Status: Based off of Sour Patch experience in one of these places :S enjoy?

Broken Pieces

part 3

“You don’t talk much.” Her voice fluttered across the room, reaching my ears.

I lay in the corner curled up in a ball like a small kitten. I kept my mouth clamped tight, my eyes stayed fixated on her. We had been in here for a few days and it had on effect on her.
She was still beautiful.

She sighed and ran her thin fingers threw her waves of brown hair. She locked her eyes with mine. “Are you gonna talk or am I going to have to look like a crazy person and talk to myself?” She asked breaking the silence.

I flinched, dragging my eyes away from hers.

“Shit, I’m sorry.” She said standing up and walking over to me. “I didn’t mean to upset you or offend you or anything.” She kneeled down beside me, “I’m really sorry.” She grabbed my
hand, squeezing it gently.

My eyes looked at our hands. She was touching me? My eyes widened and automatically flickered around the room.

Her eyes followed mine. “Whatcha lookin’ for?” She laughed bitterly when she saw the camera placed up in the corner like a bird’s nest in a tree. The red light blinking, alerting us it was on and recording. “I doubt, that anything will happen, honey.” She looked back at me. “This isn’t seductive or whatever. It’s friendly if anything.”

I nodded slowly, but still pulled my hand back, laying it under my head beside the other. She shook her head, sitting in the sight of the camera, tucking her legs beneath her.

“My names Gilly.” She offered a friendly smile but I didn’t return it. She frowned gently. “Can I know your name?” I stayed silent pressing my lips into a straight line and looking away from her. I kept my eyes on my strands of dirty hair that was fanned out on the floor.

She sighed frustrated. “If I talk and you get comfortable enough, will you talk?” I offered a shrug, she took it and began to talk.

She was a lesbian and that was the end of it. No depression, no suicide attempts, no craziness, no nothing. She just liked girls.

I stayed quiet when she had finished; she starred as I kept my eyes on the ground. My thoughts swirled around in my head; clouding my mind. Gilly started to hum and play with my hair. Her fingers brushed threw the knots and tangles that made themselves over time. I closed my eyes and laid still.

“What’s your name hun?” She whispered.

“Chelsea,” I mouthed never opening my eyes.

She continued to run her fingers though my hair. “That’s a pretty name.” I could hear a
smile in her voice. I opened my eyes and looked up at her.

“Why are you here, Kelsey?” She fingers brushed my cheek, leaving behind a trail of heat as a blush creeped onto my face.

“Chelsea.” I mumbled.

“oh,” she moved her hand, “Sorry, hun.”

I shook my head and sat up, pulling my knees to my chest. She smiled at me softly as I rested my chin on my knee.

“Why are you here, babe?” She titled her head slightly.

I bite my lip as things to say rushed through my head. ‘Come on, Chelsea, tell her she seems nice.’ Lulu’s sarcastic voice rang through the inside of my head.

‘Yeah, tell her about us. Don’t be so fucking selfish.’ Draco spoke up.

‘Why are you even fucking thinking about this’ Lulu voice sounded annoyed; like a older kid talking to a toddler. ‘The answer is obivious. Your not supposed to have any thought about this.’

A waved of embarrassment washed over me. Gilly sat in front of me; watching as I looked like I was starring off into space.

“Chelsea,” My name slid off her tongue and sent a small flow of tingles in my stomach. She touched my arm. “I understand if you don’t want to tell me.” I nodded.

“Hello Gillian and Chelsea.” We both turned to see Dr. Frank standing in the hidden door way. “How are you both doing today?”

“Well I’m super horny right now.” Gilly said heaving herself up so she was standing.
Dr. Frank, smiled sarcastically. “Mmm, funny Gillian.” Gilly rolled her eyes and mumbled something under her breath. Dr. Frank then turned to me. “Hello Chelsea.” As my name left his lips I felt my stomach churn. I kept my stare away from him. I could feel the veil from his black soul radiate from him as he walked closer. I whimpered as his chilled skin came in contact with my arm.

“How have you been Chelsea?” He asked kneeling in front of me. The air in my lungs turned cold and icy shivers made my body tremor. I shook my breath trying to keep my breathing normal.

He gave me an interested look and turned to the nurse standing in the hideaway door. “Bring the hormones.” He said.

“Right away, Dr. Frank.” Grenny said, a sadistic smile on her face. Dr. Frank stood up and looked at the tow of us as she walked away.

“Hormones?” Gilly placed her hands on her hips. “What the fuck?”

“These are a special type of hormones.” He said as Greeny walked back into the room, pushing a small cart. He walked over to the cart and looked at the small vials as Greeny placed them on the flat surface of the top.


He smiled. “These hormones are ones that regular people who aren’t homosexuals
produce in there bodies.”

Gilly looked at him with her mouth hanging slightly open. “WHAT THE HELL?” she shouted. Greeny glared at her. “What the fuck kind of medical degree did you graduate with?”

Dr. Frank kept a straight face. “I believe that this treatment will prove to be success with you and Chelsea.”

She laughed humorlessly. “You believe? What your other gay patients haven’t turned straight with this treatment?”

“This is the first trial to be given. You and Chelsea were volunteered to be the first to try the treatment.”

I watched as Gilly’s face turned different shades of red. “So were your fucking lab rats?” She spoke through her teeth, her hands in first by her sides.

“In a way yes.” He started to prepare a needle. I watched in fear as he filled in with the hormones. He filled tow, before turning back to us. “Alright girls.” He took the second needle and moved towards us. I stayed frozen on the ground.

“Don’t you dare come hear us with those, you dick sucking douche bag!”

He frowned and turned towards Greeny. “Perhaps we should get some assistance?” She nodded her head stiffly and the two of them walked from the room, taking the drugs with them.

As the door closed Gilly hurried over to me. “Those fuckers aren’t going to touch us.” She brushed the hair that had fallen in my face out of the way. “Aw, babe don’t cry.” She pushed her fingers along the skin under my eye.

My hand moved shakily to my cheek and the moisture soaked my fingers. I breathe out unevenly. A saddened look came into Gilly’s eyes.

“It’s ok, Chelsea.” She whispered, pulling me into her chest. I wrapped my arms around her middle burying my head into her shoulder. She rocked me gently shushing me and rubbing my back in comfort.

‘See even she wants you to shut up with the crying.’ Draco’s was slightly lost in my mind.

“Chelsea.” She spoke quietly. I kept my face down. I felt my breath get caught in my throat as she kissed the corner of my mouth. “Don’t cry babe,” She whispered. My face heated up and my heart started to pick up. “They’re not going to hurt you.”

I nodded slowly. She smiled and bent in closely, pressing her lips to mine. I gasped as her lips brushed over mine. She placed her hand on my cheek, gingerly. I moved my hand, placing it over hers.

She pulled away a little placing her forehead against mine. “They can’t change us.” I nodded in agreement. I pecked her lips quickly before pulling away as the door opened.

Two big male nurses walked in after Dr. Frank and Greeny. Dr. Frank smiled, “Alright, you want to willingly let us give you the treatment?”

“Fuck you cunt.” Gilly growled. I held her hand tightly.

He sighed and looked over at the two men. He nodded his head and they both came over to us. Each of the men grabbed a hold of us. They pulled us apart and carried us towards Dr. Frank and Greeny. I watched Gilly as she struggled with the man’s grip.

“Greeny, can you help Ryan?” Dr. Frank asked her. She nodded and walked over to Gilly. I bit my lip as I watched Greeny take a hold of her arm tightly.

“Let go of me you lose slut!” She yelled trying to pull her arm away. Greeny’s jaw tightened and she squeezed her arm tighter. “Ah Fuck!” She shouted, daggers flying from her eyes.

“Alright, Gillian.” Dr. Frank grabbed a needle from his coat pocket and walked over to her. He cleaned the skin of her arm and pressed the needle into his skin. I bite my lip turning my head quickly. I hated needles. I hated drugs injections.

“Ah!” Greeny shouted in pain. I quickly looked to see Greeny holding her jaw. The male nurse was holding Gilly against his chest as she struggled. The needle was still hanging from her arm, I felt my stomach churn. Dr. Frank stood back his eyebrow raised.

Greeny growled as a smirk made its self home on Gilly’s face. Greeny lifted her hand drawing it back, before making contact with her face. My eyes widened. Gilly’s face was shocked and she stopped struggling. Greeny smiled in pleasure.

Dr. Frank took this chance to pull the needle from her arm.

He placed the cap over the used syringe, before dropping in back into his lab coat pocket. He removed another from his other pocket and turned to me.

“Are you going to struggled too?” I looked over at Gilly, a red mark was starting to appear on her face. I felt my eyes start to water. I shook my head and looked away from her. “Good girl Chelsea.” He smiled and walked over to me.

He uncapped the need and the nurse held my arm out. Dr. Frank’s cold fingers ran over the veins of my arms, a shiver of fear rushed through me. A smirked flashed across his lips. He pushed the needle into my vain. I whimpered and looked away from it. The feeling of the needle in my arm was like a bug under my skin, pinching away at my veins and muscles.

He smiled and pulled the needle from my arm. “That’s a good girl, Chelsea.” He patted me on the head like I was a dog. I whimpered and shuttered, flinching away from his touch. He chuckled and walked away.

Greeny followed closely hebinded him. The nurse that had a hold of me released his hold
on me and shoved me into the wall. I hissed as pain shout up my arm.

“Amazon dwarf butt fucks.” Gilly said, I looked over to see her lying on the ground. I walked towards her slowly sitting beside her. “Gilly,” I whispered.

She looked up at me, through her hair. Her eyes held anger and disappointment. “What the hell, Chelsea?”

My eyes started to water and di looked away from her. Guilt began to fill my stomach. I was such a coward. “I’m sorry.” I said barely above a whisper. Tears started to fall again.

She sighed and sat up. “No, I’m sorry.” She pulled me into her arms. “I didn’t mean to snap at you.” I bit my lip and hugged her back. “You were scared. I can’t control that.” She titled my head back, catching a few tears with her thumb. “Don’t cry anymore, hun.” She pecked my lips softly. She hugged me tightly. “They can’t change us.”

I nodded slightly and cuddled closely to her.

Days went by and they came by what seemed like the same time each day. Each time Gill fought them, she came out of it with a bruises and cuts. And every time I would cower away.
“You girls are showing great improvements with the treatment.” Dr. Frank said last time, he had given us the hormones. He smiled at me.

“You’re a damn bastard.” Gilly spat. She was rubbing the bend of her arm gently.

“You’re a damn thick headed brat., you know that?” Greeny said sporting a black eye. Gilly lifted her hand and showed her, her finger.

Dr. Frank ignored their comments and continued to talk. “If the results continue to stay good then the two of you should be allowed to leave the room in a few days.”
Neither sadness nor joy was brought to me by the news. I sat in the corner and kept my legs pulled tightly to my chest. They left a few moments later everyone left like every other day, leaving me and Gilly alone. I sat quietly, rocking back and forth.

“You’re insane.” Gilly said. I looked over at her. “I hear you talking while I’m asleep.” She gave me a look of disgust. “I understand why you don’t fight them. Fucking freak.”

Tears began to fall down my cheeks and I looked away. I was cursed to be alone and shunned for the rest of my life.
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meeehhh!! haha this ending isn't supposed to be like this but i got rushed cuz this was my english final :D and well this part had to be rushed. x(
comment & stuff?