Life Starts After Dark

Chapter 2

Turning her t.v.back of,Hayley groaned and stood up out her seat.The knock sounded at the
door agian,this time more hastily.

"I'm coming! I'm coming!"She shouted at the door.Once Hayley was at the door she looked through her peep-whole.A big blonde headed girl stared back at her with big blue eye's.
Looking confused Hayley opened the door.The girl stood before,holding a brown case and
dressed in a all black suit.And when she saw Hayley,the look on her face trampently said that their will be trouble.

"Who are you?"Hayley asked,the women forced a fake smile and walked passed her into
her apartment.Well,come in then,Hayley thought.Gently she closed her door and turned to
face the women.Who stood in the middle of her room looking completely mad.

"I'm pretty sure you know who I am"she said.Hayley stook her hands in the back of her jean
pocket's.She had no idea who this women or why she was here.Though the eye's do look
familar,Hayley.And by instinct she acted as if though this stranger was her aunt or somebody
like that.Anything to get her out of her home.

"Aunt Marie! God its so good to see you! Would like some coffee,tea"Hayley exclaimed,
walking into her kitchen.She guided herself over to one of her cabniets and took out a blue
mug.But behind her,she heard the stranger sigh.

"No,I do not want coffee or tea.What I want is for you to explain to me what happened in college.And no,I am not your aunt.I'm pretty sure you'll remember the name I give you.
Professor Angel.Does that sound familar to you"the women said.

Hayley put the mug down on the kitchen counter.Now she knew who that was.It was her old
college teacher.The one that thought her about literture.Who would've thought she'd show
up my door step,Hayley thought.She turned around in the kitchen to face her ex-professor.

"You.What are you doing at my place?"Hayley said.

"I want you to explain me why you left so suddenly during college"Professor Angel said.

Hayley felt her heart leap.

"I don't know what your talking about"Hayley said,and she stalked out the kitchen and walked
over to her door.

"Oh no you don't,Hayley Mourn,don't think your playing the kick me out game.I want answers
and I'm not leaving until I get them."

"I have no answer's,I just left on my own free will.Is that such a bad thing?"

"Yes,Hayley it is.Your grade's were on top of the class.You were doing so excellent.And all
of the sudden you hear about your roommate's death,and you just upright leave.Can you explain to me what all that is about?"

Hayley could feel a knot forming in her thoart.How can she possibly tell her ex-teacher about
her visions.About the physcality of her power's.About how she just knew that her best friend
was going to die and that it was unsafe for her stay there.

Lie,Hayley thought,I will lie to her.

"Alright,you wanna know the truth"Hayley said.

"Oh,thank god"Angel said.

Hayley took her hands out of her back jean pockets and gulped before speaking.Trying
to make it all look dramatic and real.

"The reason why I see I did'nt have the urge to do literture anymore."

Angel sucked in her breath.She looked shocked and a little surprise.

"Why would you wanna do that! I thought you loved literture?"

"I did...its just that...ever since Jaelyn died,well I did'nt think I could go on.Not with out her.
Because,well,you see we had a CONNECTION."

Angel twitched her head to the side.Like what a cat or dog do when their learning a new thing or confused.

"A connection? What kinda of connection?"

Hayley swallowed that big knot back down her thoart.She was prepared for her next words.

"We were in love."

Her ex-teacher made a little sound.It sounded more like a cry,as if she were proud of her for
loving her best friend.But it turns out the sound,was a sound of disgust.

"You mean,you were gay?"

Hayley nodded.

"Well,thats,surpriseing" clearing her thoart and fixing her blonde hair a little bit,she walked
over to the door where Hayley stood.Opening the door a little bit,she looked at Hayley and
said,"I'm very surprise at you."And she slung the door open wide,almost hitting Hayley in
the face and stalked out.

But then something occured to Hayley.Running out her gaped door and towards Angel
who was already unlocking her door.

"How did you find me?"Hayley asked,coming to a stop.Angel finished unlocking her door.

"With a very accessable map"she said,and got in her car.

"Yea,but that does'nt ex--"

Angel started her car up and backed out the drive way.More quicker then you ever imagine.
Hayley watched as she left,before shaking her head and walking back inside her apartment.
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