Status: I'm slowly getting there, please bare with me!

We're Young and in Love

Chapter 5

I met Skye outside the front gate after school, she said her Dad was going to come and pick us up and he would take me home later. I was strangely nervous. I had never really been to someone's house that I didn't really know before.
I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around to see Skye, “Oh hi” I said to her.
“Hi, my Dad should be here in a minute” she replied, looking down.
“Are you okay?” I asked her.
“Yeah, it's just my Dad can be... intimidating sometimes” she sighed.
“Nothing scares me” I boasted.
“Yeah right, I don't believe that” she smirked. Just then a huge black car pulled up next to us, “Here's Dad” she sighed.
I opened the door for her, “Ladies first” I said politely.
She giggled and climbed inside the car, I went in after her. The inside of the car was huge and set out one of those posh taxi's, Skye's Dad was sitting in a seat opposite us and they actually had a driver... a driver!
“Ah so you must be James” he sighed.
“yes sir, it's nice to meet you” I replied nervously, he was wearing a full suit when it was like 70 degrees outside and he wasn't sweating at all. Unnatural.
Most of the car ride was silent, I could feel Skye's Dad staring at me disapprovingly. I took off my cap and started to run my fingers through my hair, like I did when I was nervous.
The car stopped and Skye got out, I quickly followed her, not wanting to be in that car any longer. I don't think it looked very good when I managed to get my foot stuck on the edge of the door frame and I fell on my face. I quickly got up, hoping no one noticed but I could see Skye giggling behind her hand. I was covered in dust from the gravel path and I tried to quickly brush it off. I replaced my cap on my head. Then I looked up at Skye's house, or should I say MANSION. It was the biggest house I had ever seen in my life. I stared at it with my mouth slightly open.
“That is one big house” I said quietly.
Skye grabbed my hand and led me inside. My mouth was open the whole journey up to her room, the house, I stopped and looked at a statue of a naked dude that was probably worth more than my whole house. I did the same pose as the statue, trying to lighten the tense atmosphere. Skye laughed a and then dragged me into her room, which was probably the same size of my house.
It was painted in co-ordinating creams and browns and all the furniture matched.. it was the tidiest bedroom I had ever seen. “I'm sorry about the mess” Skye said.
“What mess?” I scoffed.
“Okay then” she giggled.
“Wow your room is big” I told her.
“I know, it's so boring, I wish it was more like yours” she sighed.
“What tiny and a mess?” I asked.
“No, it's how you want it, mine is how my mother wants it” she grumbled.
“Paint over it then, I'll help” I offered.
“Might do, I dunno, anyway let's do some homework” she replied.
“Do we have to, my hand still hurts from yesterday” I moaned.
“For an hour, then we can have fun” she negotiated.
“Yep” I replied, popping the p.
She passed me the massive book and I sighed and sat on the floor with it. I was having real trouble reading today so I reluctantly went into my bag and pulled out my glasses case. My glasses were hideous, they were oval shaped and I hate wearing them.
Skye looked at me and giggled, “Yeah, I know there hideous” I groaned.
“No, it's not that, you look so cute in them” she replied seriously.
I grinned and went back to work, which was much easier now I could see.
We obviously sat there for a lot longer than it felt because when I looked at my watch it was 6 O'clock. I remembered I had to take my medication so I went over to my bag and pulled out he small pill bottle.
I dry swallowed the massive pill and almost choked. “What was that for?” Skye asked curiously.
“It's for blood pressure, I've got something wrong with my heart” I shrugged, I wasn't really bothered by it but Skye looked horrified.
“What's wrong with it?” she questioned, sitting next to me.
“Not much, It's called cardiomegaly or something, it's just an enlarged heart, it isn't much of a problem because I'm quite active” I replied.
“Oh, as long as it isn't serious” she sighed.
Then I noticed the black shape crawling up her wall. I jumped up and stood with my back to the opposite wall, staring at it.
“What's wrong?” Skye asked as she started at the wall.
“Spider...” I whispered.
“I thought you weren't scared of anything” she teased and went over to the wall and actually picked up the spider.
“GET IT THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!” I shouted as she started to walk towards me with it. She giggled and took another step forward.
I screamed and ran away to the other side of the room. “I hate spiders so much, please get it away from me” I begged.
She threw it out of the window, much to my relief, I could feel my heart rate slow and I sat on the floor, shaking slightly.
“Whoa, you are scared of them” she pointed out, “Is there a reason why?”
“I just really do not like them, I've always been scared of them, they are horrible, with their eight legs and unnatural amount of eyes” I shuddered.
“You are really cute” she cooed and pinched my cheek like the way old people do.
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Thank you bloodyvengeance and majoji for commenting, just to let you know, Brian will be bi :D
Comment please <3