Status: Based off of Sour Patch experience in one of these places :S enjoy?

Broken Pieces

part 1

“Hello, Chelsea. Come take a seat.” Dr. Kelly, my therapist said as I entered the room. The nurse that escorted me my therapy session, closed the door as soon as I was in, trapping me in the room. I walked slowly to the dark red velvet couch, where we were always told to sit. I climbed into the chair looking down at my hands and never at her. “So, Chelsea, how’s today been going for you?” She asked crossing her legs and placing her notebook on her lap.

My fingers fiddled with the soft fabric of my soft sweater that was identical to every other patient here. I continued to look anywhere but at her. Avoid eye contact with any of the servants of Hades or get in trouble again. I learned a few weeks after being admitted here that the meds did nothing to help get better but weaken us, making it difficult to fight them as they experimented. I didn’t take them anymore and they could tell when they looked into my eyes. If you looked into anyone else eyes you could see their pupil was so huge that the iris was barely visible.

“Chelsea?” Dr. Kelly sat up a bit straighter in her chair.

‘Remember avoid looking at her.’ I nodded to the voice, letting it know I had heard it.

I scratched the scars on my arms absent mindedly, Dr. Kelly’s eyes flashed to my arms as I did this. As I felt her gaze I stopped immediately pulling the sleeves over my hands. “The days been fine.” I spoke barely above a whisper.

From the corner of my eyes I saw her frowned slightly. “Hmm, what was that Chelsea?”

I sighed frustrated. “It was fine, Dr. Kelly.” I said a bit louder. I was feeling irritable, being here made me nervous, I always got nervous for my sessions with Dr. Kelly. She was good at catching me when I didn’t medicate. She nodded slightly and wrote something into the notebook.

The pen scratching on the paper sent an unpleasant chill up my spine. Out of the nervous, habit I began to chew on the sleeve of my sweater looking at the pale wood floors. My feet dangled slightly off the ground just barely skimming the wood, as they swung slowly.

“Chelsea, has there been anything going on lately that you would like to talk about?” Dr. Kelly asked, her arms were placed on the arm rests and she held her pen with the tips of her fingers looking me over, waiting for me to respond.

‘She’s trying to trick you Chelsea.’ I felt my breathing begin to shake, I shook my head furiously. My fingers raked thought my hair and scratched the sides of my face. ‘Calm down or you’ll get caught!’ The other voice hissed.

“No,” I breathed, burying my head in my lap. I rocked back and forth on my feet, trying to block out the angry voices in my head that told me to calm down.

“Are you alright, Chelsea?” If it was anyone else the tone she had used I would have thought it was concern. I nodded slowly my hair creating a matted brown curtain surrounding my face. I continued to rock as she wrote in the notebook about the session. “Are you on your meds?”

‘I told you she was going to catch you.’ The voice sounded so smug. I rocked back and forth faster now, avoiding answering the question.

She started to tap her pen on the cover of the notebook lightly. “Chelsea, how long have you been feeling this way?” Her eyes never left my huddled figure, burning a hole into my head.

She sighed in defeat, picking up the notebook and placing it on the small table next to her where a white phone lay. She picked up the phone and started to press buttons. “Well let’s call Dr. Franks and see what he recommends we do.”

My eyes doubled in size and before I could comprehend what I was doing, it was too late to stop myself. I was up and across the space between us knocking the phone from her hands. “NO!”

Dr. Frank was the head of the hospital and the devil himself. He was the man who talked my grandparents into letting him put me through test after test to “correct” me and help with my depression. He scared me to no end.

Dr. Kelly looked up at me and she had a twisted look on her face. “Where have you been putting the meds, Chelsea?”

Right there was where it all ended for me. They were going to punish me. I felt a wave of nauseous ness pass over me and my eyes started to sting. I shook my head.

She tilted her head slightly, “We will find out where you have them hidden.” I backed away from her & my eyes started to water, “it’d be so much easier on you if you tell us where they are, Chelsea.”


She shook her head in a disappointed way but the smirk on her face was never hidden. “Fine, if you want to do it the hard way again Chelsea, then we’ll do it the hard way.” She walked over to the doors and pushed it open slightly. “I need your assistance.” She spoke to the male nurses. The two men that had walked me here walked in and followed her towards me. They knew what to expect when they set their eyes on me. One of the men tried to grab my arm but I moved quickly, dodging him.

“Chelsea.” Dr. Kelly snapped. She never had much of patients for this kind of thing.

Both men lounged for me and I struggled with them. The smaller of the two grabbed a hold of my wrist and I let out a shout as pain shot up my arm. “Chelsea, calm down!”

Two other men came running in and tried to help the others to as I kicked, threw punches, and tried to run from the struggling men. I kicked as one of them tried to grab a hold of my arms.

“Get a needle, we need to sedate her.” One of the men shouted to another. One of the men ran from the room.

My eyes widened and my body went rigid with fear. The closest man leaped and grabbed a hold of me from behind. He held me by the forearms; I trashed and screamed as loud as I could. The other two men came towards us and I kicked my legs up as they tried to help the man holding me. I aimed my kicks for the two of them, they got ahold of legs, holding the
tightly as I struggled.

Fear was racing through my veins faster than my blood. I know that struggling will only add to my punishment, but the fear of Dr. Frank was worse than any punishment they could create in my mind.

“Chelsea, CALM DOWN!” Dr. Kelly shouted trying to get closer to me. She held a syringe with a clear liquid in her hand. Tears were flowing like a hurried stream, down a waterfall along my cheeks and into my matted hair.

Finally they men slammed me into the ground. My head hit hard, bouncing off the ground. Pain from my head down my back made me scream louder. The four nurses held me down, two of them pressing my shoulders and wrists and the other two keeping an iron hold on my legs. Dr. Kelly came closer to the paper skin of my arm.

I tried and focused most of my strength to try and pull my arm free of the demons grip. I shouted out in agony as the man holding the arm Dr. Kelly was trying to get at squeezed it hard, digging his fingers into the scars that laced my wrist.

I watched in bitter defeat as the needle pierced my skin like nothing. A moment of pain, like a safety pin pricking a finger, she emptied the drugs from the syringe into my small veins.

‘Slow down your heart rate, Chels.’ A soft voice spoke


‘Slow down-‘

Dr. Kelly kneeled on the ground panting over me. She brushed some of her hair that had fallen from her tight bun behind her hair as she watched as I began to grow weaker. “There you go Chelsea. All better.”

I glared and spat in her face. “I HATE YOU!” I erupted angrily.

She stood up, wiping my spit from her face. Her face had blossomed a bright red. “Take her to a room, till Dr. Frank can deal with her!” She hissed trying to hold back her furry.

My small frame felt heavier as the men quit putting pressure on my limbs and my eyes drooped. “Kelsey?” I said desperately.

The four men heaved me up from the ground and began to take me from the room. My head drooped down and swayed as they took me down the familiar halls. Small drips of blood from my head fell to the ground. A trail began to form leading to my sanctuary and prison. My vision we going blurry and the bright lights blinded me, every few moments.

The sound of metal locks clicking sent a wave of calmness and desperation to fight graced my mind. But I had no urge that moment. And next I felt the cushions against my back, as I was lowered onto something soft. I was losing the fight to keep my eyes open.

One man sighed. “Get a jacket.” I heard a voice, muffled by the drug.

As my eyes shut, I prayed to the god that I had no faith in any longer and that had been so unjust to me, that I would never awake.
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whatcha think? x)