‹ Prequel: Romantic Nightmare
Status: ....

Beautiful Daydream.

Truth or Die

Last night was weird.

The dream I had wasn’t hazy. Well…most of it wasn’t. Ever since I came back, my dreams are getting clearer and clearer.

I was walking toward the door but a voice just kept echoing, “Don’t go in there.”

My heart was beating and there was a flash before me. I mumbled something that I couldn’t comprehend but the figure in front of me sighed and moved away.

As I opened the door, a black haired boy blurred as red eyes glared at me. Pictures of my mother flashed in my head.

Mother of one found dead.

Viscious Animal killed many.

Animal attack.

“Trinity.” The voice said. “It’s not what it looks like.”

I don’t know what it is, but it feels familiar.

So familiar it’s scary.

I stared at the passage I wrote down just this morning. It was scary. I’m not going to lie.

But now in my dreams, I find that I’m feeling the emotions I’ve felt in that memory dream.

I couldn’t stand to think of this anymore. It seemed to be taking over my head.

My life.

I walked outside, grabbing my Itouch on the way out.

I looked down, fumbling with the earplugs. Why must they always get tangled?

I put them in straight and oompf!

I hit a hard surface. Maybe a chest.

Looking up, I saw Clyde.

“I am so…so sorry!” I gasped. He must have found humor because he broke out a laugh.

Smiling nervously, I let him continue on.

“Hey there.” He grinned, looking at me a moment straight in the eyes, before he continued. “You really are a klutz aren’t you.” He asked.

I shrugged. “It happens.” I said with a laugh.

He smiled before suddenly saying, “Do you like pizza?”

I wasn’t too phased by this, I mean…it is Clyde. “Ya?” I laughed, but ending in more of a question.

“Then let’s go get some. I’ll drive.”

Once he saw I was staring at him with a sort odd look, he laughed.

“What? A neighbor can’t take his neighbor to lunch?” He stated.

“What ever.” I laughed, walking over to his truck.

Sliding into the front seat, I saw a picture of him and Xander handing off the mirror.

“Aw this is cute.” I stated, once he got in.

“I know I am.” He said, with the look of a five year old.

“You are incredibly creepy.” I giggled.

“Hey you said you wanted to come!” He pointed out.

Once we got there, we sat down at a small picnic table, considering everything was outside.

“What topping?” He asked, as I shrugged.

“How about Hawaiian?” I asked, hesitantly.

“You’re into that stuff?” He asked as I nodded slightly. “Sweet! Not many people like it.” He said, laughing.

“I’m not like most people.” I mumbled, as he ordered.

Sitting down, I waited for him. Something in me knew something was wrong.
“Now that we have food.” Clyde paused, breaking my thoughts.

“Thanks.” I said, taking my slice.

“I need to talk to you. Don’t take it the wrong way though.” He said, his face wondering.

“Go ahead.” I said, taking a bite of the pizza.

“You need to stay with Xander and I.” He stated, looking at his pizza.


“Well….you used to date Xander and be in love with him then you hit your head and forgot everything and Xander misses you.” He said, but I could tell he was hiding something.

“Um…that didn’t happen.” I said, looking at him.

“Everything in the journal really happened.”

“Maybe you’re the one who hit their head.”

“Trinity, I’m serious! Those are all repressed memories.”

“Shut up.” I said, thinking about how some of the dreams had to do with my mother and fathers death.

“I’m just trying to save you from what happened to you’re mom and dad.”

“What the fuck, are you talking about? You’re insane! Take me home!” I began yelling.

This couldn’t be happening. Is my neighbor really that crazy? I didn’t date Xander.

I don’t even know him!

But something was telling me something that scared me half to death.

Something told me…

He was telling the truth.