Status: (: Brand Spankin' New Story!!!!! :)

Time Won't Let Me Go

+ 16 +

Kadey's POV

I looked up at Brian's sleeping face and smiled.

So it wasn't a dream.

Brian really is here with me.

I sighed deeply and laid my cheek back against his chest.

This is my happy place.

Here with him where I've always felt like I belonged.

I couldn't stop the smile that made it's way across my face.

I heard the loud ring of my cell phone and I wanted to groan.

Who the hell could be calling me this late?

I got up quietly before the sound of my cell woke Brian up.

I picked it up and turned down the ringer as I walked into the kitchen.

"Hello?" I asked quietly.

"Dr. Donovan!" Karissa exclaimed.

My eyes widened.

She sounded panicked and out of control.

Never a good sign.

"Karissa, I need you to calm down a little bit honey. You're too worked up and I can't understand you." I told her softly.

"I think he found me." She whispered, her voice full of dread that quickly spread through my own veins.

I tried to keep my voice level as I thought of a response.

"What makes you think that?" I asked her.

"I found red rose petals on my door step when I got home from work." She said, her voice on the edge of hysteria.

Karissa told me all about her abusive, controlling ex who loved to give her flowers when he apologized.

"K, I need you to listen to me okay? You don't know that the flowers are from Michael. There's no reason to believe that he's found you. Could this be someone from work who might have a crush on you?" I asked her.

"No! I don't talk to any men that I work with. I keep my distance and they get the message. They have no idea where I live anyway. This has to be Michael. Oh my God he's found me again and he's going to kill me this time. I'm so scared Dr. Donovan." Karissa cried.

I wanted nothing than to hug her and let her know everything was going to be okay.

Unfortunately, hugs don't help every situation.

"Okay Karissa, I want you to listen to me very carefully. I want you to pack an overnight back and check into a hotel. Make sure you don't charge it to your credit card, pay cash. Make sure you lock the door behind you, and be aware of your surroundings. Text me the address of the hotel and what room you're going to be in. We'll take it from there." I told her.

I heard her take in a few deep breaths but she was still crying.

"It's going to be okay Karissa. I'm not going to let him hurt you again. I promise you. I promise." I told her firmly.

"Okay. Okay, I trust you." She whispered.

"Good. Now pack your bag. I'm getting into my car now." I told her.

She replied quickly and then hung up.

I grabbed my wallet and kissed Brian's forehead as I walked out the door, locking it behind me.

I flipped my cell phone open and called the fourth person on my speed dial.

"Joe. It's Kadey." I said.

"What's wrong?" He asked me.

"Are you on duty tonight?" I asked him.

"I'm out on patrol, why?" Joe said, obviously confused.

"One of my patients just called me and thinks her psycho ex-boyfriend has found her again. He's abusive and psychotic and she's scared. I've advised her to check into a hotel and she's on her way now. Would you be able to drive by her house and make sure nothing looks suspicious?" I asked him.

"I'm on it. Just sent my partner Henderson, he's doing a drive by and I'll pull up priors on the ex. What's his last name? Is there a restraining order?" He asked, in full cop mode.

I answered both of his questions and read the address that Karissa just sent to my phone so I could meet her there.

"I appreciate it Joe. I'm on my way to see her now. She didn't sound good." I told him.

"If this guy is back---," I cut him off.

"He's not." I said stubbornly.

"Well if he is, he won't hesitate in taking out anyone in his way. That includes you Kadey. You need to be careful and watch your back." He said.

"I know Joe. Thank you." I told him again before snapping my phone shut.

I finally made it to the hotel and it took another hour before Karissa was calm enough to talk.

I told her to stay at the hotel for a few days and that I had the police looking into Michael's whereabouts.

If anything seemed out of the ordinary, then we would have to figure out a way to get her someplace safe.

It won't be easy for her, but it's about safety.

I told her I'd go by her house and get her more clothes.

I didn't want her going back home until they got a read on where Michael is.

She thanked me over and over again as I made my out of the hotel.

I waited until I heard the sound of the lock clicking.

I scanned the dark parking lot as I made my way back to my car.

No suspicious vehicles, no one lurking behind buildings.

I took in a deep breath and made my way to Karissa's house to get her some extra clothes.

It took me twenty minutes to pack her bag and after I'd locked her house up nice and tight, I made my way back to her car.

My eyes narrowed at the small piece of paper stuck in the drivers side door.

I looked around to see who might have left it.

But the only cars around where the same ones here when I pulled in.

I carefully pulled it out and opened it, and my mouth dropped open in shock.

'You can't hide her from me. She's mine.' It said.

I felt myself gulp and I took another quick look around before I climbed into my car, locking the door behind me.

I tried to slow my racing heart to no avail.

Michael is back.