‹ Prequel: Romantic Nightmare
Status: ....

Beautiful Daydream.

Cold Blood.

Every week I work at the local butcher shop from nine to five. It’s not really a typical everyday job for a teenager but for a vampire like me, it’s a perfect safe haven. I deal with blood daily, and since animal blood keeps my blood lust calm, I have no worries about losing control.

“Xander! Bring the box of frozen pig’s feet to the back and bring out the bag of cow liver!” Mr. Cosmos, the owner and founder of Cosmos’s Butchery, is an old grumpy guy with too much time on his hands. He had been looking for someone to help him out with his store for a while but since no one was willing enough to deal with blood, he hired me on the spot.

I rolled my eyes and nodded to his request. I can’t complain too much since he does pay me good. I could have gone to college like Clyde but being a three hundred year old vampire, college was the last thing on my mind. Then again I do want to mentally kick myself for not going this year. Who would have known that Trinity was coming back? When I heard she was going to the same college as Clyde, I was annoyed with myself but at the same time I was relieved. I can trust Clyde to be around her since he can control his urges better than me.

Lifting the box of disgusting pig’s feet, I made my way to the freezer and searched around for the cow liver. As I was back there I heard the bell to the front door ring followed by footsteps. Normally it would be a regular customer looking for some meat but something was off about these footsteps.

They were really heavy and sort of disoriented, almost as if someone was drunk. I set the bag of cow liver down and slowly made my way over to the front. I heard another pair of feet moving followed by Cosmos’s voice. “Hey what’s the matter with you? This is a meat shop not a lounge! Either buy something or get out!” he shouted.

I made my way around the corner in silence and peeked through an open door. I saw Cosmos in his bloody apron pointing his fat finger at some strange guy with a black leather trench coat and messy brown hair. His skin was deathly pale and his eyes were black as night.

Shit! He’s a vampire! But what the fuck is a vampire doing here?

The vampire stared intently at Mr. Cosmos, his fists clutched in tightly. “Where is the boy?” he asked, his voice was a very dry whisper.

The boy? Is he referring to…me?

Mr. Cosmos look taken aback by his reply and shrugged. “What boy? I don’t know what you’re talking about?” he grunted.

Mr. Cosmos please if you value your life don’t protect me.

The vampire didn’t seem pleased by his answer and took a step closer to the poor old man. “I smell him…the blood of Xander Morgue. Where is he?” the vampire then took a step towards Mr. Cosmos’s and pinned him high upon the wall. To normal humans he would have moved like a blur, but to me I saw every step and every inch of movement he made. “Answer me or DIE!” he screeched.

Mr. Cosmos was in shock but managed to control his fear with a glare back. “I don’t know who your talking about.” He snarled.

Mr. Cosmos stop playing hero!

The vampire seemed to find that amusing and chuckled to his delight. “Fool” He extracted his fangs and sunk them deep into Mr. Cosmos neck. The old man let out a groan and flinched in his spot.

“No! Get away from him!” I shouted as I busted through the door and lunged at the vampire.

Next thing I knew I was on the floor and the vampire was leaning over me with a death grip to my throat. “Xander Morgue.” He hissed my name slowly. “I’ve been searching for you for two years. You and that girl.” He grinned. I didn’t have to guess what girl he was talking about. “Where is she?”

I narrowed my gaze and kicked him off of me. I them flipped myself up and got into attack position, my fangs elongated and ready for action. “What do you want with me?” I snarled.

The vampire got himself composed and snarled at me. His eyes were wild with fury and his face was scrunched up into an angry glare “I want you to show me where the girl is. Where is Trinity Skye?” he demanded.

I took a quick glance over to Mr. Cosmos and sighed mentally. He was bleeding out fast and if I can’t get this vampire out soon and call for help, he may very well die. “She doesn’t live in this state anymore.” I lied.

The vampire snarled again and instantly picked up Mr. Cosmos. “Don’t lie to me!” he gripped Mr. Cosmos’s neck roughly. The old man let out another painful groan.

“Xander…get out of here.” Cosmos mumbled.

“Where is she!” he demanded again.

“I told you, she doesn’t live here! So just fuck off!” I snarled.

“Liar! I know she is in this town because I can smell her! And I will kill every human in this filthy town until I find her!” he glanced down to Mr. Cosmos “starting with him!” he said as she twisted the old man’s neck. The sick sound of his neck snapping sent chills down my spine and into my core.

“Bastard!” I shouted as I lunged forward. I missed the vampire by an inch and landed on top of the corpse of my old manager. I looked up to find the vampire gone. “Fuck! Fuck!” I shouted over and over and I looked down to Cosmos. “I’m sorry I couldn’t save you.” I whispered as I closed my eyes.

As much as I would like to mourn for my boss, my mind was still reeling on who that vampire was and what he wanted with Trinity and I but most importantly why he was so desperate on finding Trinity.

I took out my cell and dialed Clyde’s number. That vampire could be anywhere by now and if he was smart enough, he’s probably would search the campus, and kill a few innocent people while he was at it.

As I waited for Clyde to answer I managed to drag Mr. Cosmos body behind the counter and dial 911 with the shop’s phone.

“Hello?” Clyde answered after the tenth ring.

“Dude, where the fuck where you?! Ugh never mind I have a problem.” I hissed as I looked down to Mr. Cosmos.

“First of all don’t start bitching at me and second, what happened? Did you lose control?” he asked.

“No..worse, there was an incident at my shop. A vampire came in here looking for me and Trinity. He killed my boss in the process and told me if he doesn’t get Trinity, he’ll kill everyone in this town until he does.” I walked around the counter and heard the faint sounds of sirens from the ambulance. I walked over to the back and kicked open the back door that lead into the ally.

“So what’s the plan?” he asked, this time his voice was serious.

I discarded my bloody apron and hopped over a fence. “I need you to keep a close eye on Trinity, hell, offer her a ride home. I just don’t want her by herself. This vampire is a threat to her.” I said as I rounded a corner.

“But Xander…I thought you didn’t want me to be around her?” he asked. I could almost picture him grinning to that question.

“This time it’s different Clyde. This vampire is dangerous and if he can murder my boss in cold blood, who knows what he’ll do to her.” I sighed with frustration. “Please Clyde…I don’t want to see her hurt again.”

“Alright, I’ll go look for her but what if she starts to remember something about me? Then what?” he asked.

I stopped in front of a café shop and looked across the street at the cop cars and the ambulances in front of the butcher shop. “ I would much rather prefer her to start remembering everything about the past if she wants to stay alive.” I said as I watched the cops’ wheel out the dead body of my old boss.
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Sorry for the late update.
Soo many birthday parties this month.