Love is Pain

A Short Date


“Hey. Long time no see. I wasn’t expecting to see you here.”

“Same with you. So how have you been, Alex?”

“Pretty good, and you?”

“Not to bad.”

“Sooo..have you thought about that invite around the streets?"

“Actually, I have. What are you proposing?”

“Well, maybe we could go get some pizza. It smells delicious!”

“You must have read my mind! That’s all I’ve been thinking about since I started smelling it, but I’m afraid I don’t have any cash.”

“That’s alright. It’ll be my treat. No worries.”

“Umm..okay. Thanks.”

“Anytime. So lets hear a little bit about yourself.”


As we walked to the pizza parlor, we spoke about me and my life. I told Alex the truth, I just left out the fact that my mother was an insane lady who abused her only daughter. He surely didn’t need to know that.

“I was born in Brooklyn, and had to move here when my parents divorced.”

“Do you ever see your father?”

“Nope, I don’t even remember the guy.”

“I see...”

“Um..I attended school for 8 years; until high school because that was when my work around the house became harder.”

Alex questioned me frequently, and I knew that my earlier observation of persistence was correct. He was very nosey and I couldn’t help but want to tell him; I knew there was no way! We then arrived at the pizza parlor and conversation was cut short while we ordered our food. Before I knew it the conversation was being turned on me again! What was it with this man? I quickly told him that I was 16, turning 17 in December. He asked if I had a car. I sullenly responded that Theresa would not allow it. So then he asked why I insisted on calling my mother Theresa. I proudly stated that she deserved it! Boy was I right.

Carrie was so fun to talk to. This was a huge difference compared to the conversation in the parking lot a week ago. She was more outgoing, and walked with grace. Last time she looked up tight and frightened of the world. Perhaps my father was right, maybe I did just scare her. As I repeatedly asked questions, it was clear that Carrie and her mother did not get along. But that was normal between mothers and daughters, wasn’t it? This seemed a little more...strange. Who was I to judge her family life? So I didn’t comment, but just kept the questions flowing. But before I knew it, Carrie had turned the conversation around on me.

“Well, I'm 18 going on 19 in July. I was born in the Bronx with my father. I never met my mother because she died giving birth to me. But I heard that she was a wonderful lady, and that I’m a lot like her. But what would I know?”

As I changed the subject to Alex, I decided that I would be just as curious as he was before. So I threw questions out in streams at a time. It was really kind of interesting. Alex told me that him and his father were close and that he never really had a friend because he didn’t need one. He had his father and the nature around him. Alex described his father to be a comedian, nothing was to ever be serious. That he could make the end of the world something to laugh about. I desired a parent like that, but I wouldn’t admit that to Alex. Our food soon got there and conversation dwindled to simple questions and comments about random things. As I looked at the time, I realized that I should be heading home.

“Sorry to break a date but I must be going.”

“Where to so soon??”

“Home, before Theresa gets there.”

“Why do you insist?”

“She insists, not I. Thanks for the food though. I had a great time.”

“Me too. Maybe we can meet up on Thursday at the park, and do what I intended the first time we spoke.”

“Hmm..Why not. Be there around..1:30.”

“You got it.”

I watched her slowly turn in a circle to walk out the big, black doors of the restaurant. She looked magnificent. Words couldn’t even describe the desires I had. I wanted her, and there was no doubt, that I was falling in love. This short time we had together made me know that for a fact. The way she giggled when something was said, the way she wasn’t afraid to eat in front of me. I made every little thing she seemed to have done go through my head as I watched her walk away. But then I remember the way the fear grew in her eyes, as she spoke about her mother. What could be wrong there?

As I walked around the corner of my house, I had Alex on my mind. I was so excited about our next date! I had never really had a friend to confide in because my mother surely wouldn’t let me, and to this day I know she wouldn’t. But I would simply hide the truth from her for as long as I could. It wouldn’t be that hard. I just had to act scared and timid even though my spirits were lifted. The second she spotted happiness, she’d find a way to turn it into hate. What type of person would do that to there own daughter? Well that answer was cleared when I walked into my house. Theresa was there when I arrived, but she didn’t question where I had been. She sat on the couch with that glossy stare and I braced myself for reality. A moment of happiness was wasted for a life time of misery. Theresa beat me that night. I was passed out on the couch with a deep cut through my lip.

The next morning when I woke up, I had a booming headache! I couldn’t see straight. I stumbled off the couch and hobbled to the bathroom mirror. As I looked inside I saw that my right cheek bone was black, and my lip had dried blood caked on. I tried to peel it off but I discovered that made it worse! Why did my life have to be this way? What had I done to deserve this?