My New Brother Is Who?


When i was 9 years old my parents went on a business trip to help promote something for their boss. They didn't tell me what and then i really didn't care. They used to go on trips all the time so them going away didn't phase me. I was used to constantly being with my nanny until their return. Don't get me wrong they didn't ignore me like the cliche spoiled rich kids. No, when they came home all they did practically was hang out, watch movies and play dolls with me. But when they went on this trip they never came back. I found out later that they were headed to Costa Rica when their plane caught fire and exploded. Everyone aboard the plane died and everything was destroyed. I was devastated when my nanny told me and i was sent to the orphanage a few days later. Ever since then i guess you could say i started fucking up. I traded my dull pinks for hawt pinks. Everything dull went Neon, even my hair. I went from sweet and innocent looking to 'different'. But that's how i liked it. Nobody could tell me different. Nobody would even try. They knew better not to. Im now 17 years old and i still have the bright color scheme going i've been called 'a slut' 'scene''skater' 'hoe''bitch'. Whatever they say really just doesn't effect me 'cuz i ignore all the stupid comments. If you don't like me than you can suck it bitch.
-Hey Lyndzie?- my amazing caretaker called. I looked up from my book.
-Yeshhh Rosaline?- i smiled. She looked super excited about something and that's normally a good sign.
-You have an interview today!- i frowned and lowered my eyebrows
-Oh, Who with?- she led me to the 'interview room'
-you'll see.- I looked at her odd and opened the door. When i walked in i about passed out and shot my eyes at Rosy. She grinned and ushered me on.
-Hello, i'm Lyndzie. Do you happen to be Jeffree Star?- i asked quietly. he smiled
-Aww your a cute little thing. Yes im Jeffree. Do you know why im here?- i gave him a confused smile -I suppose your here because you want to adopt somebody.- i laughed lightly. He smiled brightly and nodded at the window. i raised an eyebrow and one of our security guards came in.
-Is there a problem Mr.Star? he asked
-The only problem is that she's not packed and ready for me to take her right now.- he smiled and my eyes widened. I bit my lip for trying not to scream in excitement.(haha sounds dirty) the guard smiled back at him and grinned at me in congrats.
-I suppose you should get ready sweetheart you'll able to leave in a few hours- i nodded quickly and hugged him. Then jumped back realizing what i did
-Oh, sorry.- i laughed nervously but then was caught in surprise when he squeezed me tight.
-You don't have to apologize sweetie besides im a hugger.- i grinned, raced to my room and immediately started packing.