The Friendship Project



“Who?” Junior blurted out obviously completely and utterly confused.

“Rylee, I’m Rylee,” she repeated now standing awkwardly between the counter where we were sitting and the open doorway she came from. Obviously deciding to run or not.

“I’m Charlotte and this is my little brother Junior,” I said politely smiling. “But I’m sorry who exactly are you though?”

“Ah! Good kids you already did my job.” My dad said coming in tying a tie around his neck.

“Dad why the heck are you wearing a tie to work?” Junior asked with a mouthful of eggs.

“I… I have important meetings today,” he said looking from Rylee to me. “Oh good the uniform fits! Only need it for today though. We’ll buy you new ones before the next school year starts.”

“Oh don’t –“

“What?” Junior almost yelled.

“Junior stop,” I nudged him lightly with my elbow. “Dad… what’s going on?”

“This is your cousin, Rylee. Your Aunt Karen’s daughter, my sister.” My father said and I literally felt my mouth fall open. I have an Aunt Karen? I have a cousin on my Dad’s side of the family. And she is standing right in front of me.

I then looked at her more closely and noticed she had the Fitzpatrick family small dotted freckles on her cheekbones.

“We have a cousin!” Junior leapt from his chair and went up to Rylee holding out his hand for a shake. “Nice to meet you!”

“Err… nice, nice to meet you too,” Rylee said fighting a smile.

“Rylee, you should pick something up to eat. Oh my wife left you a plate,” my Dad said motioning to the plate next to the sink.

“Oh I don’t eat breakfast. Thanks though,” she said shortly. She pursed her lips together in a sort of smile.

“You should at least have some toast, you need something for the day.” I said encouragingly.

“Fine.” She cocked her head quickly to the right with a sort of glare and went to the plate at the sink and shoved a piece of peanut butter toast in her mouth.

“Well… it’s, it’s just about time for you guys to get to school. Charlotte take Rylee to the office. Your mother already called in and everything is taken care of. You just need to take her in so that they can check some things over. Rylee all you are doing is following Charlotte around for the day. It’s her last day anyway. I’ll see you kids later tonight.” My dad said quickly escaping from the room, so like him.

“We really should be going if we have to head to the office before I go to my chemistry final.” I said checking the clock. I shoveled the last spoonful of eggs into my mouth. “Do you have a book or something you can do while I’m taking finals?” I asked Rylee. Her arms were crossed over her chest as she was staring disgustingly at the uniform she was wearing. “Rylee?” She didn’t seem to realize I was talking to her.

“Yeah, I got my iPod.” She said rubbing her fingertips against the sleeves of the long sleeved button down shirt.

I don’t think the uniforms are that bad personally. I’m not a girl that cares exactly what are the new fashion trends, so uniforms make things easy. It was just the long sleeved button down white collared shirt tucked into a navy blue plaid skirt. There is a navy blue blazer with the school emblem in gold on the left over your heart. Then you either have to wear tights or knee-high socks and any sensible closed toe shoes. Mary Janes are often the common choice.

“Alright, let’s go Junior. You have to get that project in the trunk.” I said getting up from my seat and reached for my blazer and backpack.

Soon we were pulling out of the driveway and Rylee arms still crossed against her chest sat in the passengers seat. My Demi Lovato CD started playing somewhat quietly through the speakers. Rylee made a somehow disgusted low sound; I quickly ignored it as I started to drive out of our neighborhood. She swiftly pulled her iPod out of the inside pocket of her blazer and smashed her headphones into her ears. I looked in my rearview mirror back at Junior and he just shrugged his shoulders. Still in awe of how in one morning we have a new addition to our family.

Did we have any say in this? No. Did it matter? No.

We were both speechless in the mystery of our newly found cousin, Rylee Fitzpatrick.


“What was your school like, Rylee?” I asked as we walked down the hallway to my second final. I finally was starting to get some answers, even if she had one headphone in from her iPod. I found out for the last 16 years she was living in Washington and her father (my uncle) died when she was only a year old. And her mother, my Aunt Karen apparently, was a drunk.

“Not like this.” She replied. That’s how all the answers were. My dad’s dead, I was one. Or, My mom’s a drunk bitch.

Everyone stared as we walked down the hallway, just like they did when we walked into my first final 5 minutes late with a pass from the office. Rylee just glared at the class when my teacher Mr. Wicker introduced her.

I waved to a couple people that I was friends with. I didn’t have a lot of friends, but I was friendly with everyone. There’s no point not to be friendly and nice to people, even the ones that you don’t like.

It also probably was a sight to see, me, Charlotte Fitzpatrick, the nice girl with good grades, walking next to Rylee. The edgy, dark highlighted haired, dark eye makeup, girl that if she wasn’t wearing a school uniform would probably be wearing ripped jeans and a tight fitting band t-shirt. The only thing that tied back to Rylee’s true self besides her hair and makeup was her black dirty scuffed up converse.

“I’m going to get a drink of water,” Rylee said motioning to the drinking fountain 10 feet away in front of us.

“Alright my locker is right here so just come back there,” I smiled and she ignored it.

I turned my back on Rylee and walked up to my locker on the opposite side of the hallway. I began switching textbooks and binders when I heard a loud.

Fuck off.

I quickly turned, of course, it was Rylee, I leave her for 2 seconds and she is already blowing up at people. It’s like she is a human bomb ticking away having outbursts but truly waiting for the one that will make her explode.

Ben Kane, the star of the basketball team, was leaning against the wall next to the water fountain where Rylee was trying to take a drink from.

“I said fuck off.” Rylee said again finally going down to get a drink of water. I don’t even want to know what he tried to say to her.

“Hey Ben, this is my cousin Rylee,” I said walking over smiling at Ben.

“Yeah me and Miss Fuck Off have met,” he grimaced.

“She moved in with me and my family today.” I smiled again adjusting the textbook and binder in my arms.

“Yeah whatever, just tried to welcome her to the school.” Ben said with a slight attitude.

“Yeah ass hole, by asking me if I needed someone to show me around.” Rylee scowled.

“Obviously you have Miss Perfect to do it for you,” he glared at her and turned to walk away. I ignored the comment, it was nothing new for me.

“Don’t make fun of her, just leave us the fuck alone, Ben,” Rylee spat making him turn around. I looked at her a little bit in shock.

“You’re not even worth hitting on, you’re attitude ruins you’re good looks. I’ll be sure to tell everyone, you’re welcome.” Ben grimaced again turning back around walking away.

“Like I care,” Rylee said more to herself rolling her eyes slamming the other headphone into her ear. And without another word we walked to my Pre-Calculus final.


“How were your last finals of your junior year, Charlotte?” My mother asked me. We were all sitting around the dinner table.

“Great! I think I did really well,” I smiled taking a bite of chicken breast.

“Did you like Charlotte’s school Rylee? Isn’t a great school?” My mother turned to Rylee who was sitting next to her and me.

“Yeah.” She replied picking at her green beans.

“I had the best project in my class!” Junior shouted for about the 30th time since he got in the car after school. “Best last day of school… ever.”

“Mom, when is dad getting home? We have to leave in the morning.” I said taking a sip of water.

“I’m not sure he said –“

“Leaving?” Rylee’s head jerked up from her plate.

“Yeah we go to Cape Cod every summer the day after school ends!” Junior said sounding even more excited.

“Cape Cod?” Rylee asked confused.

“It’s in Massachusetts,” My mother answered. “We have a summer home and it’s just nice to get away for those few months.”

“Y-yeah.” Rylee said confused.

“It’s my favorite place in the world, right no the beach,” I said encouragingly. I feel like I have been doing that all day. Encouraging.

“Cool.” She commented.

This is going to be a long summer. But I will get her to open up… I like challenges. And I will somehow do it in my own obeying nature.
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Please feedback would be highly appreciated. :)