Always Love

Water Fight

Looking around the edge I tip-toe to the other side then make a run for the large tree and drop behind it. Sighing I wipe away some of the beads of sweat that have appeared on my face from the days antics. Looking around once more I pull out the walkie-talkie from my pocket.

“Hot pepper to small dick to you copy.”

“Yo my name is hot rod! Why do you always do that!?”

Smiling I roll my eyes, “Just get over it small dick. Anyway what’s your position? I haven’t seen the others yet.”

“You’re a pain in my ass. But I’m behind the large rocks near the river. I almost got Luke but him and Keith got away to fast. I lost them.”

Sighing I poke my head up from around the tree and get up making a run for the shed I feel a balloon hit my back as water seeps through and soaks me. Squealing I dive behind the closest tree and pull out some ammo. Griping the walkie-talkie I look around.

“Small dick I’m hit! Your damn bother got me.” Spotting a blob of running color I throw out a balloon hitting it square on.

“Where are you? I’ll be there for back up.”

“I hit one of them but I’m by the shed. Hurry!” placing the walkie-talkie down I glace around the tree and hide back behind it when a balloon hurdles by my face. these guys are out for blood, Jesus. throwing out another bomb I snicker when I hear a yelp and its fucking cold.

“Yo Les!” looking over I spot Brayden poking his head out from behind the shed. “About where are they?”

“Okay they are like-“

“Les duck!”

Giving Brayden a puzzled look I feel a rush of cold water being dumped on my head. Screaming I run towards him, hearing laughing coming from behind me I duck behind Brayden as he tosses out a couple of balloons at his brother and friend. Shaking my head I grab a few balloons from my bag and start throwing them and chase the two boys. Laughing I glance over at Brayden and nice how soaked his shirt is, glancing at his body I feel my cheeks burn up. Shaking my head I turn back two the boys in front of us noticing that they have spilt up.

“Les get Luke!” Running off after Keith I turn another direction and follow Luke, only to come to a dead end. “Shit where the hell did he go?” Jumping behind a group of tress when I hear feet shuffling towards me I pull out a balloon and glance around the corner to only be met with a water balloon to the face. Screaming I duck behind the tree and shake my head. Wiping the water from my face I glance around again to notice he is gone. shit where is he glancing around once more I step out from behind the tree only to feel arms wrap around my waist and pull me along. Screaming I struggle. “Let me go Luke!!”

Shaking his head he holds me closer and pulls me over to the pool area where their fort is noticing that Keith is sitting on a chair waiting for Luke. “You guys planned this. You little shits!! Brayden HELP!!” squealing when I feel cold water poured down my back.

“Okay so now we use her as bait to get my brother then bam we win. Told you this would work.” Being set in a chair they tie my hands to the chair. “Just making sure you can’t run away like last time.”

Pouting I glance up at the two boys. “But I didn’t do anything your brother got me out last time.”

“Pft yea right. Imma make more water balloons.” Watching Keith walk away I turn my poutie face to Luke he shakes his head.

“You two shouldn’t be put on the same team. You guys always lose.” Smirking at me, I shake my head and give an eye roll.

“You’re just jealous that we make a better team.” Watching him laugh I look over into the trees and nod my head slightly to the shadowy figure.

“You two are the worse possible team ever you talk to loud and just sit in the same spot all the time.”

“Well you know why we are always on a team together. Well because then we can plan our attacks on you to get victory.” Smirking I glance over Luke’s shoulder as Brayden tackles him down into the pool. Laughing I pull out of the rope and jump over to Keith and jump on his back. “Haha we win woo!”

“Get off of me!” trying to reach for the water balloons I grab his arm.

“Brayden this one isn’t going down help!!” tightening my grip on Keith I try to keep him from reaching the balloons.

“Sorry Leslie I am having from problems over here myself!!” Glancing over I notice Brayden having a wrestling match with Luke. While watching them I don’t notice that Keith has backed up towards the pool till he jumps in. screaming I let him go and swim up to the top.

“You jerk!” jumping back on Keith I start laughing while I try to dunk the large man. “I hate this.” Feeling him laugh then being pushed under the water I sigh. Come back up I spit water out of my mouth and push my hair out of my face. Looking over at the other two boys I smirk. Slipping of my shirt to reveille my bikini I tap Keith’s shoulder and point towards the two boys. Nodding his head smirking at my plan we swim over slowly and silently. Giving the sign we both jump on the boys. Knocking Brayden over I start laughing as I hold him under the water for a bit till he figures out to grab my wrist and pull me under.

Swimming back up to the surface I giggle as Brayden glares at me. “You are going to regret you ever did that.” Swimming away I yell for Keith and Luke only to hear them laughing and them disappearing inside the house. of course when I need help they just go and leave. feeling arms wrap around my waist I squeal. “no, no , no help!” being pulled tightly against his chest I feel his chest rise and fall with laughter as he pushes me up against the wall keeping me trapped.

“So now that I got you what should I do to you?”

Feeling my cheeks heat up I blush at the close contact with him, “You…you….you could let me go.” Starring up at him I swallow as his head moves closer to mine.

“Or I could just do this.”
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soo what is he going to do to her. hehe :D here is her outfit

more coming later enjoy!

ps comments also nice soo please leave them.