Status: I'm slowly getting there, please bare with me!

We're Young and in Love

Chapter 2

I yawned, attempting to stay awake in first period maths was proving to be more difficult than I first anticipated.
“C'mon mate, try to stay awake” Brian whispered from beside me.
“So... difficult” I murmured sleepily.
“Sullivan, wake up” the teacher, Mr... something yelled at me.
I sat up straighter, trying to look like I was actually interested. This seemed to be quite successful, then Mr. Something told me to solve something on the board. I stood up and looked at the jumble of letters and numbers with some symbols thrown in. My utter confusion must had shown on my face, there was no way I could have held that in. When did the alphabet come into maths again?
I wrote down a random selection of numbers and letters and almost fainted in surprise when the teacher told me I was right.
I sat down again, bewildered, next to a hysterically laughing Brian. “You had no fucking clue did you?” he choked out.
“No, I honestly didn't” I admitted.
Brian laughed even harder. “Haner, swap places with Canning” Mr. Something shouted angrily.
“Who's Canning?” Brian shouted as he stood up, making me laugh.
“Me” a timid voice replied. I quickly spun around to have a look, but it turned out I turned around too quick and fell off my chair.
Brian started to laugh again as I slowly stood up, looking pretty weird as I rubbed my left buttock. “Sullivan, get in your seat, Haner, move now!” the teacher barked aggressively.
I quickly sat back down and waited to be joined by Canning, whom I had never met.
I heard Brian shuffling off and I stifled a laugh after hearing Brian mutter, “Great, I have to sit next to Fatty Fred”. Fred was someone nobody liked because he smelt weird. I think I even heard a rumour that his Mom called his Fatty.
I hid my head in my arms so I could calm down. I heard someone sit next to me, so I looked up curiously to see who Canning was.
She must have been new because I had never seen her before. She wasn't fat and wasn't thin with long brown hair down to her waist. She looked at me and I saw she had huge, dark blue eyes that were almost violet.
“Hi Canning” I whispered.
She smiled at me wearily, “My name is Skye” she replied shyly.
“I'm Jimmy, Jimmy Owen Sullivan” I added quietly.
“Skye Freya Canning” she responded softly.
“Pretty name” I smiled.
“Sullivan, Canning be quiet!” the teacher shouted.
I grinned at Skye sheepishly.
When the lesson ended I tried to catch up to her, but Skye had disappeared. I sighed.
“That guy stinks” Brian moaned as he appeared behind me.
“That's why no one usually sits next to him” I said, smiling weakly.
“What have you got now?” Brian asked, opening his folded timetable.
I glanced quickly at mine before I groaned “English”
“Unlucky, I've got Chemistry then a free then lunch” Brian replied.
“After English I've got History then lunch” I moaned.
“I'll see you at lunch” Brian said loudly before basically running off.
“Bye!” I shouted sarcastically.
I shuffled slowly to English and still managed to get there on time. Disappointed, I went inside.
There seemed to be only one seat left, so I sat down.
“Hello again” a familiar voice from the occupied seat said.
I turned and there was Skye!
“Hello there, at least this might be bearable now” I smiled.
At the end of the lesson, the teacher, Mrs. Big-nose, told us that she was going to give us an assignment. I groaned, but wasn't actually going to do it.
“You will do this assignment with a partner, which I have pre-determined” she droned, then she read out the partner list, “James, you will work with Skye, then maybe you will actually get some work done”
I looked at Skye, she looked at me. “Each pair will have a different assignment, lets start with James and Skye, you will explore the role of the media in influencing people's viewpoint” the teacher jabbered on.
I looked at Skye, confused.“What does that mean?” I whispered.
“Don't worry, I'll explain later” she whispered back.
I sighed with relief. This was going to be a lot easier now.
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