Status: I'm slowly getting there, please bare with me!

We're Young and in Love

Chapter 12

I was so happy, finally the dreaded cast was coming off!
The nurse at the hospital was kinda old, she stared at me disapprovingly. It was probably something to do with the state of the cast.
“What has happened to your cast?” she asked.
“Paint fight” I replied, shrugging my shoulders.
“That wasn't a very smart idea” she grumbled, eyeing Mom disapprovingly now, like it was her fault that I had the paint fight.
Once the cast was removed, she seemed even more disgusted by the massive pen lines down my arm, I knew that was going to be a mess.
I couldn't wait to get home and clean my arm; it smelt kinda weird.
In the car on the way back, me and Mom were listening to Primus. It was something we had in common, and we listened to it all the time when we were in the car together.
I was drumming along the dashboard, then I realised that I could practise later. With a smile, I continued.

I was happily drumming in the garage, making a lot of noise and probably irritating the neighbours (HAHA MATTS DAD!), when the garage door opened.
Kelly walked in, looking very miserable.
I stopped drumming “What's up?” I said with a slight smile.
“Jimmy...” she sniffed.
I stood up from the stool and went over and hugged her.
“Richard dumped me” she sobbed.
I reassuringly patted her back. She had never had a boyfriend before and I think that Richard meant a lot to her.
I thought there was something wrong with him, he seemed weird.

The next day, I was at school.
I was with Matt and Brian, we were all getting stuff out of our lockers, laughing and messing around.
Skye and Val came over with worried looks on their faces. Now I thought about it, everyone seemed to be whispering and huddled together a lot, I wondered what was happening.
I smiled and hugged Skye, like I usually did when I saw her in the mornings.
“What's going on?” Matt asked Val after they had their morning make out session.
“There's a rumour going around” Val sighed in reply.
“It better not be about any of us” Matt growled.
“It's not” Val replied.
“Who's it about then?” I asked.
“Kelly” Skye mumbled, rubbing my back.
“What are they saying about her?” Brian asked.
Just then, Kelly walked over. “Hey guys” she smiled weakly.
“Slut” someone shouted at her. She flinched and her eyes filled with tears.
“Don't talk about my sister like that!” I shouted at them, suddenly feeling very annoyed.
By lunchtime, I had been in four arguments.
I was feeling very, very wound up. Apparently, Richard had told everyone that Kelly fucked the whole hockey team, which he was a part of. I knew this was a lie, he was probably just having a temper tantrum.
I was walking, hand in hand with Skye, to our spot. The guys were already there, I could see them. Zacky was sitting far away from Brian, they had apparently broken up, anyway, that's what Val and Skye told me.
Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Richard, or dick head as I now liked to refer to him as.
I let go of a bewildered Skye's hand and stormed over to him.
He turned and laughed as he saw me approaching.
His friends stared to laugh too.
“It's the sluts ickle brother” dick head laughed.
I couldn't help but punch him in his smug face.
He staggered backwards but smiled. “Is that all you've got?” he smirked.
I heard the chant of “FIGHT!” starting around me. I looked around to see that half the school was gathered. Matt and Brian came behind me at the same time that a group of dick head's friends went behind him.
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Tahnk you Barely Legal and SpencerG for commenting xP
OOOH all the drama's starting!
Comment please <3