Status: One Shot :D

I Never Knew


I was sitting on the patio, drawing my latest project; the ocean view of the beach. Pure peace and quiet.

“What do you mean?! I haven’t done anything.” I heard John yell from the kitchen.

“Bye-bye, quiet.” I muttered as I finished the clouds in the sky.

“No, that wasn’t me! I’ve home for the past three days! I haven’t spoken to anyone except Sabrina since the fucking match!”

I rolled my eyes. Here we go again. Ever since the match, John went against Dolph Ziegler, and Laycool at WrestleMania. John’s “girl thing” Melina has been complaining about the rumors of John hooking up with Trish Stattus and sleeping around with Snooki. She’s been freaking out since he came back from wrestling for the day.

I went to the fridge and grabbed my Parrot Bay Coconut Rum and set it next to him. John gave me a sympathetic look and held the phone away from him as Melina continued to yell at him. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the phone from him. He tried to get it away from me. I walked away from him and took a deep breath.

“Hey, Melina. Remember me? It’s Sabrina. Yeah how you doing? Look, I’m sorry but I have a gallery I have to open tomorrow and I need to finish up my work and I can’t work while my buddy’s girl thing is yelling at him and causing him to yell back.”

John looked at me and continued to attempt to get the phone back. I quickly dodged it and listened to his chick yell at me to stay the hell out of their business. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my Rum and took a swig. When she finally shut up, I smiled and waved at John.

“Look, I know for a fact that John didn’t fuck a chick. How do I know? Because I actually trust him unlike you.”

Before she could answer I hung up the phone. I handed it back to John and he swiped it from me. I rolled my eyes.

“Why do you always do that? You know I’m never going to hear the end of it.” He sighed as he grabbed a bottle of water.

“So what? We both know that you two are going to make up like you always do.”

“You shouldn’t get into my relationships, Sabrina. I haven’t even seen you on a date since you moved here.”

“One, you’re never here to see anything I do! Second, I’ve spent most of my time watching over your house for crazy fans.”

“That’s why I have security!” He laughed. “You don’t have to do anything for me.” I scoffed in his face.

“Yeah, some security. Do you remember all of your break-ins when you left last time? They all stopped now that I’m here every day. You’re welcome, asshole!”
My phone went off, with my boss’s ringtone going. I rolled my eyes and pulled my phone out. When I looked up, John was walking away.

“Yeah, Dena.”

“How’s my favorite artist?” She hollered in the phone.

“Not too good. What do you need?”

“How are those drawings coming? Mr. Coin wants them tomorrow.”

“I’m almost done, Dena. Don’t worry about it. Look I got to get back to you later. See you.”

“Ciao, darling!” Click.

As I got ready to leave to go to my apartment and away from John for a while, I heard him talking. I couldn’t help but listen. He was talking to Melina again. Of course.

“I don’t understand. You’re crazy! That’s not true! Melina!” That was it before all he gave was a sigh.

I tripped over a chair while heading to the door. I cursed really loud and heard a door shut.

“Leaving?” John asked as I rubbed my ankle.

“Might as well before everything blows over and you and Melina have make-up sex like usual.” I muttered.

John grabbed a chair for me and motioned for me to sit down. I obliged- not because of him, but because my ankle really fucking hurt. He pulled my pant leg up and took off my sock. Then he stared rubbing my ankle like it was no big deal.

“I don’t think it’s going to happen. She said she wants to call it quits.”

My eyes locked with his. They were battling anger and confusion.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…”

“She was sick of fighting and she thinks there’s something going on.”

“Oh my god! You haven’t done anything to make her think…”

“With you and me…” He spoke, not looking at me but my ankle.

I looked at him and scoffed.

“That’s crazy, John.”

“Is it?” He looked up at me, not speaking after that.

We didn’t talk for a long time. We just sat there. After a while, my ankle started to feel better. I went to leave and John gave me a hug.

“I’m sorry you hurt your ankle. Let me know when you get back alright?”

“Yeah I will.” I said, without looking at him and shut the door behind me.

I drove home and fell asleep immediately.

* * * * * * * *** * * *

John’s POV

We arrived at the Heathrow Airport in London an hour ago. We just arrived at the hotel when I ran into Randy. He nodded to me, as I him. His attention was distracted by his fiancé, Sammi. She was quite a bit shorter than Randy so it looked strange. She wrapped her arms around his waist and waved at me. I walked up to her and dropped my luggage to give her a hug.

“Where’s Sabrina?” Sam asked me. I gave her a confused look.

“I thought she was with you.”

“She must be with the merchandisers. Although I’m shocked she’s not with you. You two are up each other’s asses.” She laughed.

“We kinda had an argument last night. She hasn’t talked to me yet.” Sammi rolled her eyes and whipped out her cell phone. She hit a button and walked away, muttering about how it’s probably my fault.

“What did you two argue about? Whose hair’s longer?” Randy chuckled as he grabbed Sam’s bags.

I nudged him and told him what happened.

“Dude, you’re an idiot.” He shook his head as we headed to the elevators.

“I could have told you that.” Truth muttered as he passed us.

R-Truth and I were buds, but he stopped treating me like one since I was told I had to take his spot in Extreme Rules in the next couple weeks. It was his dream to go and get the Championship belt.

“Don’t listen to him. John, you can’t see it? Really?”

“See what?”

“You two like each other and you’re both too stubborn to see it.”

“She’s my best friend, Randy. That’s it.”

“So were Sam and me. Look at us.”

Randy patted me on the back and headed to his room. I shook my head and went to my room. I decided to get ready for tonight’s match and head to the weight room. I walked by the buses and thought about looking for Sabrina. Maybe not a good idea.

I walked into the weight room and, sure enough, I see Sabrina on a treadmill. Only she looked a little different. Her chocolate brown hair was tied behind her and a headband holding her bangs back. She wore black track shorts and a red running bra. Her tanned skin glowing against the lights. Damn, she looked good.

She was focusing on her iPod at the moment so she didn’t notice me coming in. I looked past her and saw the weights. Great. Now she’ll see me. I chuckled at myself. Why was I afraid of my best friend seeing me in the one place I always am? I walked towards her and she looked up. She shook her head, rolled her eyes and went turned the treadmill to a higher level. She picked up speed and she didn’t’ acknowledge me after that. I rolled my eyes and picked up the weights.

I give up.

Sabrina’s POV

I flipped through my songs on my iPod when I caught feet in the corner of my eye. I looked up and John was walking towards me. Awesome. He looked to be waiting for me to talk to him. I knew it wouldn’t be any good and I rolled my eyes at the thought that it would make a difference. I just decided to speed up my workout and changed the settings on the treadmill and kept my mind somewhere else.

Or at least I tried.

* * * * * *

A few weeks later in early May, everything backstage was hectic. The wrestlers were either in their rooms, or they were fighting. I was helping the crew set up the stands and make sure the equipment was running smoothly, seeing as how a few things ended up quitting. John and I still haven’t talked. I kept trying to distract myself to keep away from the stage when John was supposed to cause a scene with Truth again. I loved those two boys to death and it sucks that shit’s going to hit the fan because of the fucking “entertainment” they’re supposed to be giving the fans. They don’t realize what actually goes on back here.

“Hey, Sabrina!” Sammi yelled at me from the other side of the hallway.

I waved to her as I made my way towards where she was. We hugged and started walking around.

“Have you talked to John yet?”

“What’s there to talk about? He’s clearly been smacked around in that ring a few times too many.”

“You know what I mean. Randy told me what John said. Why can’t you two just admit that you like each other? Is it really so hard for you?”

“He’s my friend, Sam. Just like Randy and Cena are. There’s no ‘interest’ in the other.”

“That’s not what John’s thinking and you know it.”

I shook my head. That’s just nonsense, right? John can’t just suddenly have feelings for me. He would have said something earlier.

“I got to go.” I walked away before she had another word in.

I was walking towards where the superstars go through to get to the ring when I saw Big Show. I high fived him and gave him a hug.

“Sabrina, why aren’t you watching Morrison fighting like you usually do?”

“He’s not fighting. He’s just arguing with Truth.”

“You haven’t been paying attention have you? He’s getting the piss kicked out of him.” B.S. chuckled and started walking away.

I went to the closest screen to me and saw that he was right. Truth was stomping on John’s ribs like he wasn’t faking it. When they showed his face, I knew he wasn’t. I wanted to run out there and stop it, but I’d be in deep shit if I did. No one was supposed to go out there.

“Come on, John. Fight back.” I whispered and was shocked at myself.

Weren’t you just pissed off and avoiding him?

I continued to watch as John attempted to fight back. They were going at each other’s throats. That’s when Truth grabbed John and slammed his head onto the ring. I gasped as his head bounced off and he landed on the ground.

They cut to a commercial and the medics went in to check on him. I walked to the entrance and waited for them to bring him back. Truth came back laughing and looked at me.

“Liked what you saw?” He smiled and walked away.

I glared at him until the medics walked back with John. I walked with them, grabbing John’s hand. The medics asked if I wanted to go with him, and without a second thought I agreed. I didn’t let go of his hand until we got into the hospital.

* * * * * *

I had been waiting in the waiting room with Sam and Randy for almost two hours. Two hours seemed like two days. Sammi and Randy had both tried to get me to calm down. The doctor came walking out and scanning the room. He saw Randy and knew who to talk to. Randy stood, shook his hand, and before he could ask I walked up to the doctor and asked how he was.

“He needs to have surgery done on his neck.” The doctor told me.

“Immediately?” Sam asked him and he shook his head.

“In the morning, possibly. Maybe sooner.”

“Can I see him?” I asked without hesitating.

“He’s being put on medications. It’ll be a while before anyone can see him.”

“Can I stay here until I can?” I pleaded with the doctor. He nodded.

And so I waited. Two more hours of sitting in the waiting room. I had called his family, Melina, everyone. The doctors said he’d have to go home to California after the surgery. Apparently, he can’t fly home when he needs surgery.

I was guided to his room, and he had his eyes closed. An IV in his arm and his neck in a brace. Tears were building up in the back of my eyes and I was holding them back. I grabbed his hand as I took a seat. His eyebrows twitched when the chair squeaked when I moved it. His eyes opened and he groaned. His tried to move his neck and saw me.

“Hey.” He whispered.

“Hi.” I whispered back. He smiled at me and I couldn’t help but smiled back.

“What did I do now?”


“What happened, Sabrina?”

“You were fighting Truth. He…” I took a deep breath, holding back tears again. “He threw you at the stage. You really damaged your neck, John.”

“How long have I been here?”

“About four hours.” I chuckled. He sat up a bit to see better.

“How long have you been here?” I grabbed his hand and put it in my lap.

“About four hours.” I smiled at him and he smiled back.

“You’ve been here the whole time?”

“And leave my best friend to the doctors and old nurses?” I squeezed his hand and he chuckled.

“So you’re not mad anymore?” I giggled and shook my head. “Good. I hate it when you ignore me.”

“You ignored me too, silly.”

“Well we’re both stupid.” He lifted his arm that didn’t have an IV in it and motioned for me to come closer.

I rolled my eyes and stood up. I lay down next to him and he draped his arm around me.

“I’ve missed you, Sab.” He whispered into my hair.

I wrapped my arm around his waist and smiled at him.

“I’ve missed you too.”

* * * * * * *

One Month Later…

John got his surgery done and was working in rehab. The doctors say he should be fine in a few weeks. Melina and he still have a friendship. Sammi and Randy were to be married in a month. Things were getting better.

“Sabrina!” John called from behind me.

He ran through the sand to get to the shoreline where I was. I started laughing as he tripped
a bit. I held up my camera and pointed it towards John. He flexed his muscles and stood up straight.

“You’re a dork, you know that?” I chuckled when he stood next to me.

“Yeah, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.” He smiled and hugged me.

He spun me around and set me on my feet. I messed his hair up and he swatted me away. I pulled his face close and held up my camera.

“Smile.” I chuckled as I went to press the button.

John looked at me at the last second and the camera clicked.

“Shoot. Jerk! Why did you-“

John leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. My mind drew a blank as my finger hit the button again. Click. I let go of the camera and let it hang around my neck. His hands held my hips while mine held his shoulders. He pulled me closer and my hands wrapped around his neck. I pulled away to catch some air.

“Well that was kind of-“ I started.

“Amazing.” We started chuckling and John grabbed my camera.

He pulled it over my head and set it down on the ground. He grabbed my legs and pulled me to the ground. He grabbed my side and rolled me onto the other side. I started laughing again. God how he makes me laugh.

“I think Sam was right.” I smiled at him.

“I think Orton was right.” He smiled back. “I think I love you.”

I busted into laughter. Once I could breathe, I looked at him and smiled.

“I know I love you too.”

I grabbed his face and pulled him closer. He smiled in my hands and leaned in once again. Right here, was all I needed; a great job, great friends, and my best friend I never knew I was in love with.
♠ ♠ ♠
haha Okay, kinda sappy.. but what can you do, eh?