‹ Prequel: Romantic Nightmare
Status: ....

Beautiful Daydream.

She's Back.

“Xander…it’s here” my cousin Clyde whispered from the window.

I didn’t want to but some part of me made me get up and walk to the window. “Are you sure it’s her?” I asked as I stood there next him and stared at the vacant house with the moving truck in the front.

Clyde sniffed the air and smiled. “Yeah…I recognize that scent anywhere.” He said as he closed his eyes and smiled.

Even though her scent was right there I still didn’t want to smell it. I wanted to make sure it was hers and no one else’s. “Maybe we shouldn’t watch…I mean what if she found someone else?” I asked as I stared into the ocean blue eyes of my cousin. It would kill me to see her with a new boyfriend.

Clyde grinned that mischievous bad boy grin of his and shrugged. “Well then we both know she moved on.” He said flatly.

I glared at him for his lack of effort on making this situation better. It was bad enough when we found out a few days ago she was coming back to this town to start college. I remember like it was yesterday when we were holding hands and kissing. But that was just a dream, a dream which turned into a nightmare. Now I’m a complete stranger to her.

That’s fine.

As long as she’s happy and safe then there is no reason for me to be in her life.

“Hey look!” Clyde nudged my shoulder as he pointed out a black SUV driving into the old driveway. I watched eagerly as the both doors opened. On the driver side I saw a woman, possibly in her forties with brown hair tied up into a bun. She had on a long trench coat which made sense seeing as its September and it was pretty cold for the humans. I then looked at the young woman who climbed out of the passenger side.

My mind went blank.

She was beautiful.

Her long black hair was pulled into a side bun, which revealed that mouthwatering neck of hers. She wore the cutest pair of black skinnies which made her butt look nice and perky and a black leather jacket to keep her small frame warm.

“She’s beautiful” I whispered.

“Yeah, she’s no longer that little girl we met two years ago.” Clyde faked a tear. “Our little butterfly had spread her wings and grown up.” he teased.

“Clyde shut up” I groaned. “You’re forgetting we are the ones who can’t grow up.” I added.

“Yeah…it’s a shame though. She will grow old, get married and die while we wallow and lament in our immortality” he sighed. “The joys of being a vampire” he smirked.

Yeah the joys of being a monster

“Dude she’s looking this way!” Clyde whispered.

I glanced out the window and saw her looking up at our window. She had an expression of familiarity, like she had seen us before. “Shit!” I muttered as I threw myself behind the curtain. “Is she still looking?” I asked.

Clyde remained planted at the window and smiled. “Nope she’s gone.” he grinned.

I sighed as I looked back out the window, she was still standing there. “You jackass she’s still there!” I hissed.

“I know I just wanted to mess with you” he beamed. “But Xander chill out. She doesn’t even remember us and she probably never will.” He added.

That thought bothered me a lot. It bothered me every day since that day we erased ourselves from her memory. Trinity continued to stare at us until her aunt called her in. she gave us one last glance and ventured into her house.

“Damn…she doesn’t recognize us.”

“Isn’t that a good thing? We wanted this in the first place.” Clyde replied.

Yeah it’s what we wanted but not what she wanted.

But it had to be done.

I didn’t want her to get mixed up in our world.

It sucks because My Trinity will never know who I was.

My little butterfly will never fly back to me.

It’s better this way.

She’s happy.

She’s safe.

She’s forgotten everything about me.

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Ellow! Yup first chapter of the sequel! comment and subscribe!!