Status: rainbow colours :D

Rainbow colours

Rainbow colors

There was a young guy. The cutest ever. With his bewitching shiny eyes and sublime lips.
With an angelic skin of babies.he was famous and everyone adored him. Girls were all over him. They could do anything just for a few minutes with him. He loved Books and his family. He’s got a perfect way of talking, walking and even driving. He was fascinating. His name was Adam he was hired as an interpreter in a big company. He was doing pretty well at work. But he always felt a little empty inside of him. He wanted somebody who could see him perfect when he is not ...somebody to share dreams and hope with .someone who would love him without expecting anything in return. He once said that his life was dull because he believed that a life without love was like a rainbow without colors.and on a Wednesday evening. He met that beautiful girl. He said she was the sexiest ever...
She was tall and blonde and curly haired with and gorgeous grey eyes. He asked her if she was available the next day. Just for a walk or something she would like to do. She said with a huge smile of course. The next day he picked her up. They had a good time. They dated for almost one year. But what he didn’t know was that she was a liar. She never loved him as she pretended. He knew that when she left him for another man, richer and more successful. He was hurt. Because he thought she loved him as he did. And since that day he became a player. Dating Sarah marry Lola and Jessica. And others every single day and he forget about them in a week or two...1

Once while Adam was driving to work, he saw that a girl, he found her really cute with her big brown eyes and straight hair. He smiled at her, so did she. He found his self thinking about her. He didn’t know who she was. Since that day he didn’t see her till one night. He was leaving his work. And he saw her. But some bad guys were trying to hurt her. He ran and took her from hand and helped her. He asked if she was okay. She said yes and thanked him and left. They both were dazzled of each other. That’s where the story begun. Whenever they went. They met.especialy in inspected places. She believed it was faith. She couldn’t stop loving him. Each day she saw him smiling and his eyes shined every time he saw her. He just stops and stares without saying a single thing. She was falling for him. And so he did. For their very first time, they believed that was the true love. without even being together. But they knew each other more than anybody else could ever do. Just by what they noticed about each other. She noticed that he's got six smiles. One when he's with his friends and he's having a good time. One when he's doing his job and he's proud of his self, one when he's surprised by something. One he sees her with another guy with her. And one when he's pissed off or sad. But the one she prefers is the one he does when he smiles at her. He was the only thing that makes her wishing on a wishing star. And she was the reason why he stayed awake at night wondering who she was in love with. But he never went to ask her out. Even if he did it easily with other girls, he was afraid that she'd deny.2

But that was her biggest wish. Days and days go by. Smiles and heart beats. And hopes. The girl waited for him to talk with her, for along time, 2 years! And he still didn't, she thought that he doesn’t care about her and he doesn’t feel anything toward her, so she just gave up. She got in a relation with someone else. That one was so in love with her. She liked him. But with time she couldn't support the idea that she's with a guy she don't love. So she broke up with him. She preferred staying single and waiting for Adam him. She loved to see him smiling at her. And he loved to see her smiling at him. That would make their whole day. so one day she was talking about him with a friend of her, that friend didn't know what was going on between them, she told Emma that Adam was gorgeous and she will try to get in a relation with him, Emma felt sad , she will be hurt seeing her friend with the one she loved, Emma thought that Adam wouldn’t deny or ignore that girl, she was hot,tall,and so beautiful, all guys liked her, Adam was living in the same neighbourhood as her, so she begun trying by looking at him every single day. He was stealing glances too. Once he wondered why he wouldn’t get with that hot girl! So when he saw her walking home from school he asked her if wanted to go to a cafe with him.3

She felt happy because he's got a great car and money! And he was a good looking guy. She said yes and then they went together. She texted Emma saying that she was in a cafe with Adam, Emma felt so sad she couldn’t help crying, and she started to just ignore him! She didn’t look at him anymore; and then he wanted to do anything just to see her smiling at him. But no way was she hurt so deep she wanted to move on, she couldn’t stop loving him but she pretended that she didn’t care at all about him. He was always thinking about her and missing her smile...but he just screwed it up he could have asked her out not her friend! But he didn’t know that was her friend! Until the day Emma was asked out by a really good looking guy out! So they went to a cafe where they would just talk and then! Emma saw her friend! The one who was in a relation with Adam sitting alone! So she called her to join them just the time her boyfriend comes. And when he came. He was totally surprised. He was really choked and he understood why she was ignoring him. That was Emma’s friend, he couldn’t help being choked. Audrey asked if he was okay he said y-yeah i i think so and he looked at Emma with those shiny eyes. That’s when he understood he was madly in love with her and he couldn’t live another single day without her. They all sat together. Emma left to the ladies room. She came in and she started crying she couldn’t help it. That was stronger than her. He pretended that he had to go to the bathroom and he followed her there and he looked her in the eyse.and told her he has something to say, she didn't want to hear him out. And she left like nothing has happend.the following day he called her and they met. They had the best time ever together. And that's when they kissed each other for the first time. And then he told her how wonderfully in love he was with her and so did she..
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sorry for mistakes :(