Status: I'm slowly getting there, please bare with me!

We're Young and in Love

Chapter 11

I was dreading having to tell my Mom that I had a girlfriend, she would be so irritating about it. But she found out, I don't even know how! I personally blame Johnny.
I had to resort to hiding in my room like I was five.
I was bored so I decided to do a random doodle, forget the homework that I had to do. The drawing ended up being of the security guard, then I started trying to devise amazing strategies to sneak past his defences to play the doorbell tune.
Mom ruined my thought process by coming in, claiming she was getting my dirty laundry. I don't know what she thought I was doing but she seemed disappointed.
“What are you doing Jimmy?” she asked.
“Thinking” I replied in a bored tone, why couldn't she just get the hint? GET OUT OF MY ROOM WOMAN!
“About your girlfriend?” she questioned in a almost hopeful tone.
“No Mom” I answered, rolling my eyes at her utter stupidity.
“Don't roll your eyes at me” she scolded.
I shrugged my shoulders, unconcerned. She was just in a mood that I didn't want to gush over Skye with her.
“I'm going out” I told her, then I just got up and walked out the house. I was bored, that's all I've got to say.
I jumped on my bike, not literally jumped that would have hurt a LOT being a boy... if you catch my drift, and decided to cycle all the way over to Matt's. Which was next door.
I knocked on the door, in a normal way this time. His Mom opened the door, I swear she was more surprised then I was that I was normal.
“Hey Mrs. Sanders is Matt in?” I asked politely, she didn't really like me and I'm not really sure why.
“He's still sleeping Jimmy, I'll tell him that you were looking for him” she sniffed, even managing to make that sound angry.
“Can't I just go and wake him up?” I asked.
“No goodbye” she said hurriedly and closed the door, in my face. I was gob-smacked, how could anyone be so rude?
I jumped over their garden fence so I could have a look at Matt's bedroom window.
I pulled a handful of rocks out of my pocket, where I had put them for convenience earlier, and threw one at his bedroom window.
It clattered to the floor loudly, narrowly missing my upturned face.
Matt's Dad stormed out of the house, and he hated me even more than Matt's Mom did.
“GET THE HELL OFF MY PROPERTY SULLIVAN!” he screamed, waving his fists at me.
“But I want to see Matt” I moaned.
“GET OUT OF HERE BEFORE I CALL THE COPS!” he yelled, throwing the rock I threw at the window at me, it smacked me in the face.
“Okay, okay I'm leaving” I said, rubbing my head where the rock hit it. I walked out of the garden with a sigh, all I wanted was to talk to Matt.
“I never want to see you around here again!” Matt's Dad shouted, jumping up and down.
“Well that's going to be a bit difficult, I live next door” I pointed out. I wasn't trying to be rude, I was just pointing out the obvious.
He started to scream incoherently, so I decided to get out of there.
I got back on my bike and Matt came out the front door, “What the fuck is going on?” he asked sleepily.
“Your Dad has gone insane” I told him, “All I wanted to do was to talk to you and everyone has gone mental”
“But you know that he's banned from the house” Matt told me.
“I wasn't in the house, I was in the garden” I argued.
“But he told you to stay away completely” Matt argued back, we continued on like this for several more minutes until Matt decided to give up, knowing it was futile.
Matt then said that he had homework or some similar rubbish so he couldn't go out. So basically, I got a door slammed in my face, yelled at and a rock thrown at me for no reason.
With a grumble, I got on my bike a cycled to the beach. This time not cycling off the end of the board walk.
I dug around in my pockets, hoping to find some money under the rocks.
I found a couple of bucks so I brought myself a blue slushie. Blue is easily the best slushie colour, Brian reckons its red, so we have frequent 'discussions' about that, and by discussion I mean blazing row which normally ends in a physical fight.
I sat on the edge of the pier with my feet dangling above the beach. I was contemplating what would happen if I dropped a rock on someone's head at this height and sipping my slushie when I saw my sister. HOLDING A BOY'S HAND!
I nearly jumped off the pier, but remembered annoyance of having to go to the hospital so I decided to walk back to the board walk and get on the beach like a normal person, which was boring.
I looked and spotted my sister again.
I sneaked up on her like a ninja and hid behind one of the pillars that held the pier up and started to spy.
They were talking, Kelly was giggling loudly. I itched to go over and interfere but realised that she would probably kill me.
I almost screamed when they kissed, the curiosity was killing me.
Then the guy, whoever he was, head off to one of the stands, leaving Kelly by herself, so I decided to go over. Still slurping my slushie, I just stood behind her.
She turned, probably to see if he was coming back. She jumped when she saw me, “Jimmy!” she exclaimed.
“Yep that’s me” I grinned, “Who's that then?”
“Oh... he's... ummm...” she stuttered, looking around embarrassed.
“You kissed him” I teased, poking her in the ribs.
She looked at me like I was retarded and said “So what if I did?”
The guy, whoever he was, came up behind Kelly and said “Is this guy bothering you Kels?”. Honestly, Kels?
“Extremely, but he's my little brother” she smiled, looking up at this guy adoringly. I wanted to puke.
“Little brother? He's huge” the dude laughed. Now I wanted to puke on him. Bastard.
I decided to smile through it, it probably looked really stiff but at least I was attempting to be nice. I held out my hand for him to shake it, “My name's Jimmy” I added politely.
He ignored my hand and replied with, “My names Richard”. Then he looked at my cast and exclaimed “What happened to your arm?”
“Fell off the board walk” I replied angrily.
“Is that what happened to your face too?” he laughed loudly. Then he literally grabbed Kelly's arm and dragged her off.
He was a fucking dick.
I hated him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you my favourite commenter SpencerG, your comments are amazing :P
I have toatally got the next two chapters planned out, I promise its gonna be exciting :D
P.S the dickhead boyfirend is called Richard 'cos I know someone called Richard is a dickhead, SO THERE!