You're the Reason Why

Bad Dreams

Rooney sat up in her bed. Sweat trickled down her forehead and onto her sheets. Her breathing getting heavy, and her eyes wide.

She looked around the room, hoping somebody else had been in there. No one. She groaned and pealed the wet hair from her face. "That was close.." She muttered to herself.

She'd been having weird dreams lately. This one freaked her out more than any of them. She and Logan had been in a fight, his claws gleaming in the lights of the room she hadn't ever seen before. She, doing the same. Her claws gleaming as well. She had been smirking as if she knew a secret, and he was trying to figure it out.

Jeep and Kitty came into the picture. Having sex in a path of flowers. Her patch of flowers out in the garden. This filled Rooney with rage as she tore past Logan and down into the garden. She started ripping flesh from both of them. Kitty and Jeep were soon laying all over the grounds. A proud Rooney standing over their heads, watching them like a lion on her prey.

Rooney shook her head. Why had Logan been in her dream? And why would she do this to her friends? Yes, she was jealous of Jeep. Jealous of Kitty. She wanted him, but she also knew he was happy.

Rolling over, she looked at her watch. 4:20am. She groaned and rolled back on her other side. Cold air hit her face so hard, she jumped. Only to realize the air kicked on.

"My life.." She muttered. "It sucks."

"Don't say that."

She jumped up to see Jackson standing there, smiling over her. "What the--"

"Don't worry. I didn't break in. I came through the shadows." He grinned.

She sat up once more and wiped her face. "You shouldn't use powers outside of the class."

"You're one to talk, Ms. Fireball in Italian class." He smirked.

She chewed her lip, making them more and more chaped as the days went on. "You saw?"

He nodded. "Everybody but the teacher saw, hun."

Chills ran up her spine. She loved him calling her cute little names. She sighed and rubbed at her face. Her make up from yesterday surely spread. Partly from the sweat, though.

"Why are you so.. sweaty?" He asked as he placed his hand on her back.

She giggled. "More dreams."

"Still having dreams?" He smirked. She nodded as she laid back down.

"Well, listen. Get up, shower. X wants me, you, Kitty, and Logan and a few others to learn more about our powers." He said before getting up.

"This early?!" She whined.

So, she got up and took a long hot shower. Making sure to take a little longer so she could think and wake up. Finally, with her hair and body all washed off, she got dressed in the suits Professor X gave her and the others. She tied her hair up in a messy bun before she walked down the hall to meet Jeep, Logan and Storm.

They waved to her, she waved back and they stood there. Waiting on Professor X.

She watched as Kitty and Jeep couldn't let go of each other. Logan and Storm were in a deep conversation about something Storm wanted to do. And a kid named Tim kept swinging his arms, giving off a foul smell.

Finally, she heard the squeaking of the wheel chair and X stood before them. "Hello. I see you are all up, other than Candy." He gave a small shrug. "I knew she wouldn't get the call." He chuckled.

"Candy?" Storm asked. She now had her snow shite hair short, unlike the last time I saw her when it was butt long and straight. Now it was choppy. I liked it.

"Tim's sister." He smiled. "She's new. Just flew her in tonight. Bobby did." He nodded towards the boy who was making an Ice ice cream cone. He looked up and grinned, as if he was proud of doing so. "Follow me."

We followed him down the hallway, and into a door. I stayed behind a little, not wanting to get in anybody's way. They all seemed to happy and powerful. Here was Rooney, not knowing just how much her powers meant to the Professor.

They walked into another smaller room and the Professor opened a door. "Good luck." Was all he said before they all walked into it. It was a huge room that looked almost as if it had been made of metal.

Tim and Bobby smirked at each other. Logan's claw's shot out of his hands while Storm held out her arms, something she did before battle.

Rooney looked around awkwardly, not knowing exactly what to do. She blinked and then before her eyes was a field. A long, grassy field with flowers and trees all around. Was it something that took them to another world? Or another town? Were they on a misson without training first?

Suddenly, the sky turned dark, and something lit it up. I bit my lip as a beam of light shot down from a cloud and landed right in front of us.

"Storm!" Logan shouted as she flew up into the air, her eyes went cloudy white as she watched the sky, making a little bit of sun shine through for us to see.

Logan ran over to the beam of light while Jeep followed. Kitty, Tim, Bobby and I stayed back, feeling awkward and unsure.

"Guys!" Bobby looked behind us. We all turned around to see a figure standing there. His head was covered with a Freddy mask. Bobby walked over, facing him.

Then, I was up in the air. I wasn't sure who, or what, was doing it. But I wanted down. I screamed and started to kick. I tried melting myself, but whatever it was was keeping me from using my fire. I tried to freeze whatever it was, but since I had no idea, I couldn't.

"Rooney!" Jeep's voice traveled through the air. I felt somebody tug on me, causing whatever to leg to. I looked up to see an iced over Bobby, standing on a block of ice.

"Hi." He smiled.

I blushed as he set me down and I ran over to help Kitty attack a group of men. Apparently, they were stealing and we had to take it back. I kicked at one of them, but he grabbed my foot and threw me down.

I groaned as Kitty did the same, and got thrown across the field. I didn't hear Jeep call for her. This kind of made me happy.

"Are you okay?" I called over to her, lifting myself in the air. Not sure how I even did it.

Suddenly, I was caught. I felt all my power draining, I felt myself shutting down. My skin growing cold. I didn't know what was happening, but I wanted it over with.
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woo! xD Comments, please? xD I wanna know how you guys like it!
