‹ Prequel: Romantic Nightmare
Status: ....

Beautiful Daydream.

Have we met?

“Dude let’s go talk to her.” Clyde suggested.

I sat up on my bed and gave him a glare. “No. I don’t want to be involved with her life.” I said as I laid back down.

“Oh come on Xander at least say hello. She doesn’t even remember us so we are like total strangers to her.” He said as he got up and slipped on his converses.

“No, what if she falls for me? I don’t want the same thing to happen twice.” I said with a sigh.

Clyde shook his head tossed my dirty converses over to me. “If she doesn’t know you then there is no reason for her to fall for you. I mean you’re still as emo as ever and not many girls look at you anyways.” He said really bluntly.

I scowled at his remark and threw my shoes on the ground. “I’m not going.” I spat.

Within two seconds Clyde was in front of my bed and my shoes were dangling over my head. “Get dressed Xander Morgue, we are going to say hello to our new neighbors.” He spat as he threw my shoes on my chest.

I snarled at him as I grabbed my shoes and yanked them on. “Jerk.” I muttered.

“I love you too!” he cooed as he waltzed out of the room.

I sighed mentally as I followed him into the living room and out the door. Clyde was already across the street waiting for me. “Hurry up Xander!” he called out.

“Shut up!” I shouted back as I hurried across the street. Clyde met me with a smile and walked over to her front door. He reached his pale hand out and rung the bell twice.

“Coming!” I heard a voice from the other side. As soon as soon as the door was opened everything froze.

These she was, standing there with a confused expression on her face. Trinity looked between the both of us, her eyes searching for some familiarity. “Can I help you?” she asked. I smiled inwardly at her politeness.

“Yes my cousin and I have noticed your arrival here at this house” he looked over to me with a nod then back to her. “We would like to grace ourselves with an introduction and a warm welcome to our new neighbors.” He smiled gracefully.

Trinity blushed a bit to his words and nodded. “Where are you from? You speak like you’re from the Victorian era.” She said with a smile.

Clyde and I both looked at each other and shrugged. “Well my dear we are technically from California. Ah where are my manners, my name is-”

“Clyde!” she said, well almost like blurted out.

Clyde’s blue eyes widened to his name. For the first time the blonde looked quite confused and at most shocked. “How..did you know my name?’ he asked calmly though I know he was questioning himself inside.

“I…it just sort of..came to me.” She said as she looked over to me. Her eyes narrowed some as she tilted her head to the side. “Have we met?” she asked.

I instantly flinched in my spot. “No” I said to quickly which sounded like a cold tone. Trinity looked taken back and blushed.

“I’m sorry…it’s just that…you two look really familiar. I swear I feel like I’ve seen you guys before…” she trailed off into a thought. “But anyways it’s nice to meet the both of you…err Clyde and..”

“Xander” Clyde answered for me. I have him a hard nudge on his arm and slightly smiled to Trinity.

“Xander…hmmm..” another look of familiarity crossed her features.

“Trinity? Who’s at the door?” I heard an older woman ask.

“Oh…just the neighbors from across the street. They came to say hello” she said as she pushed the door wider. An older woman who sort of resembled Trinity came into view, a polite smile settled on her lips.

“Why hello there, I’m Trinity’s aunt. You’re the Morgue family I presume?” she asked.

“Yes my dear lady we are and we just wanted to welcome you ladies into our neighborhood. Please feel free to come over and chat with us anytime.” He said with a gracious smile.

Both Trinity and her amount turned a deep shade of red.

“Oh my you’re quite polite and the way you speak…it’s very…formal.” Trinity’s aunt said curiously.

Clyde what the fuck are you doing?

Chill out Xander I’m just making small talk.

This small talk is turning into a fucking conversation. I told you this was not a good idea!

“I’m sorry ladies but Xander and I must part for now.” Clyde said as he extended his hand out to them.

“Well it was nice meeting the both of you.” her aunt replied as she took Clyde’s hand. Her eyes widened for a moment, her breath seemed caught in throat. “Wow…your cold. Are feeling alright dear?” she asked.

“Oh no worries, I’m always this cold.” He grinned then looked over to me. “Xander where are your manners?” he asked.

I shot him a death glare and extended my hand out to Trinity. “It was nice meeting the both of you” I said with a small smile.

“It was nice to meet you too” she said as she took my hand. An instant spark of electricity pricked my hand which made the both of us jump. “Wow..” she whispered.

“Well it was lovely meeting you boys. Hopefully we’ll see you around” her aunt said as she motioned Trinity back into the house and closed the door.

As soon as Clyde and I got inside our house I let my mask drop and snarled at the blonde. “Really Clyde?” I spat.

“What?” he asked innocently as he sat on the couch.

“Come over and chat sometime?” I mocked his voice. Her glared at me and stood up.

“Xander she doesn’t remember us”

“Dude she fucking knew your name, how is that possible? And why did she kept on saying she seen us before? Isn’t her memory of us supposed to be erased?” I questioned.

Clyde bit his lip on that one. “True…I’ve never heard of a human regaining memory after a vampire erases their memory. Then again it could be a coincidence; I mean her aunt knew who we were so she probably just told Trinity.” He said.

I shook my head with a sigh. “Let’s just stay away from her. I don’t want to get involved with her again.”

“Xander fucking Morgue stop you’re bitching. Trinity doesn’t really remember us which is fine. And no one is forcing you to talk to her; after all she’s going to college now so you won’t be seeing much of her. I on the other hand since I go to college I’ll be seeing her more often but don’t worry, I won’t interfere with her life…too much.” He grinned.

“Clyde I swear you’re going to be the death of me.” I groaned as I sat down on the couch.

Clyde chuckled delightfully and sat down next to me. “Xander have you already forgotten? You are already dead.” He said as he smiled wide enough to show his perfect white fangs.