Does Perfect Exist?

Chapter 1

Be perfect. Act like this. Be like this. Don't disappoint me. Just act normal. Stop being yourself. Who else can you be? Be Lizzie Parter. All of you reading this know what I'm talking about right? You get into a teeny ensey wink of trouble and it's all well, you could be like Lizzie and be perfect. Get good grades, date the football captain, be the perfect little blonde petite cheerleader like Lizzie. God, what a load of bullshit, pardon my french. I'm so sick of people treating me like I'm a piece of crap. It's not like I go out and get pregnant or dye my hair every now and then. I like my black and electric blue hair. It makes a statement. Oh, that's another thing. It's all honey, no, couldn't you just go along with everything like Lizzie Parter? She never complains, never argues, and she certainly doesn't dye her hair blue! Silly, what are you trying to do to our family? Ruin it? God I'm sick of Lizzie Parter. She can just go die in a hole. And really what is perfect? Being treated like a piece of trash that "could have been a masterpiece" and not being able to complain? In that case, that's me! Perfect.
So I live in one of those big neighborhoods that we're built in the '50's. You know the ones where all the houses are the same and everyone conforms to be just like everyone else. Parents have their stupid little picnics every sunday and the teenagers are allowed to have the parties every friday night, but everyone acts the same and that's all the you ever hear.


My mom is about 5 feet 5 inches tall with a surprisingly slim and healthy body. She has given birth to six. She's got this short blond hair and blue eyes- surprise surprise. Just like every other mom in the 'hood. My dad is just about 6 feet and has the normal dark hair and dark eyes. I guess you could call him tall, dark, and handsome. Speaking of my five siblings- I might as well tell you about them. BTW- my mom's name is Linda and my dad is Robert, Rob. Perfect conformism names.

Anthony- I call him Tony- he's the oldest and he's pretty cool I guess, in that whole protective schoolbookish nerd kind of kid. He's nineteen and in the thirteenth form at the school so he'll probably get married to Maria- he's girlfriend- and move into his own house soon then finish school. I'm just guessing though. He looks exactly like Dad. Scary really.

Susanne- I call her Anne (to her face) and Mini Mom (to her back)- she's my oldest sister and she is a stuck-up brat. She's always like well Roxanne, don't dress like that, go die your hair back to its original color, go clean your room. She's not my freaking mother! I already have one of those. She's in the twelfth form- eighteen and she's really old-fashioned.

Roxy- ME! I'm sixteen and in the tenth form- yay (sarcasm)

John- I call him J- He's fourteen and in the eighth form and he likes planes- but that's all he really talks about and the war and everything he learns in school. Dweeb.

Elizabeth- I call her Bethie- She's eleven and in the fifth form and she's boring too. Really bookish and she idolizes Susanne- don't know why. Spitting image of mom- literally.

Annie- I call her I.E.- she's eight and surprisingly pretty cool considering she grew up around this house (although I turned out fine) and she's in the second form at school. she's not that smart either- maybe I do have a cool sibling after all- though she's really good like behavior wise so maybe not.

All of my siblings look like my parents. Except me of course. There are a lot of kids in Hill Crest, our 'hood, because of the big baby boom or whatever the hell it was called. All of our parents are those babies and then they got the houses then they had a bunch of kids so lucky us (!) we're the next generation in the 'hood. They're mostly okay, but some are just like clones with their gay oh gosh golly gee crap. I mean total leave it to beaver kids. Ugh! Not me though- I'm great.

There are some pretty cool kids in our 'hood though. Like Mike, Sal, Livy, Ricki, Tori, Kory, Steven, Austin, and Luke. That's it though. Those are my friends and we hang out a lot- well as much as I can. Anything to get out of the house, right?

So I guess I should start at the beginning and there really is no end- still being written if you know what I mean- and you would unless you were really old and getting ready to die because then you would just write in your death- but yeah...
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Even though I wrote this a while back, I think it has potential ! any help??