‹ Prequel: Romantic Nightmare
Status: ....

Beautiful Daydream.

I Know What You Are.

When I got home that same day, I found Clyde walking around the kitchen, shirtless and surprised to see me. When I asked him about Trinity, I really wasn’t expecting him to tell me the bad news.

“SHE DID WHAT!” I bellowed.

“She didn’t believe me, in fact she yelled at me.” Clyde said with a pout as he sat down on the couch. “I mean I told her everything and some more but she still didn’t believe me. We thought she was getting her memories back but I guess we were wrong.”

I shook my head on the thought. Was it a just a coincidence that she knew something about us? but then again something inside me told me Trinity might be getting her memories back little by little and she’s just not telling anyone. “Clyde this vampire that attacked me, he said he wanted Trinity, for what reason is still a mystery to me.”

“What did he look like?”

“Well pale like us with short brown hair and black eyes. To be honest he looked like a new born vampire, probably a few years old.”

“So you mean to tell me that vampire was a familiar? But who would send a familiar to look for Trinity?” he asked as he looked over to our room nervously.

“I don’t know. I mean we killed my father and his followers and I don’t think I have any more relatives on my dad’s side of the family, at least I don’t remember much.”

“Well since we don’t know much about this new vampire, we might as well just concentrate on getting Trinity to remember us. That’s if she even wants to. I mean she was really mad at me.” He fake a frown. “I don’t like to see my butterfly so angry.”

I rolled my eyes at his last comment and proceeded to my room. “Look I need some sleep and I need some time to think all this through and find a new job while I’m at it. Clyde is there anymore blood bags in the fridge?” I asked as I placed my hand on my door handle.

In two seconds Clyde was in front of me, blocking my door. “Umm…I don’t know, go check the fridge.” He smiled.

I narrowed my gaze at him. Clyde only acted strange when he was hiding something or maybe someone . “Move.” I ordered him.

Clyde shook his head and grinned. “umm…it’s messy in there.” Wow, he was horrible at lying.

“Clyde our room is always messy. Now move or I’ll throw you into the wall.” I was beginning to get irritable and when I’m in a bad mood I tend to get…bitchy.

“Xander!” Clyde gasped out loud as the door behind him opened up unexpectedly. My blonde cousin fell back onto the hard, chiseled torso of his half naked boyfriend Josh.

“Woah, what’s with all the commotion?” Josh asked as he brushed his large hand through his messy black hair. “And baby why are you on the floor?” he asked as he glanced down to Clyde.

I took a peek over his shoulder and noticed the room was dark and had candles everywhere. It smelled funny and my bed seemed to be out of place.

That little bastard!

“Oh Josh, umm…” Clyde was clearly in deep shit. I didn’t care what they did behind closed doors, but for the love of my immortality why did they had to fuck each other on my bed? Clyde cleared his throat and continued. “Well…I thought Josh was…getting ready.” Clyde chuckled nervously.

“Ugh, I’ll sleep on the couch.” I growled. “And you better clean my bed Clyde!” I added with a hiss.

“Fine” he rolled his eyes and snuggled up close to Josh. Right there I noticed the dry blood and the two perfect bite marks on Josh’s neck. “You better go before Xander get’s his period.” Clyde sneered.

“Yeah I gotta head back home. Nana wouldn’t be too happy if I was late for dinner.” Josh said as he leaned down and kissed Clyde. I cringed inwardly, not because they were kissing; don’t get me wrong I don’t mind two guys kissing, just as long as they don’t try to kiss me, but the fact that they are such a happy couple is what bothered me. Josh is a human and Clyde is a vampire. Trinity is human but for some reason there are vampires out there who want her dead. I felt like there was something else about Trinity that I don’t know, something that I probably guess Trinity doesn’t know either.

I wish I could live a normal life.

“Before you leave, Clyde help clean him up.” I said as I pointed to the bite mark. “I’m sure his grandmother wouldn’t be too pleased to see her grandson bitten.” I added.

“Okay, okay!” Clyde rolled his eyes as he grabbed Josh’s hand.

Just then the door bell rang and everyone stood still. Clyde and I gave each other serious looks while Josh was confused as ever. “I thought your parents weren’t home for a few days?” Josh whispered.

“I thought so too.” Clyde said as he looked at me.

Xander did that vampire followed you home?

Bullshit! I made sure I was alone. It’s probably some church person.

Keep you guard up Xander. We have a human in the house and It’s my responsibility to protect him

Ugh, this is why we don’t bring our snacks into our house, much less our room.

Xander shut up and answer the door!

Fuck You Clyde!

Anytime sweetheart

“I’ll go see who it is.” I said as gave a dark glare to my cousin and walked to the door. The bell rang again, followed by knocking. “I’m coming!” I called out as I looked back to Clyde and Josh. “Go get him cleaned up!” I whispered harshly.

Clyde rolled his eyes playfully and pushed Josh back into out room. I sighed deeply and took a moment before slowly opening the door. Standing there with a furious expression on her face was Trinity Skye. I was shocked and mostly scared to see her here. “we need to talk.” She said as she allowed herself in.

“About what?” I asked calmly as I closed the door behind her.

“You know very damn well what I’m talking about” she hissed. I didn’t want to guess why she was upset. I’d rather her tell me straight forward.

“I really don’t know.” I lied.

Trinity took a step forward and glared into my eyes. She really was pissed off. “What did you lose your memory? I know who you are and I know what you are Xander Morgue.” She spat.

“And what am I?” I asked calmly once more. I wanted her to tell me what she knew.

Trinity took one step closer to me, leaned her pretty little lips closer to my ear and whispered the one word that I told me my little butterfly has truly returned to me.
