Status: I'm slowly getting there, please bare with me!

We're Young and in Love

Chapter 13

Let's just say, that fight ended with me having a black eye, Matt having a broken hand and Brian had a bloody nose. We were also all suspended, but the hockey team got away with it, apparently, I started the fight. Which I might have...
Mom wasn't amused when she had to pick me up from school, she was even less amused when she heard I was suspended.
So I was grounded for a month.
I complained about it the whole way home. So when we got it, Mom locked me in my room.
The thing is, my bedroom door doesn't have a lock, so when I say 'lock me in' I mean she shoved me in and blocked the door with a chair propped against the handle.
Sulking, I sat on my bedroom floor, or on what little floor space was available.
I sighed, wishing my drum kit was in my room, I would happily not have a bed...
After five minutes, I was very very bored.
I looked in my bag for paper, then I realised that I didn't have any.
I grabbed a pen and ruler and walked over to my bedroom wall.
I drew four lines on the wall with a ruler and started to draw drum notes. That teaches Mom, not letting me out of my room.
After writing a fantastic riff, Dad opened the door. He wasn't amused either, especially when he noticed that I had drawn on the wall.
“James” he scolded.
“Yep that’s me” I answered sarcastically.
“Don't take that tone with me” he said sternly.
“Sorry” I mumbled, not really meaning it but it was easier than arguing.
Dad sat on the corner of my bed, “What happened in school today?” he asked softly.
“Didn't Mom tell you?” I muttered bitterly. Yeah, I was pissed off.
“I want you to, I don't believe you just went and punched that boy for no reason” Dad said.
I sighed, “He was saying stuff about Kelly, made her cry” I answered.
Dad patted my back, “As you were looking after Kelly, I'll talk to your Mom about the grounding okay?”
I nodded, “Thanks”
“Dad got up and left the room. I watched the door until Mom came in.
“Okay Jimmy, as you didn't start the fight, I'm renegotiating the terms of your grounding” she said, “You can have people round, you can go out until five, deal?”
“Okay, thanks Mom” I replied, trying to sound grateful so that she wouldn't change her mind.
I checked my watch, it was five to two, everyone would be out of school soon. I decided to go round Skye's house, but I would wait ten minutes so I could get the guard.
When I got to the perimeter fence of her house, I saw there was a low hedge going along the bottom of the fence. I chained my bike to a nearby railing and crawled along the floor. It probably looked beyond weird to passers-by but I didn't care.
I got to the gate and cautiously peered around the corner, the coast was clear.
I quickly got up, I saw the guard running toward the gate, I played the doorbell tune with a smirk on my face.
The guard growled, “You won this time kid but don't think you'll be so lucky next time”
I smirked, “Bring it on”
He reluctantly opened the gate and let me in.
Skye met me at the front door, “Hey Jimmy” she greeted, “Do you mind if we go out?”
“Sure” I answered, “I left my bike up there”. I pointed to the general direction of where I left my bike.
“Why?” she giggled.
“So I could sneak up on the guard” I replied, shrugging my shoulders like it was perfectly normal.
“Some people would consider that behaviour strange” Skye laughed.
I shrugged my shoulders again, “I don't”
We started to slowly walk to the gate, “I thought you would be grounded after today”
“I am but I'm allowed out until five” I told her.
We reached where I left my bike, “Do you think you could leave it on the inside of the gate? Then we can go for a walk” Skye suggested.
“If you want to” I replied.
I put my bike on the inside of the gate, then wondered if the guard would try to wreck it for revenge.
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Thank you SpencerG for commenting :P
Anyway, what do you think?