True Love's First Kiss

chapter one

It was my sweet 16, and today would have been perfect...for any other princess. Gifts everywhere, Princes and Lords swooning over my rare beauty, everyone paying attention to me. But that's not what I wanted in this world. All I wanted was true love, and with that, true love's first kiss. True, I could have any prince I wanted, but none of which I was introduced to had that connection with me that I so torridly yearned for. I wanted someone to love, to be my best friend. Iwanted someone who could see past my beauty, and see what was inside: A firey ball of sarcassim, a playful little girl, the world's biggest court jester, and and a poet who dreams to one day, change the world. I wanted someone to love me - for me. It was as simple as that. Or so I thought.
''Daddy you can't do this! Make me marry someone I don't love!'' I screamed at the top of my normally quiet voice. He couldn't do this, marry me off to the highest bidder. What about true love? Destiny? What about true love's first kiss? I couldn't possib something so special with someone I hardly know, yet alone don't love.
''And when will you find this ''true love''? When your an old spinster? No, I will not have it. You will be married to Prince Mark in one week exactly.''
''One week?!'' I gasped, unable to breath. My legs felt like rubber, but I forced them to run anyway. Anywhere, I didn't care. Away from my father, this castle, this nightmare. Soon I lost track of direction and found myself deep within a forest. Finally, I stopped to give myself a break. My lungs were on fire, my legs like Jell-O. I collapsed on the cool, mossy earth, hardly aware that I had fallen.
''I have to go back.'' I told myself a million times over. ''They'll all be waiting for me, searching for me, I have to go back.'' My mind was racing, faster, and faster, trying to figure a way out of this mess.
''Excuse me, but you look lost.'' A voice whispered in my ear. It was soft, and velvety, making me want to fall asleep. Like a mother who sings her childeren to sleep with the sweetest of lul-a-byes. I wanted the voice to go on forever, and never stop.
''Y-yes, I believe I am.'' I stammered, shocked at how powerfully this mysterious voice effected me. I looked around, trying to fing the face of the voice, but saw that sadly, I was by myself. My heart sunk at the idea that a person with a voice so soothing could only be a figment of my own fickle imagination.
''Then let me help you.'' The voice purred. And before I could breath, it was right beside me. Was he an angel? A god? There was no way the creature before me could have possibly been human. His hair, black as midnight, shone bright in the morning sun. His skin was pale, but it was close to transparent in contrast with his hair. And as I sat there admiring his beauty ( for that is the only possible way to describe him) dumbfoundedly my eyes locked on his, forcing me to catch my breath. His eyes...there was something...supernatural about them. When I first saw him I never noticed..but they were the most beautiful eyes i had ever seen. Cold as a sapphire stone, yet there was something tender in them; sincere. He really wanted to help.
''O-of course. Do I have the honor of knowing your name Sir?'' I asked, trying to pull myself together and be polite at the same time. I couldn't figure out what it was, but I felt a strange connection to him, almost as if...he were the one.
''My name is not important, it is WHO I am that is important..'' he replied courtiously.
''Then WHO are you?'' I asked puzzled. And with this, he gave a sly smile.
''I am everybody - and I am nobody.'' He said with a playful bow.
''Where are you from then?'' I pressed, trying my hardest not to giggle. There was something comforting about him. Safe.
''Everywhere- and absolutly nowhere.'' He said smirking. I couldn't help but like his playful personality, and confidant smile, and I had a feeling that some how... he knew that too. ''You make this too easy my dear. And before you ask, I already know who you are. You are the lost princess everyone is searching frantically for.''
''Impressive young Sir. Now do you know which way to go because I certainly do not.''
''As a matter of fact I do.'' He said, then stretched out his hand for me to take. Nervously, I reached out to take it. It was cold as ice. My mind was racing a million thoughts: Is my hand sweaty? Is this really happening?
Then our hands touched, and it happened. Fireworks blasted through my body. I felt my heart beat faster, felt his pulse match mine; mold into mine. And I knew it, he was the one. Then faster than I could comprehend, we started What's going on? I wondered, I couldn't even feel my own feet touching the ground. I looked down where my feet should have been and realized that they weren't there. He had swept me off my feet and started sprinting at a breath taking rate. No, there was NO way he could be human. What was he then? When he finally stopped, it was quick,but so smoothly that I couldn't tell the difference.
I found my self gasping for breath, as if it were me who had just sprinted across a forest in an alarming speed. And as I slowly began to come to my senses, I looked over at my friend (seeing as I didn't know what he was.) and noticed two things:1) He hadn't even broken a sweat. Wasn't even out of breath. If one had seen him, they would not have even thought that he had walked through the forest, yet alone ran. And 2) I noticed that he was still holding me in his arms. As if he could read my mind, (and much to my disappiontment) he gently put me back on the ground.
''We're here my Lady.'' He said quietly. Had he felt what I felt? Does he believe in destiny? My mind was going on a complete rampage, and t was driving me crazy.
''Thank yooouuuu.....'' I replied, still hoping for a name from my gorgous new friend. But instead, he just gave me a dazzeling smile and shook his head