Status: I'm slowly getting there, please bare with me!

We're Young and in Love

Chapter 7

I hated having my arm in a cast, it itched underneath and the only way you could get to it was with a pen, or a long stick.
When they take it off, they’re going to find my arm covered in pen marks.
I was also annoyed because people kept on assuming that I was in a fight. I mean, just because I like to fight doesn't mean I get in one every five minutes.
Mom seemed it hard to believe that I went off the pavement by accident, she has this mental idea in her head that I did it on purpose to impress Skye. Which I admit, sounds like something I would do.
Matt barged his way into my bedroom, without knocking, like he always does. He didn't seem to be bothered that I was just in my boxers.
He started to laugh loudly, “Jim, have you seen the state of your face?” he teased.
“Yeah, yeah, so shut up” I grumbled, thinking about the greenish coloured bruises around my eyes and my purple nose.
He continued to laugh at me, so I threw a pillow at his head. Sadly, it was the one that for some reason I had stashed a rock in, and it hit him right in the face.
“JIMMY!” he shouted angrily.
“What?” I asked innocently.
“You threw a freaking rock in a pillowcase at me!” Matt growled, taking a step towards me, his fists clenched.
I decided to play the pathetic act and cowered in a corner, to make him feel guilty. “Please don't hurt me” I whimpered.
His face relaxed and he run his hand through his short hair, “Sorry for scaring you Jim” he apologised sheepishly.
“It's okay” I mumbled, this was working way better than I thought it would.
His guilty expression made me laugh, just a little, then the game was up, he knew I wasn't scared. “Damn Jimmy! You had me there!” he laughed.
Mom came in and decided that I had to go to school. “But Mom, I'm so sore” I said pathetically.
“Jimmy, I heard you joking with Matt just now, so get dressed and get to school” she said bossily.
I grumbled and stood up. I pulled on some shorts and a shirt, slipped on my shoes and followed Matt downstairs. Mom was waiting with a stack of toast, that she passed me when I was going out the house.
Matt stole a piece, much to my annoyance.
When we got to school, I was so confused. Brian and Zacky were holding hands. Had I missed something?
My thought were interrupted by Skye coming over with Val, they had their arms linked and they were both laughing.
“Hey Jim, I didn't expect to see you today” Val smiled.
“Mom forced me in” I groaned.
“How are you feeling?” Skye asked.
“Okay, I suppose” I answered.
Matt was looking at Val longingly, it was probably because they hadn't snogged for five minutes and he was having withdrawals.
I turned to talk to Brian and he was snogging Zacky, great. Next thing I knew, Val and Matt were snogging. Everyone around me seemed to be snogging, I felt very uncomfortable.
I grabbed Skye's hand and led her away, “I didn't like it very much there” I told her.
“Either did I really” she admitted.
I stopped walking and turned to talk to her, “That's better, no snogging people”
She grinned.”I was starting to feel uncomfortable” she admitted.
Shorty came running past, being chased by a bunch of jocks.
“Poor Johnny” Skye sighed, “He gets picked on so”
“It's because he's short and annoying” I told her.
“Go and help him, please?” she begged, smiling sweetly.
“How and I supposed to do that with a broken arm?” I argued, holding up my cast.
She started to pout at me. I couldn't resist anyone when they made that face. “Urgh fine” I groaned, walking towards where Johnny was being pushed sound.
I pushed my way to where Johnny was and grabbed his arm, “Sullivan, what you doing?” one of them asked. I think it was a kid called Derek, we used to be on the basketball team together, before I got kicked off.
“He's just a kid” I said nervously, I was surrounded by a bunch of guys that were way bigger than me and to be frank I was scared.
♠ ♠ ♠
Right, this story is back! Like the new layout and banner? Also, if you haven't noticed, I changed the name too :D
Thank you foREVer a Fiction, bloodyvengeance, kalisweetblood and SpencerG for commenting xD I THINK that's who commented, but I have no idea really, I guessed from the comments :D
This will be updated weekly from now on, every Thursday :D
I forgot about it until SpencerG commented, so thank SpencerG for reminding me that it actually exists :D
SOOOO, do you think Jimmy is going to get in a fight?