Status: In Progress

Forever Mortal

Chapter Two

The day seemed to all too quickly end. Shiloh soon found herself slowly wandering to her locker, dreading her decision. The day had helped distract her, but now that school was over, the party was at the forefront of her mind. With its return came the gut feeling she had earlier that morning.
With a sigh, Shiloh sorted through her school things and shoved the few papers of homework into her history book and slammed her locker shut, too distracted to check her reflection. With her book in her arms and her locker secure, she continued down the hall, only to take two steps before being ambushed by her beloved friends.
"Shi, daughter, where have you been hiding all day from me?" a slightly older, brunette male asked. Dexter towered over his blond friend, who simply blinked at his statement.
"I wasn't hiding from you, Dex," she answered as truthfully as she could.
He gazed down at her before slowly walking around her, as he looked her up and down intensely. Shiloh simply blinked and watched the older boy's unnecessary antics.
"What are you doing?" she asked, causing him to temporarily stop.
"I'm not quite sure I believe you," he quickly responded, before going back to his investigation.
Shiloh looked upon the group desperately, truly not knowing what to do.
"Come on, Dex, don't scare her so much. She's a valuable band member," Martyn spoke up, causing Shiloh to roll her eyes.
"Thanks," she replied flatly as the group collectively laughed. Silently, she sighed and shook her head before turning and continuing her walk, her friends only a few feet behind.
"Are you sure we'll be able to play at this party?" Shiloh asked apprehensively.
"What party?" David chimed in without missing a beat before quickly being dismissed by Mirabelle with a fast wave of her hand.
"Sure, sure. I'm so happy you're going! It's going to be a blast!" Mirabelle squealed.
"Alright," Shiloh answered unsurely, "I have to get home to get ready and make sure I don't have to watch Zach."
"Wait a minute, what party?" David tried to interject again.
"Some beach party Merry heard about. It would be good for the band, it is a chance to get our name out there."
David instantly frowned at this. "I don't like the sound of this. Whose party is it?"
"Oh, just some guys. Anyways, Shiloh already said she was going!" Mirabelle loudly interjected, "so we best be off to get ready!"
She attempted to steer her away before the boys said anything else.
"Wait!" both Martyn and David responded simultaneously before looking at each other.
"Jinx!" Martyn exclaimed as David simply shook his head and turned his green eyes back on the two girls.
"I thought you had to babysit," David accused, remembering how she had said it in an earlier conversation between the two.
"I might, I don't know. But, it's for the band," she tried again weakly, only to receive David crossing his arms with a stern look on his face that clearly read "no way in hell."
"Jeez David, lighten up a bit and let Shiloh live a little. You're like her watch dog," Mirabelle said, stepping forward.
"Need I remind you that the last party you tried to talk Shiloh into going ended up with one person nearly drowning from someone shoving them into the pool, another with a broken arm from "falling" down a flight of stairs, three others with concussions, somewhere between eight and ten with minor injuries, and the cops arriving because it was so out of control all within an hour?" Derek asked her.
"That was an off party. Most of them don't get that bad," she quickly brushed it off.
"I have to go!" Shiloh suddenly blurted out. It always unnerved her when her friends bickered like this. "I have to get home before my parents worry too much. I'll see you guys later, bye!"
And with that, she was gone.


Shiloh closed her eyes as the music blasted from her laptop's two, small speakers. Her foot tapped in rhythm with the fast beat, angry song 'Hate Me' performed by Five Finger Death Punch. She mouthed the words as the words were sung.
All of a sudden, the front door slammed loudly against its frame and Shiloh's eyes snapped open. She quickly rolled over to face her average-sized, black laptop and quickly switched the song, knowing her parents would not approve of the song. She relaxed and laid back against her bed as My Darkest Days began to play. She intently listened and waited to hear movement. After a few long, silent moments her door slammed open and an excited Mirabelle bounded in.
"Who's ready to party?!" She exclaimed excitedly.
"Why are you making me do this?"
Mirabelle sighed exasperatedly before responding. "Because you have to live a little, Shiloh! Come on, it's the party of the year," her friend pleaded desperately.
"There will be other parties. We are only sophomores, after all."
"But you said you would go! You can't go back on your word now!"
Shiloh bit her lower lip. She had agreed to go earlier, but that nagging in her gut never settled.
"I just don't think it's a good idea," she tried to reason to only receive an eye roll from her persistent friend.
"Nothing is going to happen. Stop being just a worrywart," she dismissed the subject as she headed to her best friend's closet, "now, lets find you something to wear!"
Shiloh hesitantly followed while she eyed her movements suspiciously.
"David agrees with me."
"Please. David would lock you up in a bubble wrap room if he could. The boy is way too overprotective of you. What do you think about this one?" she asked as she held up a red, short dress. The dress came to about her knees and flowed loosely from her waist down. The top section was formfitting and had thin straps that tied behind her neck. It had a small v-neck top in the front and the back of the dress began below her shoulder blades.
"I don't know. Why can't I just go in this?" she asked, gesturing to here jean and shirt ensemble.
"It's perfect," Mirabelle decided herself since Shiloh refused to be of any assistance, "now go get ready, missy!"
Shiloh took the dress and headed for her bathroom, all the while wondering what she had gotten herself into.