
I'll always stay

Why is it so hard to forget him? It’s been 6 months since I last saw him. I should’ve been moved on by now; I don’t know why he broke up with me though, maybe he has found someone, yeah, maybe because these following weeks there have been rumored about “NELENA” again. That could be—no— I KNOW that’s the reason, he just call me that day and said that were better off just friends


(Phone suddenly ring)

“Hello?” I said as I answer
“Hey…” He said nervously, so I know there’s something wrong
“Hey, what’s up?” I ask
“We uh…We need to talk” That’s what he said and I know what’s coming up next, so I beat him to it
“You want us to break up?” I said well, I ask nervously biting my lips
“I…” He sighed
“I-It’s okay” I said cracking up, I was trying not to cry
“I-it’s just…” He’s finding what words to say, I know it because I know him, we dated for 2 years. 2 freaking years
“Nick…” I said playing with the hem of my shirt
“I-I just think were better off just friends” He said, trying not to hurt me but fuck him, he already did!
“It’s okay, r-really. I’ll call y-you later” I said. Or not.
“Liz—” he started but I cut him off by hanging up and that’s where I started crying

*End of flashback*

I’m so stupid! Why did I have to fall in love with him?! Yes, I love him! And he didn’t know that and he will never do. I didn’t regret going on one of their concert with my bestfriend, but I’m not really a big fan of theirs, well, I’m not really a fan but Brooke is…she’s a die hard fan. I’m really a Justin Bieber fanatic but Brooke said that’s he’s so gay and small he can’t even touch my head but whatever


“EEP! I’m so excited!” She squeals for the millionth time that day
“I know, I know but please shut the hell up!” I said annoyed because first I was having a bad day that day, my dog peeing on my bed, my parents leaving me alone and going on my Auntie for a week and lastly I don’t really want to be here
“Oh come on! Party pooper!”She said, I rolled my eyes at that one
“This is taking FOREVER!” I grunt
“Oh, patience is virtue Honey” She said smirking
“Shut up, I’m not in the mood for your non-sense lections!” I said, well, more like snapping
“Whatever!” She said then crosses her arms
After a minute or so they do the concert and I’m not gonna lie I love some of their songs it’s so catchy and deep and…I just love them. Now were on backstage meeting them and were waiting on the line again

“AAH! How do I look?!” she said fixing her hair
“You still look Brooke” I said in a monotone
“Oh, live up!” she said exasperated
“Ugh, fine!” I said
“I’m gonna meet my future husband!” she said squealing, I rolled my eyes
“Dream on” I said mumbling but I guess she heard me cause she hit me
“Oww” I mumble while rubbing the part where she hit me, she hit pretty hard.

After a minutes of waiting were next
“Hi, I’m Joe” said the boy with a curl-ish hair; I think the name is…Joe? Oh, he just said that, I laugh. Brooke nudges me
“What’s so funny?” she asked
“Oh, I did laugh?” I asked too, I thought I laughed in my head
“No, not really” she said sarcastically
“I’m sorry” I blushed. Then this REALLY curly headed boy chuckles, I looked at him, oh he’s gorgeous!
“I’m Nick” he said waiting for me to shake his hand
“I-I’m Liz” I said shaking his hand. I felt shiver run up to my spine but I ignored it. Then after an hour, oh did I say that were last in line? Well, we are so we stay a little bit and we talked, laughed and joked around then it’s time to go so we said our goodbyes and exchange numbers. I guess you know the rest.

Oh, did I say that I’m going on their, well, HIS concert tonight? Well, I am, I’m going on his first ever solo concert. I don’t want to but 3, well, 4 people are dragging me. Joe, Kevin, Brooke and Dani. And I really want to see him too, I just don’t want HIM to see ME, they said Nick didn’t know that I’m going but I kinda want him to know but whatever. So I take a shower and start dressing, just a normal skinny’s, a white tank top and HIS black leather jacket, I didn’t get the chance to return it but I will tonight. After I was finished I grabbed my car keys and drove to the arena. After a half hour I was there, I stopped the engine and got out my car locking it then I start my journey to the side of the venue, yes, I have a backstage pass. I passed through some bodyguards and surprisingly they still know me, anyways I continue walking through the boring white hallways, if I’m not used to this it would be really scary. I abruptly stopped and turn around through my heels and start walking out of the venue again, I texted Brooke

To: Cookie <3
From: LizzyMizzy <3

Hey, I’m not going to go the backstage anymore, I’ll just go straight to the seats, okay, TTYL! Luv ya! ♥

After a minute my phone vibrated

To: LizzyMizzy <3
From: Cookie <3

Oh, okay! TTYL! Luv ya too ♥

I smiled and shoved my phone on my pocket then get inside the venue, the venue is pack, there a lot of screaming, crying, screaming girls, ugh, will they stop?! It’s just Nick Jonas but then again I was used to him being famous. For me, he’s just Nick. My Nick. I tugged the jacket closely to my body and then I started to walk through the screaming girls to the center but not in front I was maybe in the middle, dead center. And it’s not like he will see me, right? Of course he won’t. After a minute he came out looking like a Goddess he is and he started singing some songs and they are all beautiful, I sighed, I looked around me to see some of them are already know his songs, wow, they are amazing! I looked around some more but my eye locked with someone, I couldn’t take my eyes off him, he is talking, telling some stories I try and succeeded to look away, I looked down. DANG! He sees me, so much for hiding, I sighed and looked up at him again, he was fixing his guitar then he looks up again I looked down and sighed again. The music started, I didn’t know the song, it didn’t seem familiar to me or everyone else, so I decided to leave, I turned around and was about to walk away when he started singing
“Well, here we are again, throwing punchlines no one wins” I stopped dead in tracks and look back at him, he was looking at me intensely, I was almost scared. ALMOST. Then I remember something. He remembered.


We were at the recording studio they was making their songs for their 4th album, I heard some of it and it was amazing! I swear! Anyways we were talking when he asked me
“What was your favorite song on our 3rd album??”
“Hmm…I say Tonight” I said
“Why Tonight?” He asked in confusion
“Because not tomorrow” I joked
“HAHA. Very funny. NOT!” He said roll his eyes. I giggled
“I don’t know…I just like it but it would be really good if it was like…slow” I said explaining to him
“Okay, I’ll put it on our 5th album” He joked
“You’ll do that” I said riding on his joke. We both laughed

*End of flashback*

When I snapped out, the song is almost finished and I haven’t notice that there are tears running at my face. I quickly wiped it and looked up, he was looking at me with sympathy but I just shook my head then leave the arena. I texted Brooke that I’m gonna leave and she answered in an ‘Okay’. I jumped in on my car and start to drive home. When I arrive I remember something, I look down and see that his jacket is still on me. I sigh, there always a tomorrow. I walk in inside my house and straight to my room, I fell back on my bed and sighed, why does he have to be so irresistible?! I hate it but at the same time I love it! Whatever, he has Selena now and he seems happy with her, I sighed again and to that I fell asleep

After a weeks or so his concert is almost finished, today is actually the last day and again I am going, I don’t want to, this time I really don’t want to, trust me! But Joe, ugh, Joe. He is blackmailing me, I don’t know what though but you know Joe! He can’t keep a secret to save his life. I was now on the arena, now I didn’t hesitate to go backstage, it’s not like I have to talk to him, there still Mr. and Mrs. J and Frankie! I miss them too but I was really shaking inside. I walk furthermore then I stop in front of the door, I heard a faint sound of laughing and talking, I sighed for the last time before I push the door open. They all went quiet and looked at me. I look at them one by one, Kevin, Dani, Joe, Brooke and Him.

“Uh…hey?” I asked unsure, I was shaking inside!
“Hey, Liz!” Brooke said breaking the awkward silence
“LIZ! Come in” Kevin said. I walk in slowly, the only sit that is available is beside Nick, I complain inside my head, but I won’t go back, I have to stay strong, I’m not gonna be weak in front of them especially him. I sat down beside him a little far from him though then I start playing with my phone. They go back to normal talking but Nick and I are in our own little separate world. After a minute I feel like someone is looking at me, I look up and saw him looking at me, I waited for him to look away but he didn’t instead he mumble quietly
“Can we talk?” He ask unsurely
“Uh…sure” I said
“Follow me” He mumbles. We both stood up causing everyone to look at us, we ignore them and he goes outside the room with me following closely behind him. He stops in an empty hallway, no sound, no anything just our ragged breathing. We stayed quiet for a long time but it’s really a minutes. I hate silence and I know he knows it, I was about to ask but he started talking
“I-I’m sorry…” He said looking down
“Nick…” I sigh “Sorry is…sorry isn’t gonna fix anything”
“I know…I just want to apologize” he said still not looking at me “Nick, I just want to know why?!” I asked him trying not to cry
“I-I…” he said trailing off. That’s where I lost it
“I don’t get it! You broke up with me I don’t know the reason and then the next thing I knew, you were dating Selena Gomez! Was she the reason why you broke up with me?! Are you so ashamed to yourself that you didn’t tell me that she’s the reason?! Huh?!” I snapped at him and I guess he lost it too
“No, she’s not the reason! I am not dating her for your information! I’m still single!” he snapped at me
“Then why did you broke up with me?! I don’t believe you that you’re not dating her! If she’s not the reason then w—” I was cut off
“BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!” I was speechless; in our two years of dating we didn’t share those special words
“I loved you that it hurts to be away from you! So I broke up with you thinking it’s the best thing to do but NO it gets more worse and I…I regret it…I love you, I always do, I never stop” he said cracking at the last words. I was crying. I leaped off and hugged him tight, so tight that I was afraid to let go of him thinking he might went away, he hug back tightly.
“I-I’m so s-sorry” he said cracking and he was crying?! I pulled away and wipes his tears
“No, no, please don’t cry, I’m sorry too for accusing y—” he shush me
“No, I would’ve done the same thing if I were you, I’m really sorry, I really am, I didn’t mean to hurt you, I just—” I cut him off but instead of talking I kiss him and he immediately kiss back, I wrapped my arms around his neck deepening the kiss and he do the same with my waist and pulled me close, after a minutes I pulled away panting
“I love you too” I said at him smiling, he smile wider and kiss me again
“I’m…sorry” He said in between kiss. I pulled away and giggles
“You might want to get back” I said
“Why—OH!” he said, I laugh then we get back at the room holding hands, all of them smile

At the concert he sang a new song. While he’s singing it, I was crying the whole time and he was looking at me intently the whole time, I swear the people in front me is giving me a daggers, I think it’s called ‘Stay’. The song was so beautiful, and who cares what people think? I love him and he loves me, so that’s what matters. And I promised him I’ll STAY forever.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, this is my first story and I'm kinda nervous. If you don't like it, just tell me so. This is my first time. :)))) Hope you enjoy it though. ♥