Cup of Blood Please


Breathing, felt like I've done it for the first time. The taste of the air was too clean. The smell was to clean. Something was wrong. I couldn't move, except for my fingers and toes. I tried to lift my head, something was not letting me. I tried to lift my body so hard, but something just wasn't letting me. I tried to look down as far as I could, to see what was preventing me from moving. I was strapped in. What was going on? I felt the rage build inside me, I tried so sink my fangs in my bottom lip, I couldn't. What had happened to my fangs? They weren't there, all that was left was a gap where they were. Now my rage was
blowing over the top, I was panicking. Trying to break out of the leather straps as hard as could, I didn't succeed, they were too stong, and at this point I was too weak. I heard foot steps, had I been captured by a slayer? No, these foot step sounded to lite, unlike the heavy footsteps of a slayer. I used the rode kill method and pretended to be in my sleep still. When whatever it was walked in, I could smell that it was human. My cold blood started to rush very fast, from the taste I felt in my mouth, blood. Of course it wasn't real, my mind was tricking me, I realized that I was starved, and I knew I hadn't had raw meat, or blood in a very long time. Oh the agony, I wanted blood so badly! My pulse raised and raised, until some sort of machine started to beep heavily.

"I need Doctor Thompson in here immediatly!"

Then the foot steps came pouring in. Was this just a horrible nightmare? Me, a vampire, strapped down, with humans just dancing around me, giving me any chance to sink my, not any more, fangs into their necks. What was going on!? All I could hear
was my heart thumping and beating as loud as thunder. I felt something stab into my arm. With the shock and fear running through me, I opened up my eyes, and let out a silent yell. Oh you should have seen the fright in the human's eyes. All they could do was fret against the walls as they stared at me with fright and amazment. It stayed in that posistion for at least five minutes, until I was asleep again. It was like I had no control of staying up, of course I wanted to but I couldn't. I fell into a deep sleep, and this time I was dreaming for real. The dream I had went something like this, but I do not fully remember. I was just standing, standing still, in the middle of a crowd. Not a crowd of vampires no, not a crowed of animals, NO NO NO, nothing but a crowd of humans. Just standing, ever so still, just standing. Like I was a ghost, they just walked past me not fretting, not screaming. I just stared at them as they walked past, not making a move to attack. In fact, I was in a suit, a grey suit. Holding some kind of square case. What was I doing in the crowd, why was in a human skin? Those questions I asked myself over and over, but never found the answer.