Status: I'm slowly getting there, please bare with me!

We're Young and in Love

Chapter 9

The next day in school I had chemistry for my first lesson, which is always a mistake. Its early, I'm tired and I'm crap at chemistry anyway. Something always seems to go wrong. Especially when my lab partner is Brian, which the teacher should not have done.
I was half asleep when the lesson started and didn't listen to the instructions, luckily the teacher wrote them on the board, and I still didn't get it.
They should have stopped me doing lab work when I tripped over my own feet when going to get the equipment with Brian, it was a sign of the disasters to come.
I zoned out halfway through the experiment, wondering what would happen if a dinosaur was alive right now.
“Hey Jimmy, what beaker is the acid in?” Brian asked.
I looked at him blankly, I literally had no idea, what beaker had I put it in? There were two filled with clear liquid, so it had to be one of them. I pointed to one randomly and said “This one”. It was 50/50, I might have been right.
Then I discovered that you could make pretty colours if you mixed a bunch of stuff together, that was way fun, especially when it went green and stunk of eggs. I moved it onto the desk which some preppy girls were working at, just for a laugh.
I accidentally smacked Brian in the head when I was stretching, he knocked whatever he was pouring all over his hand.
I'VE GOT ACID ON MY HAND!” he screamed, running over to the sink and putting the tap on full blast.
The the teacher ran over to him and slipped on the rapidly increasing puddle of water that was being made on the floor due to Brian firing water everywhere. I laughed, it looked too funny.
The teacher managed to get to their feet and started to inspect Brian’s hand, “There's no sign of acid on this, what did you use?” they asked Brian.
He pointed to the beaker, the teacher poured something in the beaker and then exclaimed “It's just water!”
“Jimmy told me it was acid” Brian groaned, removing his hand from under the tap.
“Sullivan!” the teacher barked.
“What?” I replied.
“Pay attention in class” the teacher growled.
I shrugged my shoulders and Brian came back over.
“Thanks mate, I look like a right idiot now” Brian snapped.
Suddenly, there was a huge exploding noise and the whole room smelt of eggs.
The preppy girls were crying, it turned out the egg mixture had exploded. I looked at Brian and we both burst out laughing.
At lunch time, I went to our spot, which was on the grass by a tree.
Skye was already there, lying on the floor and chatting with Val, who was sitting on Matt's lap.
I ran over and quickly lay on Skye's stomach and wrapped my arms around her, I liked to cuddle people and she was very nice to cuddle.
She giggled a little then said “Sorry Jimmy, I need to go”
My face fell, who would I use as a pillow?
“Why?” I asked sadly.
“I have a doctors appointment” she answered.
I sadly got off her and she and Val stood up, “I'm going to walk Skye to the office” Val declared, then they both walked off, arm in arm.
I scooted over to Matt, “Mattie?” I said cutely.
“What?” he gruffed.
“Can I cuddle you? I feel lonely” I asked.
“Jimmy, we're not five any more, it's not cute” he answered.
“Please?” I begged, giving him my cutest look.
He rolled his eyes but lay down, “I'm not happy about this”
I squealed in delight and threw myself on Matt's chest. He was even comfier than Skye, like a big teddy. No wonder Val was dating him.
Some random jock guy came over and smirked, “Comfy there faggots?” he laughed.
I couldn't even be bothered to acknowledge him, my reasoning was that he was just jealous he didn't have a giant teddy/ pillow called Matt.
Matt seemed to take this comment quite offensively and he shoved me off him, hard. I banged my head on the floor and knocked my healing broken arm funny, IT HURT.
“Ow Matt” I complained, trying to sit up.
“Fucking hell Jimmy, you need to grow up” he snarled, then he stormed off. I was confused and hurt, what had I done wrong?
I sat up and hugged my knees. I didn't like it when I was involved in an argument.
A few minutes later, Val came back, “Hey where's Matt?” she asked. I shrugged my shoulders. “Oh Jimmy, what's wrong?” she asked, rushing over to where I was sitting and hugged me.
“Matt was mean” I sniffed.
“What did he do?” Val asked kindly.
“He pushed me and told me to grow up” I mumbled, feeling very sad.
“I think that he's the one who needs to grow up then eh?” she smiled.
I smiled a little in return.
Then Matt came back over, he looked very annoyed. He grabbed Val roughly by the arm and yanked her up. I was shocked, he was never like that with Val.
She turned around and slapped him in the face, “What the fuck is wrong with you Matt?” she snapped.
Matt touched his cheek gingerly. “It's that little freak, he needs to grow up” Matt growled, pointing at me aggressively.
“No Matt, you need to grow up” Val replied, crossing her arms angrily.
Matt roared in frustration and made a lunge for me, he knocked me onto the floor, hard.
“MATT!” Val screamed, trying to pull him off me, he pushed her backwards, roughly.
He pushed her back and went to punch me in the face. As he did, someone pulled him off me and he ended up punching me in the chest.
I screamed in pain, my chest was very sensitive; with my broken ribs and my heart problem.
I looked up to see Brian holding Matt back, I could feel my eyes filling with tears. Why was he being so horrible?
Zacky was helping Val up and Johnny came over to me. As soon as he touched me I started to bawl. I was in pain and my feelings were hurt, and Matt was seriously scaring me.
“Its okay Jimmy” he said in a soothing voice.
“I want to go home” I sobbed, I seriously wanted my Mom just then.
Matt stopped struggling against Brain and just looked at me, suddenly a look of horror filled his face. “Jim, I'm so sorry” he mumbled.
Brain let go of him, slowly and carefully.
Then I noticed the huge crowd of people gathered around us.
Matt came over to me and sat down, I flinched.
“Come on, I'll take you to the nurse” he said quietly, then he scooped me up in his arms and started to walk.
I was really confused now, why was he suddenly being so nice?
In the nurses office, she asked me what happened.
“I- I tripped and hit a bench” I lied, glancing at Matt. Matt looked at me gratefully, he would have been in serious shit if he got in trouble again, and I didn't want that to happen to him, he was my best friend after all.
She used a stethoscope to listen to my heart, it was on my medical records that I had the condition and they always needed to check it.
“Jimmy, your heart rate is elevated, we'd better call you Mom and get her to take you home, I'll call the principal” she said, then she picked up the phone.
The principle came in after a few minutes, it was weird seeing him when I wasn't in trouble.
“Your mother will be here soon James” he said kindly.
I just nodded my head.
“Sanders, you can go to class now” the principle said.
“Ummm can he stay until my Mom gets here?” I asked, I wanted some sort of familiar company.
“Okay, if that will make you feel better” he sighed, then he wrote on a piece of paper and gave it to Matt, presumably to give to the teacher when he actually got to class. Then he walked out.
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thanks to SpencerG for commenting :D
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