Status: Active.


Chapter One.

*Jimmy's POV*

My body burned, my mind was clouded.

I yelped in pain as fingers and hands shrunk back into paws and grew out again with sharp claws. I managed to keep silent as my limbs stretched and grew out or shrunk back, when my ears seemed to move to the top of my head and grow to have a point. I screamed in agony when my skin split to show black fur, as my skin was ripped apart cell by cell. Agony raced through every vein in my body as my teeth changed, my canines becoming longer.

I screamed in pain until the transformation was complete, and it became a howl.

This was a bad transformation, slow and painful. They were usually easy and fast, especially for me. I was the alpha in my pack, the leader. I wasn’t born into the position like most, so the elders doubted my ability to lead at first, it wasn’t an issue now.

‘Jimmy,’ I turned around to see my beta, ‘They’ve breached our southern perimeter. They want a fight.’

‘How many?’ I asked mentally, seeing as that is how we speak when in wolf form.

‘Two, a man and woman.’ he replied, running past me.

I growled and pushed off my back legs jumping over a dead log, I ran like hell. This was dangerous, we had family, friends, people to protect. They wanted to kill us, us werewolves, when we protected these people from the predators, the vampires.

Vampires. The worst thing to become, and the hunters thought they were the best fucking thing ever. Cold, life-sucking creatures.

A growl ripped through my throat as I jumped on the back of a male hunter, I dug my claws into his skin and knocked him down. My jaws closed around the back of his neck and I ripped back. I spit the small chunk of skin out and I jumped off of him.

He should learn to stay down. He turned around and faced me.

I lunged again, clamping my jaw shut around his wrist. Stupid mother fucker root his feet into the ground. I used my back legs and pulled back.

“AH! Stupid wolf, I’ll fucking kill you.” he threatened.

He lunged at me, and I ducked. The plan was to roll over over, but as I was on my back another hunter, this one female, flew over me skinning my left side with an army knife. I caught her by her hair before she landed. I pulled her down, and she cried out in pain.

My other beta, Matt, grabbed one of her feet and tugged. A silver wolf I recognized as Johnny grabbed her neck. She screamed. I let go and jumped back at my original target. I turned back momentarily to see Matt and Johnny rip her in half, or close to half. Their matching white/brown pelts were covered in dirt and blood.

The man lunged and reached his dirty hands under him, he caught my throat before I could move. I refused to die by this pathetic humans hands. I allowed him to flip me over. I groaned internally as I landed, feeling my spine crack and repair itself in seconds. I stood shakily to my feet.

“No way..” he muttered, but I heard because of my amazing canine hearing.

I dug my hind legs into the ground and pushed forward with my front ones. I flew forward caught hold of his neck and dragged him back down with me. I knew it wouldn’t kill him, until Zacky snuck under me and grabbed his feet. Zacky stepped back, ripping the man in two. Blood splattered across across the side of his light gray pelt.

The didn’t have time to scream, and both hunters were dead.

I didn’t mind killing humans like this, they were a race all their own.

‘Disgusting. Go home, now. And hurry, the sun’s coming up.’ I ordered. Everyone seemed to disappear, they must have transformed back to their human form. Thank God, that one wouldn’t hurt.

‘Hey, Jimmy?’

‘Yes, Matt?’ I asked, wondering if something was wrong. All our injuries must have healed, right?

‘What took you so long to, ya know, transform? You’re obviously always the first.’

That caught my attention, I was the last one? Impossible, unless... No! I have Leanna, an imprint is impossible. Especially for me, a Sullivan.

‘I wasn’t paying attention. I got distracted. Don’t do it, it hurts like a bitch.’ The first part was a lie, but the second was a true as when I say I love Leanna.

‘So it was basically-’

I cut him off, ‘A bad transformation. Goodnight, Matt.’

I transformed back to my human form and pulled on my basketball shirts and boxers. I climbed in my room, shut off the lights, and climbed into bed. My 6’3 height making my feet hang off the end. I let sleep take over and my mind when black.
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