Short Story Archive.

Strange Contest.

Today was Allan’s first day back to school, he couldn’t wait to see everyone. He got dressed quickly, grabbed his bag, and bolted out the door. It took less than ten minutes for him to get to his school. Allan made his way to his locker with ease and turned the dial to his numbers. It opened with a creek. He threw his bag in as his friends ran down the hallway towards him.

“Allan!” Allan waved as they stopped in front of him, gasping for air. Allan waited for a moment before asking what had happened. “Some new grade eleven kid is ranting about you! Apparently he just transferred in and heard the rumors.” Allan shrugged. “Well then, lets go see this kid.” They all made their way to the area the guy had been seen in last. When they got there, he was going off about how he could beat Allan at anything.

With a smile Allan walked up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder. His smile widened as the boy turned around. He was more than a foot shorter than him, with sandy blonde hair. Allan lifted a hand in a small wave. “Hi.” His chocolate brown hair caught the light and glimmered. His green eyes portrayed pure joy and nothing else. “I heard you could beat me at anything.” The boy jumped. “S-so you’re Allan?” Allan nodded.

“What’s your name?” The boy lifted his chin. “Sam.” He raised his brows. “Well Sam, how about we have a little contest. You can pick it, I’ll give you that advantage.” Sam was excited, he jumped up onto his toes again. “Who can hang upside down the longest!!!” Allan smiled and patted his shoulder. “Alright, but there has to be more of a competition feel. How about…eating hotdogs while upside down?”

Sam laughed. Allan just shrugged it off. “If I win, you will wear a dress!” Allan nodded. “Alright. If I win…I want you to wear a dress and heels…and go on a date with my friend Steve.” The whole room shuddered. By the time the boy’s made it outside to the chin-up bars, most of the school had already gathered there. They set up mats beneath them incase they fell and agreed to bring several packages of hot dogs for the next day.

Allan was the first one to get to the chin-up bars the next day. Sam came not long after. By the time the contest was started, even the teachers were there to watch. A fire was lit and hotdogs were roasted. Sam barely managed to eat his first hotdog by the time Allan finished a fourth. After twenty minutes went by Sam fell off. The score board was not pleasing. Sam had eaten two hotdogs and lasted twenty minutes. Allan had eaten eight hotdogs and waited a full minute before he got off the chin-up bar.

Sam wasn’t happy, but a deal was a deal. “So…what colour dress am I wearing?” Allan smiled at him. “Your not wearing a dress kid.” Everyone was shocked. “What?!” Allan patted Sam’s back. “I’m not doing this for the dress. You’re the first person in two years to challenge me, and actually show up. You got guts kid. For winning this, I want you to just be my friend.”
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yeah so ummm just a random story I guess lol. Enjoy.