‹ Prequel: Romantic Nightmare
Status: ....

Beautiful Daydream.


When my Aunt shut the door, I waited until she walked back to the kitchen. As soon as she did, I ran over to the window.

Peeking through the blinds, I found them walking home, bickering about something.

I swear, something about them was familiar.

What was with that spark too. I’ve never met the boy and the first time I shook his hand I get freaking sparks. I haven’t met him before today!

Have I?

Then I got it.

My journal.

I darted upstairs, making my hair fly behind me in strands out of my bun. I slid to a stop and ran in my room.

Closing the door behind me, I ducked under my newly made bed. I picked up the journal and flipped through the yellowing pages.

Then, I found the page I was looking for.

Tonight’s dream was much different. I was in my old high school again. The walls were deserted.

I was limping but I don’t know from what. I saw a head of blonde hair in the distance and ran toward it.

A fog began to roll in and the blonde headed boy turned. I couldn’t see his face or anything about him, because of the fog. His blue eyes were piercing through though.

I don’t know how, but it went black. I could hear my heart beating, slow and steady. I heard a sentence, loud and clear.

‘I’m dangerous, Trinity. Stay away.’ It was a sentence I heard and the voice was familiar too. I just can’t figure out who.

The blonde headed boy, Clyde, seemed familiar because he had the same eyes.

What if that meant something?

What if they lived there for a reason?

Mom used to say everything happened for a reason.

No. Stop it, Trinity. You’re going crazy.

I peered out my window, once again, seeing the sun set. I stripped of my clothes, and got a new pajama set from my bag.

I stepped in the shower and let my hair flow with the water.

I closed my eyes and let all the stress disappear.

After stepping out, I did my daily steps before slipping into bed.

Turning on my side, I peeked out my slightly opened window, to see Xander sitting thoughtfully on his bed.

Something was on his mind.

He looked. Actually, I’ll never know what he looked.

I didn’t stay up long enough to find out.

‘Come over and chat sometime.’ That voice swarmed my head. Come over and chat sometime.

Come over.


His piercing red eyes and his brothers blue stared at me. ‘I swear I’ve met you before.’

My own voice was taunting me now. I got a feeling that something bad was about to happen. The feeling grew and grew and then.

I sat up, covered in a cold sweat. I looked anxiously around my room. I was alone, scared, but alone.

I reached and grabbed my notebook, scrawling down this dream.

I knew what it meant.

I had to talk to my neighbors.