Status: Based off of Sour Patch experience in one of these places :S enjoy?

Broken Pieces

part 2

I kept myself pressed closely to the padding of the white walls. It was completely silent aside from the wheezing of my shallow breaths. My arms were fastened tightly to my body like a seatbelt, restraining me from much movement.

The flaming irritation in my eyes became more of an annoyance as the lights of the day crawled on. No sleep in the last 3 days. No food for the past 4. My dry throat ached for something to quench the thirst.

This was my punishment. They take away everything, but the meds, which I will refuse. I will stay in the room until I take them. That’s my ticket out; Dr. Frank’s meds and ‘treatment’. But I fight it for as long as I can.

Time and time again I’ve tried to fight him but I always crack after a couple of days. My mouth becomes so dry I can’t feel it or my insides crave food so much that they control my jaw and lungs. They scream for the things they desire, for the things to survive.

‘Having fun there?’ the smug voice asked. I closed my eyes tightly as I heard it, pressing myself further into the small corner. ‘Are you trying to ignore me?’ the voice was louder, this time. ‘That’s not very nice, Chelsea.’ Draco cooed. They had taken the chance to name themselves years ago, making them more permitted to my mind.
I flinched at the sound of his voice. His cackle boomed through the room as a heat started to build in my throat.

“Shut up!” I hissed opening my eyes. A dark figure was sitting on the small bed across the room. It was him again, his hood pulled far over his head, casting the shadow over his face.

His eyes glowed red and his white teeth shined bright like always. “Shut up and leave me alone.”

He glowered at me. ‘I will not be told what to do by a worthless little girl!’

I coward slightly losing the strength I had felt a moment before.

‘Oh, stop being an asshole!’ another voice piped up. My eyes flashed towards an angelic beauty sitting on the small window ledge. ‘She won’t say shit like that to you if you weren’t such a dick all the time, Draco.’ Lulu snapped.

I could feel Draco’s anger build more at the appearance of her. Her soft skin glowed brightly in the dim room, making her like a lighten bug during the night, her brown hair falling in ringlets from her head. She was completely sunning.

‘Oh, shut it, dodo!’ He angrily, ‘I’m as mean to you as I am to her.’

Lulu’s jaw tightened. ‘Did you seriously just call me dodo?’ Draco began to snicker. ‘What are you 3? You couldn’t come up with a better come back then that?’

My eyes started to sting at the sound of the bickering. Every time they show up, it’s proof to myself that I deserve to be in here. I’m insane and I hear voice and hallucinate.

“SHUT UP!” I screamed. Both of them looked at me, looking shocked. They watched me as I started to sob but not a tear fell. My eyes were tired from crying, they just wouldn’t anymore. Draco shot me a look that told me I was pathetic and Lulu looked like she was bored out of her mind.

‘Look what you did!’ Draco growled. ‘Now we get to listen to this for god, knows how long!’ He pushed himself up from the bed and started passing the room.

‘Me?!’ Lulu jumped from the ledge. ‘What the hell did I do?’

‘You showed up!’

Lulu glared daggers at him; he just ignored the stair, leaning against the padded wall.

The clicking of locks being undone echoed through the room. The door stretched open; I kept my eyes fixed on the wall where Draco had been a moment before.

The both of them always hid when others were around. They were like sky children. Not like Kelsey. She wouldn’t leave me alone like that.

The nurse walked into the room, stopping in front of me. Greeny stood right in my line of sight. Her rusty red hair pulled back into a pony tail, out of her face. The familiar look of disgust and annoyance glared down at me.

A blank expression stayed placed on my face. The hate from her eyes made me want to shrink away, but I couldn’t find the energy in myself to do so.

“Are you ready to give up and take the meds again?” She asked holding a small bottle in her hands. I stayed silent, she won’t stay long. She hated being around me, unless I was under treatment. She sighed out frustrated. “It’s hard to make corrections and help if you don’t participate.” She placed the pill bottle in her pocket.

I could feel a wave of emotion hit me. “I’m not broken.” I whispered as she walked from the room.

She stopped in the door way and a cackle rumbled from her chest. “No, you’re not broken.” She turned back to face me. “You’re really messed up.” She cackled again. I flinched and my eyes started to tear up. She laughed harder as she walked back towards me. “Do you like being in here, Chelsea?” I felt my tears slip and I shook my head. She kneeled in front of me. “You sure, because I mean you sure as hell don’t like taking the meds Dr. Frank has given you,” She started counting things off on her fingers. “You have a real bad problem with your anger,” Her face twisted in disgust. “And you run around thinking that making out with the other girls here like its ok.”

She went quiet and looked at me for a moment. “What do you think you are?” She asked. “Defective?”

I bit my lip and leaned my head back on the wall. “I-I’m n-not broken.”

She started to laugh. “You’ll break in a few days and then Dr. Frank can start you up on the new treatment.” She stood up and walked towards the door. She closed it behind her, the locks clicked.

I slid along the wall till I was lying on the ground. I squeezed my eyes closed. She was wrong; I wasn’t going to break this time. I was stronger…

‘Aww, the baby’s crying.’ Draco laughed.

I felt a cold touch on my face, ‘She does cry like a baby doesn’t she?’ Lulu giggled. Her hand crest my face. I turned my head and she laughed some more. ‘What dear, I thought you liked girls.’

You’re not real. I thought to myself.

‘You’re not a girl though, Lulu. You’re an it.’ Draco howled with laughter at his own joke.

Lulu got up and huffed. ‘Tiny weenie’

I kept my body curled up and stayed silent as they bickered. It was constantly going through my mind more and more. They went on and on. For days they just didn’t stop.

Till finally her voice stopped them.

‘SHUT UP!’ My eyes snapped open. Kelsey, her little 6 year old body sat Indian style beside me. My eyes filled with tears of relief at the sight of this little angel. ‘Gosh you two are such butt heads.’ She huffed.

“Kelsey.” I spoke in a raspy voice. I pushed myself up off the ground with some difficulty

She frowned and pushed the hair away from my face. ‘Chels.’ She said softly. I sat and watched her, my arms longing to hug the one thing I wished never to lose. ‘You need to take the pills.’ She sat next to me. ‘You need to eat sister.’ She mumbled lying in my lap.

Tears welled up in my eyes and I shook my head as the small reminder of my sister laid in my lap and looked up at me. Her eyes holding a pleading for me to listen.

“I don’t want to go through it anymore, Kelsey.” I sobbed.

‘Please sister.’She begged, sitting up and laying her head on my shoulder. Please.’

I shook my head closing my eyes to stop the tears. “I can’t do this Kelsey. “

I imagined the presents of her arms around my neck. Like the hugs that she used to give me. ‘Sister I love you.’ She whispered in my ear. ‘I wanna see you happy again, please.’

I gasped for breath as she kissed my cheek. ‘You can get better sister’ She whispered, holding me tight. I nodded slowly. ‘I love you sister.’

“I love you too, Kelsey.”