Status: Currently being re-written

A Date With Destiny

Chapter One

April 20th, it was the day of the concert. My friend April and I we're going to see our favorite band Panic At The Disco. We lined up outside the Verizon Wireless Theater. I was a fidgeting a bit, I really wanted to get a good spot, I was sure we'd get one seeing as we lined up all day nearly to get good spots.

Come 6 o'clock the security guy checked out tickets and let us go inside. The hour came and went and soon the opening act came on and played for a bit, after them a few more bands played and we rocked out to them playing, I had heard of these bands however they weren't the reason we came, we just wanted to see Panic At The Disco, and I couldn't wait for them to come on and play.

Not soon enough Panic came on to play as soon as the band member came into view the piercing sound of people screaming was heard. They began playing a sound and the crowd went wild. I grabbed Aprils hand and we began jumping up and down in sync with the other people in the crowd. Some people began getting a bit wild and April and I were getting covered in bruises and scratches but it was worth it.

The concert was coming to a close along with the tour they were on, but not before the after-show signing. April and I went to the back of the line in hope that they'd spend more time with us because there would be no one else there. After what seemed like for ever it was nearly our turn to get our signings and meet the band and at that moment my brain went into slow motion.

I fixed my shirt up, straightened my pants, made sure my laces were tied, made sure my fly was done up etc. April and I then began walking slowly up to Ryan, Brendon, Spencer & Jon.

I looked at Ryan, skinny, pale and cute, three words to describe Ryan Ross. I shook that out of my brain, I mean yes he is all those things, but that doesn't matter at the moment, I just need to focus on what I'm doing. What if I choke up and start crying? What if I faint? What if I start speaking gibberish? Oh gosh, I'm just so nervous right now it's not funny.

"Hey Nik, you alright? Your starting to look paler then usual" April said laughing at me, god, I probably looked like the biggest idiot right now.

"Yeah, April, why wouldn't I be alright?" I stuttered, why wouldn't I be? Let's see I'm just about to meet four walking gods!

"Your getting really tense, do you want to leave?" she asked.

"No! I paid about $100 for these tickets, I want to meet them just as I paid for" I cried. The line moved up more and it was soon our time to meet Panic At The Disco.

I stood there face to face with the handsome gentlemen from Panic At The Disco.

"Hey guys!" April said excitedly, whoa did she actually talk to them?

"Hey did you like the concert? Also what's up with your friend she looking at me like I raped her or something" it was Ryan speaking. I felt a crimson color come to my cheeks.

"Nikkita Rose Ryan, say something" she said poking me in the ribs which broke the shell of shyness that I was in.

"Wow, I can't believe I'm meeting you guys, as you know my name is Nikkita, and I love you guys your amazing, and I just want to get this out there, without sounding like a fan girl, because I'm not but Ryan Ross, I fucking love you!" I said, I have no clue why I said that. I probably just scarred the poor guy for life.

"Aw, I love you to" he replied with a laugh. Him saying that made me feel all giddy inside, even though he probably didn't mean it, it still made me happy.

"Can Nikki and I get a photo with you guys?" April asked. Sometimes I love her, sometimes I hate her but at the moment, I adored her for asking that.

"Yeah, sure" they replied. Brendon, Spencer and Jon jumped out of their seats and go into there picture taking mode. Thankfully I was between Jon and Ryan as soon as that picture snaps I'm going to kiss Ryan on the cheek.

30 Minutes Later

April and I were walking outside, I was absolutely ecstatic about tonight, it was great, defiantly the best day of my life, getting to see Panic At The Disco, then meeting them, talking to them and the picture, I couldn't believe it. I felt like at any moment now I would wake up and this would all just be another Ryan Ross fantasy dream.

I felt a hand grab me a tiny bit, I jumped and let out a small yell and looked and I found that person to be none other then Ryan. I couldn't believe it. I knew at this moment it was all a dream and I would wake up soon.

"Oh hey there" I said which came at just as a whisper.

"Hey, you know I barley do this stuff, but you seem really cool and here's my number" he said getting out a marker and writing a cell number on my arm.

"Thanks" I said, he nodded then ran back inside the building, whoa that did not just happen.
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Sorry for errors, can't wait to do this story with the lovely Nikki.
hehe, the post count for this was 911, 9/11 >_> suss much?