Status: Slow but Active.

You Had Me at Hello

Tickets and Radio Contests

[Ariana's P.O.V.]
"You're a fuckin' dick!"

"Wow….and look at all the fucks I give…oh…NONE!" I stuck my middle finger up at a rather round kid who my friend, Alexis, and I had cut in front of in line. I felt Alexis' hand on my shoulder.

"Okay Ari…enough. Let's not get into a fight." She patted my back gently, before stepping in front of me.

"Why not?" I shot her a naughty grin. She wagged her finger at me.

"Because we don't need you punching children. That's frowned upon."

"Oh…pssh! It's only frowned upon because they're children! If it was an older guy harassing me, then it'd be totally fine!" We moved closer to the ticket window. We were almost there, only two people in front of us.

"It's not…so…drop it. And seriously…why did we have to come and get the tickets? We could've ordered them online." Alexis asked, sounding a bit annoyed, probably because she had to drive.

"Relax, pissy-pants, I'll pay you for half the gas. And we came out to get them because it said if you go out to the ticket office at the venue, they'll give you a t-shirt and a poster, that are both signed!" I said, emphasizing the last part.

"Oh boy! A poster and a t-shirt! Like I couldn't get them at Hot Topic!"

"But they wouldn't be signed!" We moved up to the window, and Alexis asked for two tickets to the A Day To Remember concert, which was about two days from now. The lady at the window printed them and I produced my money that I'd saved and Alexis gave hers. We walked back to the car in silence and hopped in, buckling our seatbelts.

"We could get them signed." Alexis suggested as she turned the key in the ignition. The truck roared to life.

"I have work the next day. I can't stay and meet them."

"Then I will."

"Fuck you. You're my ride home." As we turned out of the parking lot, Alexis shot a quick glare in my direction.

"You need to get your car fixed." I switched the radio on and turned it to a station we had just found recently called Scream 85.5. Their slogan was 'All Screamo-All The Time.' We listened for a while as Lexis (my nickname for her) drove, attempting to avoid the idiots on the highway. The radio announcer dude came on after another A Day To Remember song.

"Ey, ey, ey welcome back to Scream 85.5, All Screamo, All The Time. That was 'The Downfall Of Us All' by A Day To Remember off of their album 'Homesick'. Many of you listeners probably know about the concert coming up in Massachusetts. It's at the Palladium in Worcester, and grab your tickets now if you haven't already! So here with me, I have two, count 'em, two backstage passes for that night. I'm gonna take the eighteenth caller and give them both of these passes. You just have to answer a simple trivia question once you call in." I whipped out my phone and dialed the radio station's number as he said it.

"The lady said I'm on next!" I yelled and Lexis gave a quick laugh and kept her focus on the road.

"Hi there, you're on Scream 85.5, what's your name?"


"Ariana…guess what?"

"I'm the eighteenth caller?" I seriously started shaking. I was so freaking excited.

"You are! But! You have to answer a trivia question. Ready?"


"What does Neil Westfall have tattooed on his fingers?"

"Pssh! Blink 182!" I said matter-of-factly. I knew I'd won.

"Correct! You've won the passes! I hope you have a friend to take with you, cause you're gonna get to meet and hang out with A Day To Remember before and after the show! You will also have the choice of watching the show from the stage or from the front barrier. Your passes will be waiting at the venue the day of the concert. You just have to show your ID to the Security. Good luck! And thanks so much for calling! Next song up is by Bring Me The Horizon. This one's called 'Never Shout Never'"

I glanced at Lexis, who was smiling wide as she focused on the road.

"That what you meant?" I asked, leaning way back into the seat.

"Dude that was pure fuckin' luck. Fuckin' amazing. Looks like we be meetin' dem boyz afta all." She tried to do a gangsta accent, but sort of failed.

And we were gonna meet just about the best band in the fucking world.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope I can get this story going again soon!

Scream 85.5 (c) me (unless there is an actual station called that, then it's copyrighted to itself!)