Status: I'm slowly getting there, please bare with me!

We're Young and in Love

Chapter 16


It took every part of my willpower to not fall asleep in English; me and Skye were now in different classes and this made the lesson beyond boring. In fact, none of my friends were in the class. I think the teachers had some misguided theory that I would work better if I was by myself, but they couldn't have been more wrong.
The strangest thing was I actually did something constructive in the lesson. It might have not been what the teachers told me to do, but it was constructive. I wrote some drum notations, which shows I can work if I can be bothered.
The second the bell went off I threw everything in my backpack and sped out of the class to go to Skye's locker, meeting her like I always did after class. Especially that next, I have art which is one of the only two classes I share with Skye; the other being chemistry.
I lent on the locker next to hers, ignoring the girl looking at me because it was her locker.
I saw Skye walking up the hall, she was hard to miss at the moment. Her and Val had 'experimented' with hair dye and she currently had bright red and bright blue streaks in her hair. She was wearing a Metallica t-shirt (that she had stolen from me), black skinny jeans and purple converse. Her eyes stood out beautifully with a thick coating of eye-liner. No wonder her parents said that I was a bad influence.
“Hey Jims” she smiled when she noticed me.
I responded by giving her a quick kiss on the lips. As soon as I moved, the girl who was waiting to get into her locker rushed over and started to shuffle about in it.
“Ready to be an artist Jim?” Skye asked, pushing me slightly with a smirk on her face. I swear she learns all her bad habits from Val.
“As ready as I'll ever be” I answered. Skye quickly exchanged some stuff in her locker then jumped on my back.
Being the great boyfriend that I am, I carried her all the way over to the art class whilst she chatted in my ear.
After about ten minutes, I came to the harsh realisation that I was absolutely crap at art. We were supposed to be drawing the person opposite us, which was Skye in my case, and I had failed very badly. The drawing made her look like she had very bad plastic surgery and then was hit in the face with a train. It was bad.
I glanced up at Skye, who was hiding her mouth with her hands and giggling uncontrollably. Had she seen my drawing? Or was she laughing at me? I tended to make some weird faces when I was drawing.
I turned a little and saw someone standing behind me. Just standing there. He had a vague expression on his face and was staring at me intently.
“Can I help you?” I asked, then heard Skye burst out laughing. Was it really that funny?
“Can I use your sharpener?” he mumbled.
I silently passed it to him and he took it. I watched as he went over to the bin and sharpened the pencil to a sharp point. He then returned the sharpener with a mumbled thank you and sat back down.
I turned to Skye, who had tears rolling down her face and asked “What is so funny?”
It took a couple of minutes for her to compose herself, “He was standing there for at least five minutes” she answered, then started to snigger again.
“He freaked me out” I said.
Like good kids, we got back to work, and my drawing from going from bad to hideous. I bit my tongue in concentration and attempted to amend it.
Then I had an epiphany, “That guy looked like a thumb!” I whispered to Skye.
She looked baffled for a second, then she looked at her thumb, then the guy, and burst into giggles again.
After a few minutes she managed to choke out “Oh my God he does!”
At the end of the lesson, we handed our drawing to the teacher. She looked at mine, then looked at me. “I know its bad” I said. The teacher stayed silent and just watched me as I left. Eerie.
When we left, Val was standing in the hall, waiting for Matt who was in the classroom next door.
“That creepy guy was standing behind Jimmy” Skye said to Val, then they both burst into giggles. I was confused, this must be woman humour or something.
“Then Jimmy noticed he looked like a thumb” Skye sniggered.
Val joined in the sniggering, “He does!”
Matt came out and looked at the laughing girls, who were holding each other up, and then looked at me.
“Don't ask” I said.
Well, to be honest, I didn't really get what was going on myself.
In the end, me and Matt had to carry our girls to our spot outside because they couldn't stop laughing. Our spot was the smokers area, we had taken it over and everyone seemed to be too scared to go there now. I personally thought this was Johnny's fault.
Brian was, unusually, smoking a cigarette. Usually when we got here, he was sucking face with some random person.
“What are they laughing at?” he asked, eyeing the girls with a concerned look on his face.
“We literally have no idea” Matt answered, rolling his eyes at Val who was laying on the floor.
Suddenly, Skye sat up and said “I'm okay now, I'm okay”
She kept on repeating I'm okay like she was trying to brainwash herself.
I sat on the floor, leant against the wall and lit up one of my own cigarettes. Since that day that me and Brian had tried cigarettes, we had both been smoking a lot. This had got worse about a year ago and we both went through at least a pack a day. Zacky and Johnny also smoked, but they only had like one or two a day.
Val looked up at Brian, who was still staring at her like she was a freak, “Don't look at me, its Jimmy's fault”
I was gob-smacked, “My fault?”
Val nodded, as good as you can when your lying on the floor then said “You said Chris looked like a thumb”
Brian started to snigger then, “What? Chris Demphy?”
Val nodded, Skye started to giggle again.
“He does ya know” Brian said after a few minutes of contemplating his own thumb.
“I was just pointing out the obvious, I'm surprised that no one noticed before” I grumbled.
“But only you would say that” Brian smirked.
I stayed silent for a few seconds, thinking.
“I suppose your right” I answered.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you SpencerG for your comment :D
You will love the next chapter ;D
I just noticed this!!
Readers: 144; Subscribers: 29; Comments: 18
and now I'm really happy xDD
So hopefully I can get back into the swing of things here!
Oh and the whole sharpener thing happened to my sister, it made me laugh so here it is and the guy does look like a thumb O_o
and I'm making a new banner and layout, just 'cos I can
P.S. I apolagise from the bottom of my heart that this took so long but I have been a very busy person lately, have this picture of Jimmy to make up for it :D