Status: I'm slowly getting there, please bare with me!

We're Young and in Love

Chapter 15

Luckily, Kelly wasn't in the hospital for long, less than a week.
I even managed to behave that whole time, which was a strange feeling. I spent a lot of time at home with Mom because I know she felt sad, especially that Dad was out at work most of the time.
That meant I didn't really see Skye, apart from in school. I missed her a bit. She was fun to hang out with.
Kelly still was unhappy when she came home, that bastard Richard had ruined everything.
And that made me annoyed. I wish I could do more, but, alas, I couldn't. Kelly was alive and that was what mattered.
To cheer myself up, I went over to Skye's house. Sadly, the guard was at the gate so I couldn't ring the doorbell. It didn't stop me anyway. I tried. He stopped me. How rude.
He said that Skye was on her way down. We stood in silence for like a minute. Then I got bored. I pulled my drumsticks out of my pocket and started to tap on the edge of the gate. It made a pretty sound.
The guard looked at me with the usual expression he looked at me like, which was What-the-hell-is-wrong-with-you-stupid-little-freak.
By the time Skye came out, the guard was trying to strangle me with his headphone wires. I wasn't that annoying; what an over the top reaction!
I got away pretty quickly when Skye rescued me. I had to. I was scared for my life.
Me and Skye then walked on the beach for a bit. Going back to the two spots which meant a lot to us; the spot where if fell off the boardwalk into the sand and where we all met up that day and me and Skye pretended to be dating.
We laughed at the memory and sat on the sand together.
I, being the gentleman that I am, gave Skye my hoodie to sit on. So she wouldn’t get all sandy. I didn't really care if I got sandy, it wasn't like my Mom really shouted at me about it any more. I think she's given up.
Skye rested her head on my shoulder and we watched the sun set together.
Life seemed perfect.
♠ ♠ ♠
I was stuck in a severe 'I-have-no-idea-what-to-do-next' rutt
The next chapter is going to skip forward two years
just to warn you
I think it will help with my serious writers block for this story!!
P.S. I apolagise further that it is short and a bit fillerish :/