my thoughts.
Skye walked into the room and sat on the floor beside me, she lay down and we both sat in a comfortable silence together, staring at the ceiling.
“Skye?” I said after a couple of minutes.
“Yes Jimmy?” she answered.
“You know that day at the beach...” I started slowly, not sure how to get the words out.
“Yes” she said.
“Well...” I sighed, the words not coming to my mind like they usually did.
“Spit it out Jim” she giggled.
“I... um...” I started, then I decided to just get it over with, “I liked pretending to be your boyfriend” I added with a whisper.
“You know what Jimmy?” Skye said, I could hear in her voice that she was smiling, “I enjoyed pretending to be you girlfriend”
I smiled happily then sat up slowly. “So I was wondering, do you want to be my real girlfriend?” I asked nervously, I didn't really sound like much of a proposal.
She sat up too, her deep blue eyes looking into mine, “If you do something for me first” she answered shyly, looking at her knees.
“What?” I asked softly.
“Kiss me” she whispered with a little smile.
I smiled too and pressed my lips against hers.
♠ ♠ ♠
I would LOVE some more comments :P
Thank you to my ONLY commenter SpencerG and an extra spacial thank you for being so dedicated :D